Palms/Plants/Seeds Wanted
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2,832 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
Hi I'm looking for: -Encephalartos seeds -Cycads seeds -Macrozamia seeds -Dion seeds Contact me PM for the price. Thank you.
Trithrinax campestris
by buccaneers37- 1 reply
Had one for 2 1/2 years that I had planted in the backyard, but was in medium to heavy shade (this was before I had started planting out my front, and that's the room I had at the time.). Though about moving it several times, just never did (mistake). All the rain we had over the summer coupled with the shade started it on a decline. I had to yank it out over the weekend. I need a replacement now. This one is going in the front yard in full sun & well drained sandy soil. The one I had was about 3ft. tall. I would like to replace it with similar size or larger. Oh yea, I'm still on the hunt for a 15gal. or larger Sabal 'Lisa'. It's been almost 3 years since I starte…
need a Pseudophoenix sargentii
by JD in the OC- 1 reply
I need 1 small P. sargentii in a 1 or 2 gallon size shipped to my house in Ft. Myers. Bare-root is ok. It's for a wedding. If anyone can do this for me, please PM me with price plus s/h. Thx, JD
- 0 replies
Hi, I'm looking for Veitchia meriilii and Howea belmoreana seeds. Please you contact me by PM. Thank you. Nicolas.
Syagrus seeds wanted
by The Silent Seed- 6 replies
Without intending to, I've started a Syagrus collection, and would like to know if anyone has the following available in seed form. (Not interested in seedlings.) Wanted: Syagrus seeds, EXCEPT for the ones I have already, which are: S. amara, cearensis, coronata, kellyana, oleracea, romanzoffiana, sancona, schizophylla, stenopetala, and orinocensis.
Wanted: Palm seeds
by The Silent Seed- 5 replies
I'm about to do an order with Tony / Rarepalmseeds, so that's checked off my list. I'm wondering what all you guys might have for sale, at this time - seeds only. Thanks!
Wanted fresh palm fruit.
by Cedric- 0 replies
Im looking for fresh Salacca magnifica fruit. The fruit travel very well if anyone has a fruiting grove. Failing this any fresh magnifica seed available? Will use federal express for either. Thanks Cedric (hoping we have a visitor or member from Borneo here)
seed or seedlings wanted
by Shad- 1 reply
Looking for seed or seedlings of Encephalartos inopinus. Also looking for a good price on multiple latifrons seedlings.
Cycad seeds please
by elkiwi- 1 reply
Hi there. New member. I am looking for Cycad seeds of all Appendix II species (also Appendix I, if you are willing to get the CITES export permits, as you can see I live in a 'colourful' area of the world). Almost all species of interest in all groups except common things like C.Revoluta, Z.Fisherii, Z.Furfuracea. Only the 'rarer' stuff please. As an extra note, my employer is also always looking for 'near full sized'/trunked Encephalartos, Cycas & Zamia so if you have XL grade nursery plants of anything special, do also let me know. If you have something please let me know. Cheers, R
Hyphaene thebaica seeds wanted
by The Silent Seed- 1 reply
After reading some negative reports of Rarepalmseeds' seeds lack of germinating, or crumbling in your fingers, so to speak, I wondered if there is another source for Hyphaene thebaica seeds?
Coco de Mer Palm Seed
by Jubaea23- 3 replies
Does anybody know where to get coco de mer palm seeds that can ship to hawaii?
Interested in selling your specimen plants ?
by Ken Johnson- 0 replies
I have bought plants from yards in South Florida for 30 years and am looking to buy more all the time. If you have ANY kind of rare plant that is old I am interested. Just send me a picture here or in a PM and we can see if I can use it. Thanks in advance!
Licuala spinosa
by SubTropicRay- 2 replies
Is anyone in Florida growing a 5-7 gallon Licuala spinosa they'd like to sell? Please send me a PM if you do. Thanks in advance, Ray
palm seeds
by Nico94- 2 replies
Hi,my name is Nicholas. I lived in France. I like palm trees and I like growing them. If you have seeds of palm trees in surplus,I'm interessed. Dont hesitate to contact me. Thank you ;-)
by palmsnbananas- 5 replies
Thanks for all the help and PM's in finding me an Armata last time!! I'm looking for Cycas Revoluta Aurea (Tiger Sago) or Cycas Revoluta Alba (all yellow!) or Cycas Revoluta with white variegation!! Please let me know if you have any of these for sale!!! Thanks!
Looking for a Large Tahina spectabalis
by Jerry@TreeZoo- 3 replies
Looking for the largest Tahina I can find in SoFla. If you have one post here or PM me. Give me pics and price.
QUEEN x JUB ......
by trioderob- 0 replies
any Q X J or J X Q for sale >?
Areca vestiaria seeds
by John in Andalucia- 5 replies
Single stem variety sought. Possible? Send me a PM. Happy to pay the going rate, looking for 100-200 seeds with shipping to Spain. Thanks. EDIT: I'm of the understanding that single stem A. vestiaria produce seeds of the same, but may also be clumping? Some clarification would help. I believe the "maroon form" is slower, less cold resistant, and seeds can turn out to be either - (i.e maroon leaf or regular green leaf), since they're all the same tree, essentially. According to Dave's Garden, the maroon form is always a clumper. I just want the single stem variety, if possible, regardless of colour!
Roystonea borinquena wanted
by Stevetoad- 2 replies
anyone know who has Roystonea borinquena for sale??? i hear there about as cold hardy as regia...
Butia x coco nucifera
by macario- 3 replies
Hello I have seen these being talked about in a european forum would like to purchase one or two
by burskinator- 5 replies
DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE I COULD BUY A YOUNG: Roystonea Borinquena? I live in Melbourne, Australia.
Gustavia Superba
by Alex- 0 replies
Looking for Gustavia Superba. Any seeds, plants. Thanks. Alex
Archontophoenix purpurea seeds
by scott b- 3 replies
Trying to find seeds for Archontophoenix purpurea, any help please! Or am I out of luck till next year?
Ficus dammaropsis seeds
by Trava- 3 replies
I am looking for Ficus dammaropsis seeds.Thanks.
Dictyosperma album wanted
by George Sparkman- 1 reply
I am looking for 3 Dictyospema album, outdoor grown in California in at least 20g pots or boxes and approx. 7-8 feet overall height planted out. Please send me an email with pictures (required) & information. I prefer email over PM. Happy growing, George Sparkman