Palms/Plants/Seeds Wanted
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2,832 topics in this forum
Pigafetta shippable size?
by Cindy Adair- 5 replies
Anyone want to sell a small (shippable) Pigafetta or seeds? Thanks!
Dypsis marojejyi
by Palmlover- 3 replies
Anyone have any Dypsis marojejyi ? I am looking for one with some size to be able to plant in the ground. Please send me a PM and a pic if you have one.
Dypsis baronii
by ghar41- 0 replies
Im looking for a good sized Dypsis baronii. Send me a PM.
Dypsis marojejyi
by Palmlover- 0 replies
Anyone have any Dypsis marojejyi ? I am looking for one with some size to be able to plant in the ground. Please send me a PM and a pic if you have one.
Ravenala madagascariensis (Travelers)
by Mike Evans- 0 replies
Looking for 100s of Ravenala madagascariensis seed from any location, or 100 liners from someone in Florida. PM please.
Corypha seeds or a small tree
by Cindy Adair- 1 reply
We saw a Corypha at TARS (Tropical Agricultural Research Station) in Puerto Rico recently and now my husband says we "need" one. Any leads would be appreciated. Thanks!
- 2 replies
Hello I am looking for a bigger Dypsis Hawaiian punch palm tree maybe in 5 gallon or 3 feet or taller. Thanks
- 2 replies
Looking for a 5g or 7g Beccariophoenix Alfredii and Dypsis Prestoniana. Would like a 15 g but I'm on a budget. I often drive from San Diego out to the Inland Empire on weekends. If you have either please send me a PM with price. Thank you Joel
Looking for several lipstick palms
by Justin- 0 replies
Preferably, these would be 3-5 gallon size, but 1-2 gallon would work in a pinch. I'd prefer the Hilo side, but I'll be over on the Kona side for a day or two if there's nothing on the Hilo side. Thanks in advance.
Syagrus Costae
by coconutnut- 0 replies
Hey everyone, I'm looking for a syagrus X costae hybrid seedling. I am trying to find some unique palms to invest in for the future and am wondering if anyone would be willing to trade. Thankfully, Mike
Looking for Rainbow Eucalyptus seeds
by MattyB- 3 replies
Does anyone have any seeds? Any florida folks wanna collect some for me? Don't need bulk, just a handfull. I'll pay shipping. Thanks, Matt
by DoomsDave- 0 replies
Well, I'm looking for a truck to drive a little hauling and also use as a car now and again. Must have an automatic trans, should be small, half-ton, or compact. No Chryslers, alas . . . If you've got one to sell, for cheap to $2,000 let me know . . .
wanted: Aucuba, Rohdea, Aspidistra cv's
by The Silent Seed- 0 replies
The title speaks for itself. I know a lot of you have nurseries down south where these genera are commonly carried, so hopefully this will lead to some new plants for my collection! Willing to purchase (within reason), or swap (about 1800 types of plants to trade with.) Thanks! Jude
Jubaea chilensis
by The Silent Seed- 1 reply
Have had ZERO luck on here locating any of my "wants" - so I'll try a simpler method. I'm looking for some Jubaea seeds, or a small seedling. Please do not send me links - I know I can find them if I look. I'm seeing if anyone on here has any at hand. And by small seedling, I'm not talking about a $50 5 gallon plant. Thanks!
Pollen wanted
by MAPU 1- 0 replies
I am looking for fresh pollen for my coning Enc. iteriensis. Will share half of the seeds. Dale
Wanted: seeds or seedlings from unusual locales
by The Silent Seed- 0 replies
I enjoy collecting plants (or seeds) from all over the world - legally, of course - usually through Ebay, or trades - but I like each of my plants to have an unique story behind it. I'm feeling lucky, so here goes... I'd like to hear from anyone who has seeds, or young plants from weird, unusual, outlandish, locales - rare, or not, it does not matter. It could even just be another country. Maybe some obscure island, or a desert, or what have you - let's make this fun! Again, it doesn't matter what it is - or how rare it is - it's the story that I'm after, associated with the plant/seed. I'm more than happy to cover postage, or trade you for whatever you scare up! I k…
Pistachio seeds
by damir- 1 reply
please if someone has pistacio (pistacia vera) seeds to send?? i would like to grow some from seeds. i have seen that in california there are many pistachios. so if someone has some surplus i would be very grateful !! thanks in adwance. send private message.
Plants from India
by Brian Bruning- 3 replies
I'm looking for seeds from India including Azardarachta indica aka Neem and Delonix elata aka white poinciana and other things from northwestern India and Pakistan that would do well in Palm Springs. I can buy or trade.
Archontophoenix cunnunghamiana Illawana
by mike2748- 1 reply
Does anybody in South Florida have any "Illawana" looking for 10-15g doubles, triples, or quads Thanks
Fan palms seeds wanted
by islaverde- 0 replies
Hi I am looking to buy fresh smaller quantities of Livistona fulva, robinsoniana (with the ringed trunk), Itaya amicorum and other interesting fan palms. Do send a PM if you have any to let go. Thanks
- 2 replies
I have a Phoenix Canariensis at one of my rental properties in Bonita, CA that I need removed because it just hit the telephone wires. I was going to sell it to one of the usual businesses that always knock on my doors asking to buy our larger CIDPS but thought that I'd like to offer the business to someone who uses this website. This particular CIDP has at least 15 feet of trunk and is in great shape. It's out in the front yard by the street so should be easy to get large equipment in. If you know of someone who needs the business, is professional, and would offer a good price please send me a PM. Thanks, Joel
Dypsis leptocheilos seeds
by Davidl- 1 reply
Does any one have any seeds for sale ?
Root Beer Plants - Piper
by The Silent Seed- 0 replies
I know that a lot of you live where these things are either invasive, OR easily obtained. I need 20 of these plants - on the smaller side preferably - one of you guys down south, please hook me up - if you don't have them, please help me find some. Will pay reasonably for them, and shipping, of course. Thanks in advance (hopefully.) Thanks, Jude
Chamaedorea radicalis trunking form
by Kailua_Krish- 2 replies
Hi all, Just wanted to check and see if anyone had any C. radicalis trunking form seeds or seedlings (preferably seeds though) they would be willing to sell. I have several of the non-trunking variety but havent been able to get some trunking ones. -Krishna
Looking for a small Jubaea shipped
by John C- 1 reply
Well I am in search of a small Jubaea that could be shipped to the Fort Worth, TX, area. I am really interested in one that has regular fronds, but isn't huge yet (Still ship-able) that I could plant outside. I would prefer something larger than seedling, and mostly or totally without strap leaves, that would be suitable for planting. (For a reasonable price hopefully) The blue variety would be awesome, but now I think I am asking for to much. The green variety is just as nice. I found a nursery in california's ad online and they said they might be able to ship, but they haven't gotten back to me in quite a while, and I also checked a popular palm nursery that ship…