Palms/Plants/Seeds Wanted
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2,832 topics in this forum
- 9 replies
Curious if anyone that purchased the seed that Alberto in Argentina made available from Rare Palm Seeds has any plants to sell.
Seeds of variegated palm.
by clinton9- 1 reply
Hi members, I am looking for suppliers of seeds of variegated palm...Is any chance of seeds of variegated palm ??? I remembered I saw a photo of white and green Mexican Fan palm and I am wondering whether there are seeds of variegated palms or none. It had white colour on leaves. If yes, please tell me.
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Hi everyone, I have tried many, many times purchasing seeds of these two plants on eBay and various online seed retailers but have had 0% germination. I think with the Ficus it's probably a case of non-viable seeds as I've germinated other species of Ficus with no problem. I understand these figs need a specific wasp to pollinate them. Does anyone know of a reliable source of viable seed? With the Philodendron, I'm not aware of a particular insect needed for pollination so perhaps I've just been supplied with old, unviable seed on previous occasions. Has anyone had experience growing this plant from seed and what was your source? Will happily pay for seed and…
Looking for Annona muricata seeds
by coolricksfromtijuana- 0 replies
I'm interested in getting these seeds, according from what I've read they have to be very fresh in order to be viable and they can't be dried at all, any body have like 100 seeds? I'm giving them as a gift to a local nursery. Thanks.
by palmazon- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Trying to encourage a lapsed PSSC member to rejoin - apparently, a lot of folks joined initially to trade plants and get things they couldn't through ordinary channels. It seems we've drifted from the concept of 'society' and devote an inordinate amount of effort publishing a slick magazine, trying to glean some web traffic, or putting together our yearly bash - worthy causes, incidentally; however, the society survives on its membership, and if we don't/can't/won't reach out to oldtimers & newcomers and grow, we're doomed. So, anybody have any T.t. they might be willing to sell or trade? I have a monster Jubaeopsis caffra (yellow petiole) I might be willing to barter…
Linospadix monostachya
by SubTropicRay- 1 reply
I'm looking for a 1 or 3G Linospadix monostachya. I'll gladly pay for shipping. Please send me a PM. Thanks in advance, Ray
Brahea clara and B. elagans
by tank- 13 replies
Looking for Brahea clara and B. elegans, 3 to 5 gal shipped to Gainesville, Fl 32641. Thanks.
Wanted: Chambeyronia lepidota
by Mauna Kea Cloudforest- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I would love to try this here in our warm day/cool night climate where Hedycepe, kentia and rhopies grow like weeds. Looking for seeds or plants.
WTB: Mango Seeds "Alphonso"
by vegasbostonterrier- 0 replies
looking for a few mango alphonso seeds , eat it and send me your seeds.. thanks
Four Genus seeds, bound for Japan
by JT in Japan- 6 replies
Hi All, I'm looking for bulk seeds (100 of each) of the following palms: Hedyscepe canterburyana Howea fosteriana Kentiopsis olivoformis Rhopalostylis sapida or bauerii I wonder if there is any vendor with all of them. I'll be bringing them into Japan, and will ask for phyto certs. If you don't have the certs but have the seeds, I'm still interested in talking. You can PM me. (I'd particularly like to hear from any Australian growers who might have these.) Cheers, JT
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Does anyone know of a US seller who stocks any of these, seedling or seeds? I do periodic web searches, but nothing's come up, maybe someone knows of a website that I'm missing in these searches? Thanks in advance.
- 2 replies
Please contact me at if you have any of these Coccothrinax species available for sale. Also seeking C. eckmani, C. montana, and C. camagueyensis. Plants preferred, but seeds will do just fine. I live in the Florida Keys but will travel a bit in state for plants of any size. Thank you for your time. Tim
looking for billbergia's
by JD in the OC- 2 replies
Does any one have any of these they could sell? (Maybe out of your private collection) Bill. domingos martins or any of its hybrids Bill. darth vader Bill. obi wan Hoh. leopoldo-hortsii Hoh. Sandy's Mountain Please PM me if so. Thanks JD
Looking for Dypsis seed
by Bencassa- 6 replies
Trying to track down lots of different, preferably rarer species of Dypsis seed, or any other Madagascan species for that matter. Post below or PM me if anyone has some to buy, trade, or just have surplus they dont need.
Zombie Antillarum and Cryosophila stauracantha Seeds Wanted
by HorsesnPalms- 2 replies
I am searching for Zombie Antillarum and Cryosophila stauracantha seeds. Does anyone have any available? PM me if you do. Thanks!
- 2 replies
I figured I'd ask this here before looking around at big box stores or sprouting the seeds myself. I'm looking for some small specimens of Roystonea regia and Bismarckia nobilis (either green or silver), one of each. However small you think is worth about $10 for each, ideally somewhere in the Manatee/Sarasota county area for me to pick up, or Brevard county if you don't mind holding them until August. Thanks!
Brahea moorei
by buffy- 0 replies
I have a little one, but its struggling. I'd love to buy one with a little size.
Sabal uresana
by AlekLO- 1 reply
Hello,,,i'm looking for sabal uresana seed..if you have,please send me pm.Thanks,Alek
Rhaphidophora decursiva
by Kostas- 0 replies
Hello I am looking for plants,cuttings or seedlings of this species. If you grow it or know a source for it,please pm me! Thank you very much in advance!
Assorted plants / seeds wanted - help a guy out
by The Silent Seed- 0 replies
Looking for these: Artocarpus other than hetero's - none of the ones I've been importing arrive in good condition. (They go bad fast.) Cannonball Trees - seedlings / seeds Baobab - seedlings / seeds Juanulloa - rooted plant Happy to trade, or purchase.
by Kilzum- 3 replies
Hello all I am in search of Plumeria cuttings or plants that can be shipped. I am located in Fresno Ca, please contact me with what you have and the asking price. Thanks in advance
Livistona nitida
by Palm crazy- 3 replies
Would like to get L. nitida in a 2 to 5 gallon. Mail order. PM if you can help. Can pay or trade. Thanks.
Phoenix dactylifera x P. reclinata
by Brian Bruning- 0 replies
I'm looking for plants of these. Anybody have them? I'd take seeds even but I'd prefer plants.
Ravenea madagascariensis - plants wanted
by Hollywood Palms- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hi All, I am looking for a few Ravenea madagascariensis to purchase in Southern California. I am willing to drive from Santa Barbara to the Mexican border. Ideally, I'd like to get 1 to 5 gallon size plants. Thanks in Advance, David
Wanted : Washingtonia Filifera
by macario- 5 replies
I have one that died and just looking to replace it with another. Im looking for a 10 or 15 gallon. PM me with price + shipping Thank you have a great day !