Palms/Plants/Seeds Wanted
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2,832 topics in this forum
Big dypsis wanted
by Stevetoad- 7 replies
hey guys, im looking for a big dypsis. something like carlsmithii, prestoniana or decipiens. as far as size goes id like as big as i can get but my budget will probably keep me to a 5 gal. thanks for any help!
Principes Volume 16 (1972) Issue 4
by Kenneth- 1 reply
Hello all, I'm still on the lookout for this elusive issue of Principes to complete my set. So, should anyone no longer want their copy of Principes Volume 16 (1972) Issue 4 or if anyone has a duplicate that they want to part with, then please let me know! Tips and leads are welcomed as well Kenneth.
looking for rhapis:
by etan- 1 reply
r.humilis; green excelsa cultivar taiheiden shipping to east coast us thank you
Dypsis Slick Willy wanted
by Palmlover- 6 replies
Anyone have any Dypsis Slick Will for sale? The bigger the better! PM me.
D baronii seeds wanted
by palmtodd- 0 replies
Hi, I was looking for some Dypsis baronii seeds, and wanted to see if there's anyone out in Cali that has some seeds they could sell? Thanks in advance
Seeds wanted
by avanza- 1 reply
Does anyone have a seed of Copernicia fallaensis? Thank you very much
Chamaerops humilis single trunk seeds
by Nico94- 0 replies
Hi, I'm looking for Chamaerops humilis single trunk seeds. Thank you. Nicolas.
carpentaria seeds
by pfancy- 1 reply
looking to start a bunch for populating the desert-thx
Cynometra cauliflora
by Cindy Adair- 0 replies
I saw this tree in Thailand and would love to try growing it. Please contact me if you know of a source. Thanks!
Attalea humilis
by Austinpalm- 0 replies
Looking for A. humilis ranging in size from seedling to 5 gallon size. Please contact me if you have one or two available. Thanks, Clay
looking for palm seeds
by amelito- 0 replies
come into consideration Archontophoenix alexandrae, Archontophoenix maxima Beccariophoenix alfredii and this Hyophorbe lagenicaulis if anyone has let me know pm
Looking for Nikau seeds
by dalmatiansoap- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Looking for Nikau or other Rophalosylis seeds. Thanks Ante
Roystonea Princeps Wanted
by Hilo Jason- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I'm looking for Roystonea Princeps in the San Diego area. 5 gallon would be best. Thanks.
Strelitzia reginae and nicolai
by bukezi- 0 replies
Looking for Strelitzia reginae and nicolai seeds and i would appreciate if someone helps me with these seeds and send me some of them.thanks!
Roystonea Violacea wanted
by Hilo Jason- 1 follower
- 0 replies
I'm also looking for a Roystonea Violacea. I would prefer pickup in the San Diego area, but would also be interested in having one shipped to me if possible. Thanks
Beccariophoenix madagascariensis
by Zeeth- 0 replies
Hey all, I'm looking for B. madagascariensis (the non-windowed form). If you have one (or seeds) name your price or alternatively I can offer B. alfredii to trade. Thanks!
Geonoma undata seeds
by ghar41- 2 replies
I was disappointed to see that rarepalmseeds sold out so fast. If anyone has a few they would sell, please send a PM. Thanks
Chamaedorea adscendens
by Zeeth- 1 reply
Does anyone have a Chamaedorea adscendens they're willing to part with?
Something different : Barking Tree Frogs
by The Silent Seed- 1 reply
I manage and direct, as well as teach in, a nature classroom in a new preschool that my family and I built. That has been keeping me busy, hence my silence lately. I know this is a little off-color, but I know many of you are in the South - I would like to ask if any of you can help me locate some Barking Tree Frogs? I have decided that this is one of the species I would like in a terrarium that I am setting up for the nature classroom. There are some herp vendors online, but I would rather help one of you guys with some extra moolah. I have chosen this species, because it's large enough to be observed easily by the kids unlike the tiny green treefrogs. I also like …
Tough one: Cyrtostachys glauca
by palmsOrl- 1 reply
I am still looking for a Cyrtostachys glauca, of any size, to (re-)add to my collection. I am also interested in seeds if available. Thank you.
sabal,chamadorea and any other seeds
by inica- 1 reply
Hi,My name is Ivana i'm looking for some free seeds of sabal and chamadorea so if there is some nice people who want to send some seeds as a gift that will be great. also if someone have some other seeds i will be so happy thanks!
Encephalartos wanted
by KCDPT- 0 replies
Hi, I'm looking for a decent priced 2-3" E. nubimontanus, middelburgensis, dyerianus Thanks
Specimen Central American Palms Wanted
by virtualpalm- 2 replies
I would like to expand my request for specimen palms to include Central America (in addition to the Caribbean). Please contact me privately at Thanks, Jody
Specimen Caribbean Palms Wanted
by virtualpalm- 15 replies
We are looking for specimens (collected, field grown, or large container size) of uncommon to rare Caribbean palms in the genera Calyptronoma, Coccothrinax, Prestoea, Pseudophoenix, Roystonea, and Thrinax. We are also looking for Microcycas of any size. We can dig or pick up anywhere in central to south Florida. Please contact me privately at Thanks, Jody Haynes Signature Trees & Palms Miami, FL
Dypsis nauseosa wanted in southern cal.....
by trioderob- 3 replies
Dypsis nauseosa -looking for a nice size for the last spot in my garden any offers ?????