Thoughts and memories of fellow members
123 topics in this forum
- 21 replies
I've been sick for the last few years, unfortunately it is better that I do not go into details/ now I am fine not very well, but fine and let's hope that it was just a nightmare I will only tell you that I was in bed for 4 and a half years, to add insult to injury I am 75% disabled but they also blocked my pension now I am appealing, luckily my wife works and also my son has 3 degrees and 2 salaries he helps me, unfortunately many plants have died because obviously I could not take care of them,my health conditions, since the beginning of July, after I had the operation, I'm fine, the doctors say that a miracle happened and as you can imagine I was reborn,I've had m…
RIP Rolf Kyburz
by Daryl- 2 followers
- 10 replies
Well known Australian nurseryman seed/seedling trader....many would have heard of K-Palms. Rolf introduced us to the Madagascar Foxtail as well as many other new species of palms from Madagascar.
Jean-Christophe Pintaud
by Scott Zona- 1 reply
Tragic news announced by Dr. Thomas Couvreur on Aug 11, 2015: "It is with great sadness that I heard of the passing of Jean-Christophe Pintaud on the 10th of August. The news is a shock to us all. The palm community has lost of one our most experienced and passionate scientists. Through his enthusiasm, passion and incredible knowledge of palms and tropical botany in general, Jean-Christophe has inspired a generation of new scientists across the world, from South America to Pakistan, passing by Africa and Europe. We have lost a friend, a colleague and a mentor. He will be greatly missed and always remembered." Thomas L.P. Couvreur, PhD We'll all remember Jean-Chris…
Pat McNeal of McNeal Growers
by Meangreen94z- 3 replies
I heard that he passed away this week. Probably not as well known in the palm community , but he brought a number of species from Mexico, Texas, and New Mexico into cultivation. He was based out of the Austin, Texas area for decades and later Bastrop.
David Romney...Coconut Authority
by Jeff Searle- 1 follower
- 11 replies
It is with a very sad heart that I pass the news along that Mr. David Romney has passed away a couple of days ago here in south Florida. I believe he was born in Jamaica where he lived many years and worked with the government in the study of coconuts, lethal yellowing and all the developments of newer varieties over the years. He , his wife Shirley and daughter Carol lived in the Homestead area for at least the last 30-40 years or so. The Romney's were always a big vendor at the Fairchild Botanical Gardens palm sales each and every year where many varieties of coconuts could be found. David was a true legend. Over the years, he wrote numerous papers, journals and books. …
Memorial for Ralph Velez
by DoomsDave- 6 replies
Everyone: I've just been advised that a memorial service will be held at Sherman Gardens, Corona del Mar, California (Orange County) on Monday, June 18, 2018, at 7:00 p.m.; guests may arrive at 6:00 p.m. There will be a memorial concert by Ralph's son, Steve Velez. Click on the link below for directions, etc., as to Sherman Gardens. Ralph would have loved this, and so, I think, will you.
Michael (Miguel Pasqual) has passed
by metalfan- 3 replies
After a brief battle with cancer our friend Miguel Pasqual has passed away. Like probably a few of you I have been most recently his Facebook friend. But I met him here years ago for the first time. He was that one of a kind person.
Don Kurth
by ASHCVS- 2 replies
Dr. Kurth was a very kind man. He will surely be missed. This is the obituary: Donald James Kurth Jr. APRIL 26, 1949 – OCTOBER 4, 2023 IN THE CARE OF Stone Funeral Home Donald James Kurth Jr. April 26, 1949 – October 4, 2023 Donald James Kurth, Jr. was born on April 26, 1949 to Donald J Kurth Sr. and Isabelle Statchen in Newport, Rhode Island. Don grew up in Westwood New Jersey and graduated from Westwood High School in 1967. He later completed his undergraduate studies at Columbia University (BA) graduating cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa in 1975 before attending me…
RIP Jimmy Buffet 09.01.2023
by Barry- 3 replies
Jimmy pasted away last night. It is a sad time for Parrotheads around the world! I have many great memories from the concerts over the years. Always a great party and event, not just a concert. Two most memorable concerts: Miami Marine Stadium in the late 90’s, we chartered a 40 ft sailboat for the concert, rafted up to over a thousand boats, Jimmy played from the barge, we took the dingy up to front of barge, you were front row! Sunrise Musical Theater, don’t remember the year, but bought last minute tickets with a friend, was 2 days before Christmas, Jimmy’s birthday. The whole concert was just him by himself playing on the stage from a stool and lounge cha…
- 6 replies
Philip James Morgan was born Nov 21 1948 in Inglewood, CA to his parents Shirley and Thomas Morgan. He attended Palomar College where he met his wife Joanie in the early 70s. He also worked at Palomar College for many years as custodial supervisor until his retirement in 2010. At the college he helped establishing and maintaining the Palm Garden. He and his wife lived in Leucadia since 1976, where he created a tropical oasis that included many species of rare palms. A longtime advocate of palm trees and the Palm Society, Phil had an excellent knowledge of palms and would promote palms with anyone that visited his garden. His humor and personality definitely be…
R I P Louis Hooper, La Habra, Califorina, USA
by DoomsDave- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Dear PSSC members: It is with deep sorrow that we in the PSSC report the passing of Louis Hooper, on December 20, 2019. Mr. Hooper, along with his late wife Carol, held a special place in the hearts of all PSSC members. Louis was a founding member of the modern PSSC; he signed the incorporation documents on April 6, 1984, and had been active for many years before then. Louis and Carol Hooper had a world-class palm collection, which was a featured stop on many a "biennial" for the International Palm Society, and the location for a number of wonderful PSSC meetings as well. Best of all, they were always up for a visit from palm nuts from rou…
RIP George Sparkman
by joe_OC- 17 replies
With a heavy heart, I am sharing the news of George’s passing. I will miss him and his dry humor. Cancer sucks.
RIP Jason Baker
by Rafael- 5 replies
It is with great sorrow that i report that our friend Jason Baker died a few moments ago, after months of fighting rectal cancer, without recourse to traditional medicine, which he did with conviction. Let us pray for the soul of our friend.
RIP Charles Wychgel
by Phoenikakias- 13 replies
Last Friday has passed away Charles Wychgel, who participated also in this forum under his first name. He was a great palm collector and a great man, having one of the most extended palm collections in Europe. His garden is situated in southern Portugal. He made many seed donations both to individuals and to European Palm Society, helping it thus to raise needed funds to keep its web site alive. I only knew him a little, as I met him personally only once in the EPS 2012 meeting in Rome. So what I have just written is not based on friendship but rather on known deeds and achievements, which is imo the biggest honor of one's memory. My deepest sympathies to his family, and…
Sunya Echternach
by bgl- 1 reply
Very sad news from Maui this evening. Sunya's son, Paul, called me from Kahului, Maui, to inform me that Sunya passed away on January 7th, 2022. Sunya has been a dear friend for some 25 years, and was a driving force 20 years ago to get the small Maui Palm Society up and running and by sheer willpower she kept it running for many years. She would also often visit the Big Island when HIPS (Hawaii Island Palm Society) had a garden tour. HIPS also had a very memorable weekend (Friday-Sunday) outing to Oahu in 2002. Ray Baker, sadly no longer with us, was our very knowledgeable guide and we visited Foster, Lyon and Ho'omaluhia with about four HIPS members from the Big Island…
Matt Encinosa
by Licuala- 6 replies
I am sorry to report that a long time palm society member, Matt Encinosa, passed away yesterday. He lived in Jacksonville and was a member of the First Coast Palm Society where he was instrumental in experimenting with various palm species growing there. In so doing, he found a number that did quite well in that cooler climate and helped expand the palette of species usable there. Matt was a commercial artist and some may have a copy of the panting he did of Pseudophoenix ekmanii he did a number of years ago. A celebration of his life will be heard September 1st at the Mandarin United Methodist Church in Jacksonville. Time will be announced soon. Matt will be mi…
Dr Henry Donselman has died
by Keith N Tampa (ex SoJax)- 9 replies
I'm not sure this is the right place to post this information, but a former colleague of mine, and a fellow palm grower, Dr Henry Donselman has passed away. I do not know the cause. I thought those of you that might have known him but hadn't heard yet might be interested. I've attached a copy of his obit. henry.pdf
RIP Christopher Baasch
by Kim- 7 replies
Most of you will not have known Chris, as he has spent a few decades living in Venezuela. I met him in Southern California in the very early stages of my palm obsession. He was passionate about plants and landscaping, and equally passionate about kindness to all humans and living things. In Venezuela he went on to create extraordinary landscaping projects and gardens. Below you will find links to his business website and articles with the very sad and shocking details of his death. https://e…
by Daryl- 2 followers
- 38 replies
Hi Everyone, it is a very sad day for the Aussie Ratpackers and all who loved him, but Wal Donovan passed away early this morning, April the 25th, a national day of remembrance in Australia (ANZAC Day). Wal will be sadly missed by his children and their families and all of us in the palm community. Also those members of PACSOA, BPACS and the IPS who have all had good times with Wal. Wal was our source of quirky jokes and also a great mate who looked after all around him, a generous and caring man whose friendship was greatly valued by all of us. It is truly a sad day and we will all miss him and his antics greatly. Wal was also an IPS director which shows hi…
RIP Don Ellison
by Daryl- 3 replies
Don Ellison passed away yesterday. For those that don't know him, he published a Palm book back in 2001 that was widely circulated. Don was also involved in many horticultural projects and businesses and was recently nominated for the Order of Australia for his contribution to Australian horticulture. His family runs one of the largest Howea seed/seedling export operations in Australia. Funnily I drove past his old place a couple of weeks ago. …
Stanley Kiem, 1929-2020
by mnorell- 1 follower
- 0 replies
I've just been informed that Stanley Kiem has passed away. He was a part-time neighbor of ours and sold his longtime Big Pine Key property in the last couple of years and had been living at his home on a large property not far from Fairchild. I just heard this news from someone who was very close with Stanley for years. Stanley had just celebrated his 91st birthday on 11 March. I believe he was the last of the IPS's founding members, and he was superintendent of Fairchild for many years. He was a very important figure in tropical horticulture and his death really marks the end of an era. I'm sure there are many South Florida members who can relate some of his many, many c…
John Fairey of Yuccado Nursery
by Meangreen94z- 1 reply
Hello, I received an email that John Fairey of the former Yuccado Nursery and Peckerwood Gardens(now John Fairey Garden), passed away on March 17, 2020. I don’t believe he was a member of the International Palm Society, but some of Yuccado Nursery’s contributions include bringing Sabal Tamaulipas, Brahea Moorei, and I believe the extremely blue variation of Sabal Uresana to U.S. cultivation. Among many other species of plants from Mexico and elsewhere.
- 5 replies
- 8.6k views The information in this current newsletter from Silverhill Seeds was discussed at last year's NorCal Palm Society meeting in Berkeley. It's a very tragic event that adds to previous posts by Palmtalk folks regarding the many challenges of collecting seeds "in the wild" in some locations. I thought it was something to share with a wider audience in this forum.
W.S. Merwin Passes
by Resume- 5 replies
W.S Merwin, U.S. poet laureate, two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, environmentalist, and palm enthusiast passed away Friday at his home in Hawaii. He was 91
Poet & Palm Grower W.S. Merwin passes away at 91
by Hillizard- 0 replies
- 1.7k views "In the mid-1970s, Merwin moved to Maui to study Zen Buddhism with Robert Aitken, who encouraged Merwin to purchase a denuded parcel of land on the island. He would build his home there and soon after, met his wife Paula Dunaway. The two attentively replanted their plot of land in the Pe’ahi Valley on the north shore of Maui, Hawaii. Slowly transforming a 'wasteland' one sapling at a time, into the thriving 19-acre palm forest that it is today, Merwin remained a dedicated and treasured member of the environmentalist community. The couple later established a non-profit orga…