Palms/Plants/Seeds Wanted
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2,824 topics in this forum
Licuala peltata var. sumawongii
by mwardlow- 0 replies
Anyone have a nice size extra they want to part with?
Meriania plants by mail order
by Darold Petty- 0 replies
I have tried several sowings of seed from RPS but with ZERO results. A perfunctory search shows only seed offers. Does anyone have a source for plants? Thanks,
Some Rare cycads here
by Edward Vala- 0 replies
Lots of fertile, fresh Encephalartos seeds for exchange. Let us know what type of seeds you have in stock. Looking forward to connect to many cycad lovers and growers.
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hello all, I would appreciate is someone could send me Jubaea chilensis pollen. I will try to make Cocos nucifera x Jubaea chilensis hybrid. There is a slim chance for success, but if I get any seeds I'll share them with person who provides the pollen. Take care and be safe.
washingtonia filibusta seeds
by 8B palms- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Does anyone know a legitimate/authentic source of washingtonia filibusta seeds. Not sure some of the online sources are genuine. I know RPS has them for sale but I think they have a minimum purchase. All suggestions appreciated, thanks.
Redlands nursery
by OC2Texaspalmlvr- 1 follower
- 13 replies
So basically I want to reach out to anyone near Redlands nursery in Homestead, Florida. Who is willing to buy and ship palms to the Houston area. I actually bought palms from them lately and the shipping technique was atrocious and the cost was outrageous. Alot of us who live in between So.Cal and Florida don't have many options locally for rare palms =/ PM me if interested to embark on this endeavor as I'm sure I'm not the only one who would be interested in this arrangement.
Tropical water lily rhizomes
by Really full garden- 0 replies
I am looking for Tropical water lily rhizomes( not plants) Shipping to Miami
Syagrus campylospatha
by Laaz- 12 replies
Anyone have any leads on Syagrus campylospatha?
Dracaena draco wanted.
by The Silent Seed- 0 replies
I miss having these in my life. Whatcha got? Must be shippable. Thank you!
Phoenix Paludosa
by Si- 0 replies
Has anybody got any Viable seeds or Seedlings of Phoenix Paludosa? It’s one of the only Phoenix I haven’t grown. I am based in UK. Thanks!!
Chamaedorea seeds wanted
by Phoenikakias- 0 replies
Want to buy in small quantities seeds of following Chamaedorea spp: plumosa, klotzschiana, woodsoniana. Payment available only via PayPal and shipment to Greece.
- 0 replies
I’m looking for 200-300 purple king palm seeds. I would love to see a picture of the tree they came from.
foxy lady
by Pez- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Looking for 2 veitchia x wodyetia. Would prefer 7 gallon or bigger if possible. Thanks
Veitchia filifera, petiolata
by quaman58- 0 replies
My neighbor has a palm purchased here in SoCal as Veitchia petiolata, which appears to be a synonym of filifera. It's a great palm; would love any leads on finding one..
- 0 replies
If you have any seeds of hyophorbe indica, please contact me. This palm has reportedly been doing well in so cal, and I'm looking to try it in Norcal; am also looking for seeds of Dypsis prestoniana, howea foresteriana and burretioketia koghiensis. Sincerely, Marc
Hyphaene Compressa, Dichotoma, Petersiana seed
by Meangreen94z- 0 replies
As the title mentions I’m looking for fresh Hyphaene Compressa, Dichotoma, Petersiana seed preferably in the U.S. Thanks
Attalea cohune, dubia, pharaleta, geraenesis
by necturus- 1 follower
- 20 replies
Hello, I have been trying to get a hold of any of these Attalea for some time without luck. I am in Houston. I would especially like to get a cohune or two. Thanks, Daniel
Rhapis excelsa 'tenzan'
by Nicholas Bullock- 0 replies
Hello everyone I'm looking for a rhapis excelsa'Tenzan'. It seems that these species are also hard to find. Let me know if you have one and like to discuss it with you! Thank you!!
Looking for 2 seedlings
by Ricoz9- 3 replies
Good evening all, I search for 2 seedlings: - Dioon spinulosum - Dioon Edule I am from the Netherlands so PB me if you have some thing.
Chamaerops humilis var. cerifera
by MASOALA JASON- 3 replies
Does anyone know where to find Chamaerops humilis var. cerifera from a nursery who will deliver to Texas or from a nursery in Central Texas? I am looking for 3g-7g specimen. Best, Jason
Looking for B. super silver seeds
by palmsrgreat- 1 follower
- 2 replies
If you have any seed Super Silver seed please contact me. Thanks in advance.
Brahea Moorei
by Firepalm- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Anyone know where I might be able to find a brahea moorei plant for sale in north county San Diego? Thanks!
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hi all, Can anyone help me find a personal favorite of mine to add to my personal collection (not to our palm inventory) would love to get some in the future for our nursery, but need to locate one first for me! Seed or seedling would work, prefer a seedling but not picky! Thanks everyone! Shelby (239)318-0460
- 2 replies
I've seen searching for someplace to buy some rare bignoniaceae trees for some time now. I remembered seeing pictures of some of these rare plants on this site, so I figured I'd check here. Or if anyone has any suggestions, that would be great as well. I've recently (within the past few years) gotten into growing my own trees, and it's become a bit of an obsession now. I know TopTropicals has some, but I'd wind up paying more for shipping than the plant itself, so I'm leaving that as a last resort. I'm located in So. Cal and would gladly pick up from someone down here as well! Fernandoa (magnifica, madagascariensis, or most other aside from adenophylla) Any Jaca…
Monachello lemon
by Laaz- 3 replies
I've been searching for this lemon for a while & can't find it. If anyone has a plant & would like to sell or share a piece of budwood please pm me.