Palms/Plants/Seeds Wanted
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2,832 topics in this forum
I need root beer plants - Piper auritum
by The Silent Seed- 0 replies
I am getting spotty responses from the two ebay sellers that offer this plant, so I would like to see if any of you have this plant growing wild, or in your nursery - I need between 15 and 20 small plants. This is a weed for some of you, so hopefully you can hook me up. I will pay, of course, or trade you. These are for a customer of mine. Thanks!
Michelia maudiae
by Darold Petty- 13 replies
Please advise if and where I can purchase a large plant. A quick internet search seems to yield only small plants suitable for mail-order. Retail or wholesale, a 24" box plant would be the ideal size, anywhere in California or southern Oregon. Thanks !
by JasonD- 2 replies
Does anyone have a source for Dischidia? info:
Coconut Seedling wanted
by Patrick In MN- 0 replies
Anyone have a coconut seedling for sale? Longing for one... Thank you!
Pandanus pygmaeus
by hydrophyte- 1 reply
I sure would like to get a hold of some Pandanus pygmaeus. Does anybody have any ideas for US sources? Does anybody grow it in Hawaii?
by jdapalms- 3 replies
I am looking for Pseudophoenix palms, preferably as a large 1gal size. Anyone out there with some or know of where I may find some please let me know. We are planning on visiting South Florida from June 23rd to the 27th. Thanks, Jerry
- 4 replies
Hello! I got tired of getting no germinators with Attalea and Acrocomia and i would like to get germinated seeds,seedlings or young palms of Attalea rostrata,Attalea colenda,any tall growing and uncommon species of Acrocomia with deciduous dead leafs and big,black persistent spines forming rings on the trunk, as well as Astrocaryum mexicanum. For the Astrocaryum,seeds are also welcome! Thank you very much in advance!
Wanted: Your seedlings, or seeds
by The Silent Seed- 0 replies
I'm always on the lookout for buying (or swapping) for seedlings in larger qty's than, say, 2 or 3. Anything goes - not just Palms. I don't care how common they are. As for seeds - I'd like to improve my own skill with seeds, so I'm game for those as well. I'm not one of those guys with boatloads of dollars, but maybe we can help each other. Thanks!
Wanted: The following
by The Silent Seed- 2 replies
OK, I'm on the lookout to improve upon some of my personal collections, and would appreciate any leads for any of the following, in seed, or plant form. Pandanus (Not seeds) Any caudiciforms (tree, vine, succulent, etc.) Unusual conifers - Retrophyllum, Araucaria, other obscure genera. Jubaea chilensis (Just because it's the largest palm!) Encephalartos seeds that I don't yet have, or small seedlings. Sabal bermudana Phoenix sp. (Except dactylifera - I have 3 from a very unusual location.) Sabal miamiensis Sabal uresana Sabal pumos Sabal gretheriae Still looking for Entada gigas, or other Entada / similar genera. I also am always looking to get plan…
Archontophoenix tuckeri
by DoomsDave- 2 replies
Howdyall: Had a friend from the PSSC come to visit and he was blown away by the A. tuckeri I've used as canopy at my place, and he wants to find some, too, about 20, for cheap, small plants okay Anyone know? My breeders ain't seeding right now . . .
Neoveitchia storckii
by Mandrew968- 1 reply
I just cleared out some room in my front and would like to put a Neoveitchia next to my triple Satakentia. Please let me know if you know! I would like at least a 4 footer...
WTB: Arenga caudata
by hydrophyte- 2 replies
I'm looking for Arenga caudata seeds, seedling or young plants for shipping to Wisconsin, USA. I can send PayPal payment and I also various items here to offer in trade. Thanks!
Cyphokentia cerifera
by Bags- 0 replies
I have seen a few seedlings around. Any one want to part with one? Thanks, Aaron
Foxy Lady
by industrio7- 2 replies
Anyone in the SoCal area selling Foxy Ladys in 15 gal size?
phoenix hybrid
by loc29- 4 replies
Hello I live in France ,since 2 years I search after seeds phoenix reclinata x rupicola. It became a fixation on hybrid , somebody can it help me to get myself these seeds. I shall be very grateful to him
Black sugar cane
by Patrick- 3 replies
Wal's thread got me drooling over this stuff: It's the variety sugar cane called "Badila" Maybe it has a different name out here in The States? Anyone have this or know where to get it? Google searches didn't help much, and e-buy was a dud. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
Pollen needed
by MAPU 1- 0 replies
I have a female Enc. laurentianus with 2 cones that will soon be receptive. I am looking for fresh pollen for half of the seeds. Dale
Montgomery palm pollen.
by ErikSJI- 0 replies
Anyone have any of these flowering. I could use the pollen. Foxtails are ready.
Euterpe edulis
by SubTropicRay- 1 reply
I'm looking for a 3 or 5G Euterpe edulis. Thanks, Ray
Looking for Washingtonia pollen
by Yort- 0 replies
I am searching for washingtonia pollen. It doesnt matter or it is Robusta or filifera. who can help me?
Need another Ficus Macrophylla
by Gtlevine- 1 reply
If anyone knows who had Ficus Macrophylla available in So Cal I would appreciate it, my source is sold out and I need one tree.
Brahea brandegeei seeds
by blake_tx- 0 replies
looking for some Brahea brandegeei seeds, shoot me a pm if u can help. Thanks
- 1 reply
I am looking for a large Chambeyronia macrocarpa, var. Hookerii in a 15ga or larger. Must be in Southern California so I can pick up. Please send me a PM.
Looking for Sun grown Kentia's
by GreenIslandPalms- 3 replies
Who has or is growing sun acclimated Kentia's for sale? Looking for big 15 gal, 20-25 gal or even 24in box. Can pick up pretty much anywhere in southern CA. Need to pick up early next week (Tuesday 4/19 or Wednesday 4/20). PM or respond to this post and I will get back to you ASAP. Thanks, Mike
- 6 replies
Anyone know?