Palms/Plants/Seeds Wanted
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2,828 topics in this forum
Jubaeopsis caffra wanted
by George Sparkman- 0 replies
Jubaeopsis caffra in 24" or 36" box wanted.(Not dug within the last year.) Please send contact me by email. Happy growing, George Sparkman
P. Ekmanii wanted - california
by trioderob- 5 replies
looking for a P. Ekmanii in california only source I know of are in Florida and wont ship out west any ideas ?
by Tropical Jeroen- 1 reply
hello, Everyone. i know this is the wrong subforum, but i am looking for Cycad seeds especially zamia species. is there anyone who can help me? kind regards from the Netherlands Jeroen
coccothrinax borhidiana
by Gallop- 8 replies
Looking for coccothrinax borhidiana in 3-7gal and shippable to Pensacola Fl. regards, Paul gallop
Lipstick seedlings
by Jon Stolson- 0 replies
Need about 20 red sealing wax seedlings. Willing to pay. Need them to be in Miami area. I can pick up in early january on way to caribbean. Gotta be figure out why. If you got em, please PM me. Thanks!
Big Queens
by Kailua_Krish- 1 reply
Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone had, or knew where I could get some seeds of some truly gigantic strains of queen palm. I have seen some one here that are HUGE and would love to have some. Thanks for your help! Krishna
copernicias, where can I find????
by mike-coral gables- 4 replies
can anyone suggest where I might find copernicia cowellii and vespertilionum in the south florida area and also not for an arm and a leg!!!! thanks, mike
- 2 replies
I'm looking for a Red Sealing Wax Palm. I would prefer it in 3 gallon, if possible. IN THE SOUTH FLORIDA AREA!
by Dave H- 3 replies
I am probably going to move from the Palm Springs Ca, Desert area, where our normal winter lows rarely get into the 30's, and don't go below 30 with out a rare cold snap coming through. Our lows are for very short periods in the early morning as it warms up quickly when the sun comes up ( winter Nov/Dec day time temps in the 70's, and higher through rest of year ). Its possible I will move to an area where winter lows are lower, and last longer through the night with lower winter day time highs. Soooo... My question is... I have in 15G, and a couple in 24" box.... 5 L. Alfredii, 1 L. Inermis, 4 L. Nasmophyla, and still want L. Victoriae. What kinda lows are realistic fo…
Wanted: Butia archeri
by GreenIslandPalms- 2 replies
Please let me know if anyone knows who is selling Butia archeri or Butia microspadix. Thanks, Mike
where can I buy a white triangle palm ?
by trioderob- 29 replies
I want to plant one of these in my yard. anyone know where I can locate and also any tips on growing or is the care just the same as a normal triangle ?
Licuala cordata
by cagary- 0 replies
Any one know a source that is either here in southern CA or can ship to here? Thanks!
Coconut Palm Nurseries in Miami/Homestead Area
by Mr. Coconut Palm- 13 replies
Hi Everyone, I am planning a driving trip to South Florida in December, and I need to know what good coconut palm nurseries there are in the Miami and Homestead area. I am looking for the Green, Golden, and Yellow Malayans as well as Maypans, but they must be in small sizes in the 1-3ft. range. I am hoping to find some good healthy palms at a low price, since I would like to fill a 5x10ft. cargo trailer with them. You can reach me at my email at: or on my cell phone at (956) 204-9499. Thanks, John
15gal or 25gal or bigger...
by Palmə häl′ik- 3 replies
I'm in the TBay area. So the closer you are the better!
Sabal domingensis seeds
by Zeeth- 8 replies
Does anyone have any Sabal domingensis seeds they would be willing to mail me? I would greatly appreciate it! Keith
Larger Satakentia liukiuensis in SoCal
by Hollywood Palms- 1 reply
Hi All, Looking for a larger Satakentia liukiuensis. Ideally, I'd like a specimen that is trunking or just near to it. Thanks! David
Oraniopsis appendiculata
by Burgal- 3 replies
Hello Anyone have this palm for sale? Thanks
Pritchardia schattaueri seed
by Zeeth- 0 replies
I was wondering if anyone out there had any Pritchardia schattaueri seed. RPS has them, but I don't have quite enough money for a packet (19.20 Euro for 10). If someone wants to buy a packet from RPS, and I'll buy some from you, that works as well. I only need enough to get one plant, so maybe 2 or 3 seeds. Thanks Keith
Wanted: Lemurophoenix in Australia
by Lowey- 0 replies
Lemurophoenix, any size from within Australia please
DYypsis Onielihensis
by DippyD- 0 replies
Just trying to track down a nice 15 gal sized plant if anyone has one or knows where i can get one let me know. thanks Palmfreek
Dioon argenteum
by LJG- 1 reply
Does anyone know where I can get a Dioon argenteum?
livistona saribus
by gyuseppe- 0 replies
someone has the seeds of Livistona saribus?
Beccariophoenix sp. windows
by Zeeth- 2 replies
Anyone in my area have a small one of these? Thanks Keith
- 2 replies
I'm looking for some used 65 gallon plastic containers. Anybody know of a nursery needing to get rid of some? 321-243-2997
- 7 replies
I'm a few miles north of Gainesville, Florida, and need S. schizophylla for breeding purposes. I'd be very grateful for any offers w/ price. Best Wishes, merrill