Palms/Plants/Seeds Wanted
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2,833 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Looking to try this one out again in North Florida. Thanks, Jason
Dypsis decipiens seeds
by dalmatiansoap- 1 follower
- 6 replies
So, after later "natural" selection in garden, my plant collection is somehow reduced and its time for a new cyclus. As titled, Dypsis decipiens seeds/seedlings/ideas wanted! Why not
Seeds wanted
by NorthFlpalmguy- 9 replies
Hey guys I am just wanting some different palm species (preferrably cold hardy) to grow from seed. I can trade 2-3 ft Butia capitata or Chamerops humulis for a decent amount of viable seeds. I do not need anymore queen, washy, pindo, Euro fan, or windmill but anything else I would consider. PM me.
by NApalm- 8 replies
Gday guys and gals. I know this is a long shot, but I'd love to know if anyone has any seeds on offer for Dypsis ankirindro. I'm happy to buy them from overseas or locally if available. Many thanks in advance.
Need a Nenga pumila
by SubTropicRay- 0 replies
I'm looking for a Nenga pumila in any size. If you can help, please send a PM. Thanks in advance. Ray
Areca guppyana seeds
by tjwalters- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Anyone know where I might be able to acquire viable A. guppyana seeds?
Hi all, I am looking for seeds or seedlings of Thrinax radiata, Leucothrinax morrisii and/or Pseudophoenix sargentii var navasana. Let me know if you have any of these available!
Colour wanted!
by NApalm- 4 replies
I might as well put these out here again and see if anyone has any leads. If you have some and would like to sell them, or have any idea where there are some, i and a couple of other collectors would greatly appreciate the info. Wish list is as follows... Pinanga speciosa Pinanga curranii Pinanga maculata Pinanga malaiana Pinanga caesia Pinanga caesia 'red' Areca catechu var alba Neovitchia storkii Dypsis prestoniana Hydriastele flabellata If you can help that would be great, if not, thanks for reading
Wanted: Seeds and Seedlings
by CumberlandPlants- 0 replies
Here is the list: Seeds -Trachycarpus varieties -Sabal varieties -Serenoa -Butia Seedlings -Trachycarpus varieties -Sabal Varieties -Serenoa -Rhapidophyllum
trachycarpus takil
by palmsrgreat- 0 replies
Looking for 1 gallon to 10gallon shipable size.
Chamaedorea seeds
by Nico94- 0 replies
Hi, I'm looking for again some Chamaedorea seeds. Nicolas.
beccariophoenix alfredii seeds/seedlings
by NorthFlpalmguy- 2 replies
I need around 100 of these and do not want to go the Ebay route for this many. I might also consider 50 seedlings. Wholesale prices. Thanks
Chamaedorea tuerckheimii plant or seeds
by Nico94- 1 reply
Hi, I 'm looking for a nursery who can send to France Chamaedorea tuerckeimmii plant or seeds . It 's difficult for me and I think for other too to find it. Nicolas.
Blue Jubaea cross type seeds and starter plants
by The Silent Seed- 6 replies
Please PM me with what you have. These are for a customer, so shoot me some sizes ane prices, and the specific crosses you have, please. Thank you!
CZ Whitelockiana and E. inopinus
by Shad- 0 replies
Looking for another CZ Whitelockiana and Encephalartos Inopinus.
Chamaedorea klotzschiana wanted
by SubTropicRay- 1 reply
Any size will do but a 3G or larger would really be nice. Please PM if you can help. Thanks, Ray
Livistona fulva wanted
by John Case- 0 replies
I am looking for a small L. fulva....1 or 5 gallon would be good for shipping, 15 for pickup.... Thanks, JC
Small Bismarckia nobilis wanted!
by NApalm- 6 replies
Gday palmsters, Does anyone have a small, blue Bismarckia nobilis they'd like to sell? Preferably 140mm or smaller? Why so small I hear you say? The plan is to cram it in a gap in a rockwall, after I pull out a rock. This is what my addiction has become. I have limited planted space and I've resorted to planting in retaining walls. WHAT HAVE I BECOME!?!?!? Ahem. Any help would be much appreciated.
- 5 replies
Anyone have fresh seeds? Wholesale prices please
need seeds
by tomislav- 0 replies
greeting friends from Croatia. I'm new to this forum. so I would like to ask if anyone has a surplus seed palm and do not need any to him, that send me a message. thanks and good luck tomislav
Pisonia umbellifera variegata
by The Silent Seed- 0 replies
- 4 replies
For a breeding project I am looking for a large quantity of Washingtonia seeds for a good price. robusta and filifera are both welcome. Need about 1.000.000 pcs. Who can help me out? Yort
Looking for Jubaea x Syagrus...
by Waterboyke- 3 replies
Hi all, In the first place, sorry for my bad english... I'm from Belgium (Europe) and I love palm trees. I have therefore different species in my garden several years. Now I am looking for the hybrid Jubaea x Syagrus. Other Hybrids have certainly also my interest. It's very hard to find Hybrids like this here in Europe, so therefore I hope find someone that will help me and also would like to send to Belgium ? My preference is for plants, but seedlings or fresh seeds are certainly welcome. Many thanks ! Greetings from Belgium Dimi
- 0 replies
I would like to buy Trithrinax schizophylla seedlings shippable to Florida. Thanks!
Cyrtostachys renda needed
by The Silent Seed- 0 replies
Hey guys Anyone have some that are shippable ? PM me with the sizes and prices, please. Thanks! PS - would also be interested in seeds.