Palms/Plants/Seeds Wanted
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2,844 topics in this forum
Butia paraguayensis
by palmsrgreat- 1 reply
Also looking for a decent sized speciman of this palm. PM if you have anything available. I would also be willing to trade some items for this one as well. thanks
Syragrus Sp. A/k/a silver Queen
by mari- 1 reply
I am looking to purchase a silver queen syragrus sp. I woul d like to have at least a 5 gallon size if possible. I will pay for shipping and costs for plant.
Seeds for Copernicia gigas
by ROOTBALL- 0 replies
Can anyone help me with:- 10 only seeds for Copernicia gigas and Copernicia Yarey and Thrithinax brasiliensis?? All the best - Have a nice day
- 4 replies
PM me with info.
Lodoicea maldivica
by 5 replies
Ok, so it's a long shot, but so what? So whose got viable seed or seedlings they are willing to part with? PM me or Email :
by bayerntt- 1 reply
I`m searching a butiagarus seedling. Crossing between Butia eriospatha x Queen. Here in Europe it is seems to be not possible to buy one. Does anybody has some to sell, or knowes someone, who sells them.
Wanted: Butia archeri
by mjff- 0 replies
PM me with info.
Wanted: Brahea moorei
by mjff- 0 replies
Looking for two.
My new wish/wanted list...
by DippyD- 0 replies
Burretiokentia koghensis/hapala Dypsis orange crush Dypsis big curly Dypsis pembana Dypsis cabadae Dypsis onielihensis Dypsis mad fox Foxy lady.. something a bit smaller maybe 3-5 gal size.
Wanted, Syagrus Comosa
by Mark Heath- 0 replies
I have been searching for this palm for quite some time! Does anyone know where i can find it other than RPS???
- 0 replies
Looking for small plants of either or both; 1 or 2 gallon plants. Please contact me if you have and are willing to ship. Appreciate any help! Tom
Salacca magnifica
by Scott Cohen- 0 replies
Looking for salacca magnifica,large, small, seed, what ever. Buy or trade, whatever. PM me thanks Scott
Wanted-- Wodyetia X Veitchia
by galveston1602- 0 replies
Id like to acquire a couple of shippable sized Foxy Lady palms Anyone with info, Please send me a message.. Thanks
Wanted--tree spade
by Darold Petty- 0 replies
I'm posting this for a friend who has only dial-up internet access. Phil Nickel, of Nickel Palm Nursery in Shafter, CA would like to purchase a small, used, tractor-powered tree spade, suitable for field grown palms to be installed into 24" to 30" boxes. He has the tractor already. Contact Phil at telephone 661-746-9999. Or e-mail me at; contact us also if you have a suggestion for a better site for such equipment sales. Thanks!
Shopping Cart
by cfkingfish- 0 replies
I am going to be doing some planting, and would like to find the following in 1-15 gallon sizes, with 3-7 gallons preferred. Roystonea, other than regia Borassus sambiranensis, or anything other than B. flabellifer and B. aethopium Coconut varieties (all types) Chelyocarpus chuco Copernicia gigas Copernicia x vespertilliorum Coccothrinax borhidiana Raphia species Attalea spp. Arenga westerhoutii That is just a bit, if you have some in South or Central Florida, give me a jingle. 941-726-0524, or email me at Much thanks!
Will you sell your big Satakentia?
by Ken Johnson- 0 replies
I am looking for some 10' of wood Satakentia. Just a few. If you have one you would like to sell in the South Florida area give me a call. 305-345-8918.
Looking for Encephalartos
by Fred San Pedro- 0 replies
Does anyone here know where I can find one for sale or trade?
I need palm seedling for ground planting
by eternaljammer- 0 replies
I need some seedlings for growth in Jacksonville Florida. Please help.
Butia yatay
by palmsrgreat- 0 replies
I've got a few seedlings of B. yatay but am looking for something of greater size. If you have this one let me know. I'd also be willing to trade some things for it, including some mule palms that I have. Please PM me if you can help. Thanks
Pinanga Gracilis
by Borgy230- 0 replies
anyone have seed, a grown plant, any size!! i want one! PM me please
Anyone know a source for buying band pots??
by Palmetro- 0 replies
Hello all Dont know if this is the correct place to put this but im looking to buy the 3x3x9 band pots used for cycad seedlings, does any one know a source?? Thanks in advance! Christian
Wanted: Phoenix Canariensis X Phoenix Sylvestris
by Polar Palm Trees- 0 replies
Wanted: Phoenix Canariensis X Phoenix Sylvestris Please pm me if you have one for sale or trade. Size does not matter. I had one from a seedling and when we moved forgot to water it for a week in 100 degree weather. It has died from that. I would love another one as it is probably the best chance for a cold hardy hybrid. Thanks -Jason
red wax lipstick palm
by BJA- 0 replies
I will try this again! I had no responses to me previous post over 2 weeks ago I will be in the Miami area this friday 8-8 I am looking for a 1-3 g lipstick palm for a gift for my mom Any one have one? Pm please with size? price? and location? Please!
Wanted: Rhapis multifida
by ghar41- 0 replies
Unfortunately I will not be making my annual SoCal buying trip this year, consequently I am looking for Rhapis multifida that can be sent mail order to me (largest size possible.) Thanks, Glenn
- 6 replies
Hello, I don't know if i post this topic in the right forum. If not not,don't hit me but move it to the right topic I'd like to buy differents sorts of palmseeds from the country of origin. So not from companies like RPS,but directly. Can some of you recommend me some companies or give me some details how to get in touch with people who can help me? I really appreciate your help. Thanks in advance. Regards, Rimo