Palms/Plants/Seeds Wanted
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2,833 topics in this forum
Wanted: Mauritia flex or Corypha utan in Australia
by FNQ Marcus- 4 replies
Okay..... I planted seeds of Mauritia flexuosa and Corypha utan over 6 months ago and there is still no sign of germination. However I already have two planting sites marked out in the palm garden for them. So is there anyone in Australia who has plants of these two species available for sale or does anyone with more germination skills have some germinated seed to spare? Thanks in advance. Marcus.
- 1 reply
I need a larger ceroxylon to go into a spot another palm is coming out. Species doesn't matter. Just want something with size. Thanks.
by Tic91- 4 replies
Hello everyone, I'm looking for a Dwarf Areca Catechu! Any of you know tell me a site where I buy it online? Thank you in advance and I await answers
Wanted: Butia and Jubaea hybrid seed
by palmsrgreat- 3 replies
Looking for seeds or young starts of Butia & Jubaea hybrids.
Dypsis Decipiens Super! Anyone have these for sale??
by palmsnbananas- 1 reply
i can use your cut palm fronds
by westwoodrabbi- 1 reply
Looking for fresh - green - palm fronds for a project. Local in socal. If you are trimming of cutting branches I will take them. If you know where I can get hold of some please pm. thanks
- 2 replies
Where's a good source for 1 gallon tall nursery pots ( 5.5" wide x 9" tall) Thanks Shad
looking for seed or seedlings
by AlekLO- 1 reply
Search some seeds or seedling Rhapidophyllum hystrix,sabal uresana,etonia,trachy takil,n.Richiana silver..Please send me pm if you have..Thanks in advence__Alek
Foxy Lady
by bbbradm- 11 replies
Does anyone know of or have a source of Foxy Lady seeds please?
Copernicia fallaensis
by Kostas- 5 replies
Hi I am looking for 2 good sized(30cm and more preferable) Copernicia fallaensis grown from habitat collected seed. Anyone who has them for sale or knows where i can find them,please pm me! Thank you very much in advance!
WTB Buttonwood Tree
by hydrophyte- 6 replies
Like the title says, I'm looking for a buttonwood tree. It is for a bonsai project and I'd like to get a smaller (1-gallon or 2-gallon) specimen.
looking for Birds of Paradise (Strelitzia)
by coolricksfromtijuana- 2 replies
Hello, I'm looking for Strelitzia reginae of the yellow variety (Mandela's Gold) and Strelitzia juncea both plant (small or seedlings are preferred) or seeds. Thank you.
Annona glabra seeds
by hydrophyte- 2 replies
Hi folks! I'm looking for Annona glabra (pond apple) seeds for 2014. Anybody out there have any ideas? Or seed for sale? Thanks!
Dypsis lutescens
by mwardlow- 3 replies
Im looking for about 10 clusters of Dypsis Lutescens for a privacy hedge. Palms need to be around 6 feet tall. Anybody have some? Thanks Mike
Seeds of vareigated alocasia macrorrhizos
by clinton9- 1 reply
Hi members, I am looking for seeds of vareigated alocasia macrorrhizos Seeds of alocasia macrorrhizos "Variegata" Seeds of alocasia macrorrhizos "New Guinea Gold" Can you please help me as I do not know which websites to look for. clinton9
Latania lontaroides
by Savannah1- 0 replies
Hello PalmTalk Friends, I'm looking for a small (maybe up to 7 gallon) Latania lontaroides showing some bright red color. If you know where I can buy one I would really appreciate the info. Thank you all!
Rhopostylis baueri seed
by AlekLO- 2 replies
Looking for a Rhopostylis baueri(or any kind)seeds.If anyone have a surplus for free,please send me pm.Thanks..Alek
- 0 replies
Im chasing a golden cane or 2 and a rhaphis palm, looks for something established in a 140mm pot and much be 100% free from and pesticides, home grown or organic nursery stock. These are foor food plants for some insects. Preferably located in brisbane australia but will consider from other area in aus
Burretiokentia dumasii
by Kostas- 0 replies
I am looking for plants or seeds of this species! Please let me know if you know a source,I have been searching for a few of them years now! Thank you very much in advance
Archontophoenix alexandrae
by palmsOrl- 2 replies
I'm looking for an Archontophoenix alexandrae, preferably in the Orlando area, but mail order is fine too. Any size. Despite how common this palm is, I am having trouble locating one at the moment.
- 6 replies
I'm looking for fresh seeds or seedlings of the following palms. Will pay fair price and shipping. PM me if interested in selling. Ptychosperma elegans Dypsis pembana Dypsis baronii Areca vestiaria Carpentaria acuminata Veitchia montgomeryana Veitchia joannis Satakentia liukiuensis
looking for Black bamboo
by coolricksfromtijuana- 0 replies
I'm looking for this type of bamboos: Phyllostachys nigra or Bambusa lako, I searched Craigslist and found some but wanted to see if local PT members have them first. San Diego and North County SD. Thanks. 5 to 15 gallon size. Thank you.
Sabal Etonia
by SueH_AZ- 4 replies
Looking for two sabal etonias for a spot in our yard. Would prefer 3-5 gallon size but we'll take whatever we can get. PM me with info, please. Thanks for any help!
- 4 replies
Bottle Palm droppings...
by Funkthulhu- 1 reply
Anybody have any H.lagenicaulis seeds? I'd like to try to germinate a few this winter maybe? Honestly, though, this is a whimsical endeavor. I can do paypal postage if it helps. -Erik