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Soil Salinity Measurement
by ahosey01- 4 replies
What's a good way to measure soil salinity?
Sick or Dying Palm (Help)
by Berzon- 3 replies
Hello, Can anyone help me, we planted this Pinedo Palm about a month ago and it is dying off. At least it looks really bad now.
Palm tree options in a 9a-9b zone (northern greece)
by dimitriskedikogloy- 23 replies
So i really want to turn my garden into a very green garden with palm trees and other palm like plants but i fear that all my money will go to waste if the plants end up dying so im asking for some help as to the options of plants i can plant. So here are the averages but the past years the lowest it got is probably -3 here. There is a nursery with queen palms very close to my but they dont look very healthy but they did survive the last 4 winters.Furthermore my garden is somewhat protected as you can see in the image and is facing the south east.I dont want to plant the casual canarians and filiferas as they are way too common and dont give me that tropical feel.im thiki…
More mail order plants
by happypalms- 3 replies
If last weekend’s plant sales at the pacsoa show wasn’t enough of a fix of palms, iam at again with some great little gems online. This time with a pholidostachys species, licuala poonsaki, Zamia nana new accumunata and a philodendron Bob Cee. This little haul along with last weekend’s plants might do for a week of plant fix’s. By then it will be time to buy some more for another plant fix.
Upload test
by WaianaeCrider- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Upgraded to windows 11. Picture created on computer and not from camera. Wonder if it loads Nope. Something on my computer won't post pictures to this site. FRUSTRATING.
- 1 reply
At what temperature will these Filibustas be at risk of dying from frost?
Ravenea julietiae? 1 2
by Tracy- 3 followers
- 59 replies
I acquired this as Ravenea julietiae but there seems to be a little disagreement over this palm's actual identity as discussed in other's posts over the past decade. It continues to push upward and is a beautiful palm. I acquired a second about 2 years after this one, but it turned out to be something different and much slower growing. Any updates from others growing something looking like this and acquired as R julietiae? Unfortunately due to it's location it is hard to get a clean shot of the entire plant, so I've broken it down into a few photos.
Beauty in tragedy
by MobileBayGarden- 1 follower
- 2 replies
So a crazy thing happened to me. I was on my way to class in Baton Rouge and an oil company truck lost its trailer on the interstate right in front of me. It ripped the front corner of my car off and she is now totaled. The reason I am sharing this is because when I went to get my belongings out of the car in a little Louisiana town where it ended up, the dealership had the most beautiful Butia odorata in the parking lot. It had a gorgeous tapered trunk and it looked like it naturally shed its boots. I was really down and out but this really brightened up my day! It's funny how little things like that can really change your mood.
we saw the devastating effects of the red palm weevil for the first time during our vacation in italy in 2017 at CIDP. we were very shocked. at that time we had already had good private experience with nematodes, i.e. with biological control of a pest. it always worked perfectly, as with the fungus gnat and snails. today we found this link and combined with the latest technology of early detection (link below), these are perhaps approaches that work naturally without chemicals or in combination. in any case, it may be a possibility. the costs were kept within reasonable limits for us, the results were very good. the pest was gone after application. here are the links: …
Another palm ID
by Steve Mac- 1 follower
- 5 replies
It is a Chamaedorea of some sort (I think) with a very distinctive leaf shape and pattern. I have drawn on it the show the palm in question.
Lytocaryum insigne
by MobileBayGarden- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Is anyone growing Lytocaryum insigne? I was reading that it had better cold tolerance than weddellianum and was curious if anyone had observed this?
Archontophoenix ID - Colorful Crownshaft
by Butiagrus- 8 replies
Hi everyone! This palm is growing in Spain near Barcelona coast in full sun, I got it as an "Archontophoenix Alexandrae" seedling but I start to doubt the ID.. The leaflets are mostly green (not really silver) underside and the crownshaft became more and more colourful with time. Also today for the first time even displaying some nice tones of red color.. Should I rename the tag as A. Cunninghamiana instead? Any other suggestions ? Thanks! JB
Yellow spots on Canary leaves
by GMann- 3 replies
I recently planted this Canary Island Date Palm that had been stuck in a 15 gallon container for far too long at the back of a nursery. It has lots of yellow spots on the older leaves. Is this a nutrient deficiency? Potassium? Magnesium? or a pest?
- 938 replies
This is my personal experiment of germinating and growing Cocos nucifera in Malta and succeeding in most of them surviving in winter by positioning them in South facing sunny area
Help I think it’s dying
by Sandy beerman- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I went away for 3 months and when I returned this is what my Pygmy palms looks like. I purchased it in 2022 and now it is turning grey from the bottom up. The left side has totally died and when I went to trim off the dead fronds they just came out totally. It looks like there is white and black speck on the palm and there are white spots on the remaining green fronds. is there is any hope for my poor neglected Pygmy palm? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Cayenne Pepper for the Red weevil Please!
by manuel2021- 2 followers
- 31 replies
https://lavozdeltrubia.es/2018/05/09/una-manera-sencilla-de-acabar-con-el-picudo-de-las-palmeras/ he treat his plamtress with Cayenne pepper ....
- 1.5k replies
Today wandering the garden as I often do while taking a break from work I noticed that my Beccariophoenix madagascariensis seems to be starting to put on a little size. I can’t remember exactly when I planted it. It’s been about 6 years I would guess. It was a small 5 gallon. Over those years it has consistently put out new leafs, but it never really seemed to get too much bigger. While still considered small, it seems to finally be putting on some size. 5 gallon bucket in 2nd pic for scale. So what palm in your garden caught your eye today? It doesn’t have to be your favorite, just something that stuck out to you today.
SFPS Palm Sale
by LP305- 4 replies
The SFPS had its biannual sale this past weekend at the University of Miami Arboretum. We had very nice weather. See pictures attached.
Satakentia Help
by PJP- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Discovered this today. Mature palm and not sure what caused this. Any help appreciated.
Golden cane cracks under weight
by happypalms- 6 replies
A bit of late storm damage with the old elk taking on a bit weight with the rain, bringing down the golden cane stem it was attached too. An easy clean up the biggest problem is the weight of the elk and trying to remount it. I think an old tree stump will be the place for it.
- 13 replies
Livistona Chinensis or Washingtonia Robusta? Second question How long do I have before this becomes an issue for the house?
Moisture & My Bismarck Palm
by GardenWes65- 2 replies
Good morning, below is a picture of my Bismarck Palm. I have a drip watering system, and please any advice on care! Moon Nursery delivered this, and planted it, and havent been a lot of help on care. So far we have been giving it the Moon Juice palm fertalizer that they make, and super Palm Juice. I went by their recomendations, and strictly for 2 years this is what our palm looks like! When should we cut the yellow fronds off? Should the trunk be trimmed up better? What is the best recomended way, and type of fertalizer we should be using, and how much, how often should we? And how much water should it be getting, we have heavy clay, but they did dig around…
How often to water king palms?
by FlaPalmLover- 7 replies
I have a quadruple king palm. How often should I be watering it and how much? It's been looking a little dry lately. Does a quadruple king need more water than a single? I'd assume so?
Yellowing of King palm
by anttisepp- 1 reply
Small patio plant, planted 2 years ago in Algarve. Happy and green last summer it turned yellowish during the winter. Not dry. What problem could be? Fertilizers were given last time in november. Archontophoenix alexandrae yellowing.jfif
Issue with newly planted foxtail palms
by bucsgirl6612- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Good morning! New member here. I live in SWFL, and I recently had two double foxtails planted in my yard. When planted they were full and green, but now the tips are turning brown on the three lower-most fronds. I have been watering 2x/day for 15 minutes because it's been dry. The palms had those little green fertilizer balls, but I have not done any fertilizing as I figured it needs to become established first. When searching for answers on the internet, it seemed that this could be a result of either overwatering or underwatering. I'm hoping to get help for what I'm doing wrong! Palms are planted in full sun, and it's been pretty dry here, as we are in dry season. The…