Palms/Plants/Seeds Wanted
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2,833 topics in this forum
Dypsis Lepto X dacaryi
by DippyD- 2 replies
Ive been on the hunt for at least one of these and haven't had any luck tracking one down. It would be greatly appreciated if someone would point me in the right direction on getting one. Any other dypsis crosses as well. Thanks in advance and hopefully I hear from someone.
looking for Borassus, Corypha, Copernicia and others
by Eric in Orlando- 4 replies
I am looking for some palms to add to the collection at Leu Gardens. These are the main palms I am looking for; Borassus aethiopum Borassus flabellifera Coccothrinax crinita Copernicia gigas Copernicia rigida Corypha umbraculifera Corypha utan I am also looking for the following; Chamaedorea tepejilote (clustering form) Elaeis oleifera Phoenix acaulis Plectocomia himalyana Ravenea madagascariensis Ravenea xerophila Syagrus x montgomeriana
Donations for elementaryschool
by Vincent- 1 reply
Hi. I am helping out the local Punta Gorda elementary school- Sallie Jones- with a landscape project. The school building is basically new but due to budget cuts, there is nothing for landscaping. I am gratefully accepting any donations of cycads, palms or other plants to make the school a beautiful place. I am on the west coast of Florida, 100 miles south of Tampa. I will drive in FL to pick up material and will pay for shipping out of my own pocket. If you have something you would like to donate, please pm. Thanks. Vincent Bodnar
Lepidorrhachis mooreana
by LJG- 3 replies
Hello, I am looking for a good sized Lepidorrhachis mooreana. Good sized is like 3 gallon or larger. Cash or I have good trade bait. Thanks.
by burskinator- 1 reply
DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE I COULD BUY A: Roystonea Borinquena? I live in Australia. So please only give me places that are in australia or that ship to australia.
seeds wanted
by empireo22- 0 replies
fresh seeds wanted for Borassus flabellifer, Beccariophoenix madagascariensis and any free royal palm seeds...thanks
Eucalyptus deglupta
by drzoidberg1- 12 replies
does anybody have or know someone who has this species available in So Cal? Thanks!!
Trachycaprus princeps
by turfpro01- 1 reply
Im looking for the largest T.princeps i can find. The only thing i see is seedlings. I have many different cold hardy palms and cycads that could be traded, or i pay cash.
Brahea armata
by AlekLO- 0 replies
I can't to find brahea armata seed.Please send me PM if we have.Thanks Aleksandar-Serbia
hardy Livistonas
by blake_tx- 2 replies
Looking for the following.... Livistona decora Livistona nitida Maybe l. Saribus green stem seedlings. If you have some.send me ur prices. I also have cycad seeds for trade if interested. Thanks Regards, Blake
Rhapidophyllum hystrix
by AlekLO- 0 replies
If someone has to give me free,please send message in PM.Thanks
- 0 replies
If someone has to give me free,please send message in PM.Thanks
Basselinia Gracilis Seedlings!
by palmsnbananas- 0 replies
I'd like a few!
Illicium floridanum
by Trava- 0 replies
I am looking for seeds of this beautifull plant.Sale ,trade?
- 1 reply
Looking for dragon fruit-pitaya and Solanum pepino please if someone have to send me that will be great!
Phoenix theophrasti
by blake_tx- 0 replies
The title says it all. Shoot me a pm if you have any available for sale or trade. Thanks!! Regards, Blake
Brahea armata seeds wanted
by gpenny- 0 replies
Would love to get several hundred (or more) Brahea armata seeds. Almost impossible to find fruiting ones here in the SE. Will gladly pay reasonable price!
Ravenea Hildebrandtii
by neo- 0 replies
Is anyone willing to ship one (or more) Ravenea(s) Hildebrandtii to Europe? Thank you very much.
Wanted palm seedlings/ Cycad seeds for Trade
by blake_tx- 0 replies
Mainly looking for the species below but open to other offers. Braheas (any species) Chamaerops 'cerifera' Butia (other than odorata) Livistona (nitida, decora) Jubaea Rhapis (any except excelsa) I have the following cycad seeds for trade... Zamia loddigesii Zamia paucijuga Zamia prasina Encephalartos hildebrandtii The Zamia species are ready to be sown right now, The Encephalartos should be sown in may. If not interested in the cycad seeds send me a price of what you would want for the seedlings. Thanks! Regards, Blake
12' plus tall Maypans
by vincentmolino- 3 replies
From florida.......... need 8.
Sabal uresana
by blake_tx- 1 reply
The title says it all. Preferably seeds, but i wouldnt mind a few seedlings either. Shoot me a pm with a price. I also have quite a few different types of zamia seed for trade, and some Encephalartos hildebrandtii seeds as well. Thanks Blake
Chamaedorea cataractarum
by hydrophyte- 2 replies
Hi! I'm looking for cat palm as seedlings or larger plants to 18" tall. I appreciate very much any offers or leads. Thanks for considering this!
- 6 replies
Hello all, I'm looking for a ptychosperma lineare, dypsis cabada and rhapis humulus in the Lake Worth, FL area. Need to be at least 5-8 ft tall when planted except r. humilus which can be much smaller. Many thanks
Lord Howe Island
by Trava- 1 reply
I am looking for Lepidorrachis mooreana and Howea belmoreana.Seeds or seedlings. And Dypsis saintelucei too.Thanks.
Looking for 7 or 15G Foxy Lady
by Brett in Mission Viejo- 1 reply
I just removed a flowering caryota and now have a nice full sun focal spot that needs a nice Foxy Lady. PM or call (949)235-4476. Thanks! Brett