Palms/Plants/Seeds Wanted
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2,832 topics in this forum
Washingtonia Filibusta
by GA Palm Guy- 0 replies
I am looking for some hybrid washingtonia seeds. I am giving up on trying filifera since my last one bit the dust this year. Thanks in advance.
Wanted - Sabal 'Birmingham' please
by Daniel- 2 replies
I am finding it impossible to locate a plant of any size in Europe. If anyone can help me to get hold of this wonderful palm I would be extremely grateful please. Daniel (UK)
Looking for chambeyronia macrocarpa
by bejofo- 3 replies
In Orange County or LA Thank you
Copernica Seeds wanted
by GTClover- 2 replies
Hi Folks, I have not posted in this forum, so I don't know if requests need to be limited to plants or not. Right now I'd like to try a couple of different so if any one is selling any of the following Copernica species; Copernicia alba, Copernicia prunifera, Copernicia baileyana, or Copernicia hospita (or other sp.) please let me know. Thanks, Susan
Tillandsia grandis 'purple' form
by yeye- 1 reply
Hi if anyone could help me to find this beautiful tilIandsia? thanks a lot! Olivier
Meryta sinclairii
by Darold Petty- 3 replies
Any location in California, the larger the better, the variegated form 'Moonlight' extra special bonus points! This plant is listed on the website of San Marcos Growers but they apparently do not have it available at this time. Thanks!
Christmas Palm wanted
by JungleGina- 2 replies
It's that time of year and I'm searching for my Christmas palm. I know many collectors will say it's nothing special, but it's worth a try to ask. I like to use them for my Christmas tree since I'm in Florida and then I can plant them out in the yard after the holidays. Does anybody have one 6-7' tall in the Sarasota area? It can't be more than 7' (which is the hard part) because I have short ceilings in my house. And yes I have checked the box stores as well as a couple of smaller nurseries--most of the ones left are either not the right size or they're scraggly looking. Thanks!
Red Jade Vine-Mucuna
by popper1- 2 replies
Looking for a Mucuna sp Red Jade vine, don't really care what size. Thanks, David, central Florida
Ficus dammaeropsis
by Surf Guy- 1 reply
If anyone knows of any available please send me a PM. Thanks.
Brahea Super Silver
by palmsrgreat- 0 replies
Looking for seedlings to 5 gal shipped. Thanks
Sabal Birmingham
by trachyman- 9 replies
I am looking for Sabal Birmingham seedlings or seeds. I especially want seedlings but won't turn down seeds.
Brahea moorei
by buffy- 4 replies
The meristem rotted on my little one. I'd love to purchase a new specimen from one of my fellow palm friends.
brahea pimo
by Mauna Kea Cloudforest- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I am working on a batch of seeds but it's gonna take a while. Does anyone have a nice brahea pimo they'd like to sell? Thanks.
Chamaedorea "benzeii"
by ghar41- 4 replies
Looking for this one. Please send me a PM if you can help. Thanks!
Chambeyronia lepidota High Elevation
by Jubutia- 0 replies
Hello, looking for seedlings/seeds of Chambeyronia lepidota High Elevation. Prefered from European people/suppliers because I am from Germany. Thank you.
Wanted Anderson plant bands
by Shad- 5 replies
Wanted Anderson plant bands 3x9 and 4x13 tree pots. Thanks Shad
Wanted : dioon pollen
by macario- 0 replies
Hello I have a female ( dioon angustifolium ) pushing a cone out and I am looking for some viable pollen. I would like to have my seeds for a change. please email me if you can provide me with some.
Copernicia prunifera seeds
by plazmas- 0 replies
Hello I am looking for seeds of Copernicia prunifera. Send to Central Europe. Rarepalmseeds currently just in archive.
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Has anyone got some? You'd have to ship to Switzerland. These are quite impossible to find by here.
- 2 replies
Hi! I look for ,seedlings of Calamus rotang, Daemonorops, any kinds. With sending to Russia
- 4 replies
but who isn't? Please let me know what you have and what you want! Thanks, John
- 2 replies
Did anyone get seed from RPS of the Syagrus coronata x S. picrophylla F1? If so, does anyone have a few seedlings for sale?
Licuala spinosa
by tank- 2 replies
Looking for Licuala spinosa in 3 gal or larger. Thanks.
Archontophoenix purpurea
by palmsOrl- 6 replies
Regarding my last topic, I appreciate the help in locating a nice healthy Archontophoenix alexandre! My Archontophonix purpurea was recently massacred by squirrels . I removed the cage from around it for one day, and they chewed through every petiole, defoliating it and leaving the stem very wobbly in the ground. It put out a tiny bit of green then just died. This leaves me looking for another one. A plant that is at least a foot tall would be preferred, but it does not have to be. Thank you in advance.
Wanted: Mauritia flex or Corypha utan in Australia
by FNQ Marcus- 4 replies
Okay..... I planted seeds of Mauritia flexuosa and Corypha utan over 6 months ago and there is still no sign of germination. However I already have two planting sites marked out in the palm garden for them. So is there anyone in Australia who has plants of these two species available for sale or does anyone with more germination skills have some germinated seed to spare? Thanks in advance. Marcus.