Palms/Plants/Seeds Wanted
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2,828 topics in this forum
Pritchardia viscosa
by akamu- 1 reply
I have been searching for this palm for a long time any leads would be much appreciated thanks for your response
Sansevierias / Snake Plants
by The Silent Seed- 23 replies
Just in case some of you enjoy these as well - I'm always looking for ones I don't have in my collection. Whatcha got?
Brahea edulis
by beliz1985- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi, looking for Brahea edulis seeds, preferably from Europe. Thanks
Basselinia favieri
by akamu- 0 replies
I have been searching for this palm for years any leads would be much appreciated thanks for your response
Crinum asiaticum plant/bulb wanted
by SilverDragon- 1 reply
Does anyone have crinum lily plants or bulbs for sale, or does anyone know a good place to buy them online?
Syragus x Jubea
by Briank- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Looking for Any size Hybrid of this Palm. Don’t know much about it, but i am looking to Place a Hybrid type Palm in a certain spot in my yard and this looks like a Perfect Palm. Or Looking for these Hybrids: Mule Palm or Any Hybrid cross w Parajubea Thank You
Jubea Hybrid?
by Briank- 1 reply
I’m looking for any kind of Jubea Hybrid. Not overly interested in waiting 50 yrs for a Jubea, but looking to plant a cool Hybrid of Sorts of it. I live close to all the mission bay boys so I can always look at them. But for my backyard would like to start the process of growing one that is Hybrid w something else. Any ideas and where to get one would be great.
Coccothrinax munizii
by SilverDragon- 0 replies
Just wondering if anyone has seeds or seedlings of C. munizii for sale? DM me if so.
Looking for Pinanga / Calyptrocalyx plants
by Reynevan- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hello, Anyone has any for sale? Could be small seedling Rafal
Looking for Caryota obtusa/gigas!
by JenRiot321- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi! I’ve been hoping to get a caryota gigas/obtusa for quite a while but I haven’t been able to make it happen. I would love to get a smallish tree up to about a 10 gallon but a seedling or two or fresh seed would make me just as happy! If you have anything that you’re looking to sell, please let me know! I’m willing to drive within about 45ish minutes from San Diego (basically anywhere within the county or just north) or pay to ship here. Whatever is easiest for you! This is has been a dream species for me ever since I became interested in palms, and despite the fact that they’re not that uncommon, especially down here, I just can’t …
Looking for Parajubaea Seeds
by Dimovi- 1 follower
- 0 replies
I'm looking all over the internet and I can't find any Parajubaea seeds, preferably Torallyi. Anyone can help? I really want to grow it but no one seems to be selling the seed.
Trunking form Chamaedorea radicalis seeds
by John in Andalucia- 0 replies
With shipping to the UK? Happy to buy a decent amount.
Looking for Traveler palm seeds or seedlings
by Newpalmguy2769- 1 follower
- 5 replies
I’m in love with this palm and I want to give it ago. So if anyone has some or can get me in contact with someone that does would be great.
Washingtonia robusta seeds
by Nico94- 1 reply
Hi I’m looking for pure Washingtonia robusta seeds. I live in France. Please contact me by pm .
Pinanga coronata (ivory cane palm) seeds/seedlings wanted
by SilverDragon- 4 replies
Please DM me with any offers for seeds/seedlings of Pinanga coronata (ivory cane palm).
Dendrobium (Winikia) cunninghamii
by 0 replies
I'm looking for this cool tolerant orchid.
Freycinetia banksii
by 0 replies
I'm looking for this New Zealand native as it is more cool tolerant than F. arborea which I also want
Licuala Grandis Variegata in Darwin, Australia
by PervertedPlant- 1 reply
I saw a photograph here the other day of a Variegated Daintree Fan Palm in Darwin, Australia Photo submitted by ariscott. If anyone could put me in contact with him I'd like to see if he would sell me a pup. Thanks all, Mayah
Looking for palm seeds, have plants for trade.
by palmsOrl- 2 replies
I am looking for seeds of some of the more common palms of South Florida, such as Carpentaria acuminata, Ptychosperma, Archontophoenix, Veitchia, or other similar palms. I have a number of plants for trade, let me know what you have and I will let you know what I can trade.
Dypsis paludosa seed
by palmad Merc- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Searching for fresh Dypsis paludosa seed, pm me, thanks
Chamaedorea tuerckheimii
by Reynevan- 6 replies
Dear all, I would like to buy seeds or juveniles of Chamaedorea tuerckheimii , as well as other rare Chamaedorea species. Please contact me in case you have a surplus. I saw Pal Meir's Chamaedorea tuerckheimii' post and I fell in love
Bactris gasipaes
by necturus- 0 replies
Hello, Any have Bactris gasipaes for sale or know who does? Thanks, Daniel
- 6 replies
Hi all its been a while I haven’t posted anything as I have been very busy ... I’m trying to source 2 Beccariophoenix alfredii but it seems it’s not easy ,,, not sure if Ben has them as I think the have changed their business core ( palms for BRISBANE )? anyone know any source for them?
Pachystegia insignis
by Darold Petty- 0 replies
I have purchased seed on-line, but the seeds always damp off shortly after germination. I can offer a $50 reward for anyone who can direct me to a current mail order source, or a retail vendor within California. Supposedly, this plant is available retail in the Pacific Northwest in the springtime, but at this time both Xera and Cistus don't have it. Send me a PM if you can help, Thanks.
Jessenia Pothos - must find one!
by The Silent Seed- 0 replies
Here's a chance for you closet-aroiders to shine! Need to find this one.