Free plants, seeds, or plant related items
515 topics in this forum
by DoomsDave- 6 replies
Howdyall: As I promised, I mailed out Chamadorea radicalis seed on Friday of last week. You should be getting a Private Message to that effect. If you don't shoot me a PM with your mailing address. I've got some seeds left though not a huge amount. amen
Zamia floridana seed
by Moose- 0 replies
I have a bunch viable Zamia floridana seed that I want to give away. Membership has its privileges, IPS members will be given preference. Sorry, I am not willing to pay for the US postage for shipping. I will be attending the South Florida Palm Society Spring Sale at the Montgomery Botanical Center on March 17, any leftover seed will be donated to the free seed booth. PM me if you are interested. I really love this Florida native cycad. Although this cycad is no where near to be extinct however its native ranges have been greatly reduced by development and agriculture. A flour-like starch called arrowroot was made from this cycad in the early 20th century. …
Zamia loddigesii
by Moose- 1 reply
I have 280 viable Zamia loddigesii seed that I want to give away. Membership has its privileges, IPS members will be given preference. Sorry, I am not willing to pay for the US postage for sending. I will be attending the South Florida Palm Society Spring Sale at the Montgomery Botanical Center on March 17, I can bring the seed there to those who want to get'um there. PM me if you are interested. Ron
Chamaedorea cataractarum
by tjwalters- 1 reply
I have 10 seeds - just picked - of C. cataractarum, free to good home. (Trades always welcome, too. )
by DoomsDave- 5 replies
Hello, all: Anyone who sent me a private message asking for free Sabal minor seeds should have gotten a PM advising that they have been mailed. If you did not, let me know, and let me know your address, as well. I have a lot of seeds still left. If you didn't get a PM: a. I might have deleted your PM to me by mistake (as we say in the U.S., "duh") b. I might have sent you seed but misspelled your name c. You might have not sent me an address to mail them to. Have no fear! If you want seed, ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVE. Not many deals like that left. No strings, no scam, no spam. Just the love of palms to all my palm friends all over the world. …
Manihot grahamii large cuttings
by MattyB- 3 replies
I planted a M. grahamii for some temporary canopy and now I'm either cutting it down or maybe I'll pollard it and leave it for another year. Anyway, I have some nice branches, several feet long, that will take easily if anyone wants to give this tree a try. They are fast growing, trouble free, and the display of bees pollinating the flowers in summer is the most amazing I've ever seen. Give me a call or come on by and you can have as many cuttings as you want. 6192067782
Free drip set up for potted plants
by MattyB- 2 replies
Ive got about 8 to 10 feet of drip system set up for at least 25 pots. 619 206 7782
by DoomsDave- 3 replies
Howdyall: I have some Sabal minor seeds to give away, no charge. Please shoot me a PM, with the words "Sabal minor seeds" in the subject, plus your address in the message and I'll mail some to you. I'm going to wait a couple weeks to gauge interest, then send the seeds out in a couple of weeks or so. Best Dave
Free to good home Chamaedorea micospadix
by Palm crazy- 3 replies
I have a large clump of chamaedorea microspadix I like to give away. It not pretty and has been sitting (uprooted) for about 8 months, still look alive but leaves have been destroyed and needs a better place than mine. I will try and get a photo later today.
by DoomsDave- 1 reply
Howdyall: I have some Chamadorea radicalis seeds to give away, no charge. These are all from female tree-type plants, with pollen from nearby male bush-types. Hardy as sorrow, and persistent as the Reaper. Great pot plant, even in Alaska, etc. Please shoot me a PM, with the words "Chamadorea radicalis seeds" in the subject, plus your address in the message and I'll mail some to you. I'm going to wait a couple weeks to gauge interest, then send the seeds out in a couple of weeks or so. Best Dave
Free Okra seeds
by LauraAnu- 2 replies
Hi, I have just harvested some okra seeds from one of my plants and am offering them free for anyone who PM's me. Laura
Free Trachycarpus fortunei seeds
by Palm crazy- 6 replies
Have two many trachy seeds for one person, if you like some for free I will send you some BUT, there is a catch! They will not be cleaned my me, you'll have to do that yourself. Have stiff leaf ones and droopy leaf ones and one hybrid tree. ( T.fortunei x nani tal) seeds. I also have a few red hot pokers for free too! Sent bareroot.
Allagoptera arenaria
by quaman58- 12 replies
Hey all, I've got a plant that has numerous blooms in various stages. If anyone is interested in some seed, let me know. Things would go faster if I don't have to clean them, but I can do if needed. Bret
Sabal minor, Arenga engleri, Hyphaene coriacea
by The Silent Seed- 6 replies
I have a little too many of these types of seeds, and am happy to share. The Hyphaene seeds are huge. This is my first post on the freebie section, and I'm still getting a feel for this place, so bear with me. Best, Jude
Bambusa textilis Kanapaha
by Palmə häl′ik- 1 reply
I've gotta thin out my boo. These things will eat up some real estate... Up fer grabs is a 25gal-ish Bambusa textilis Kanapaha (Royal Bamboo, Wong Chuk Bamboo). It's too wide to go into a 15gal unless divided... These were bought from the TampaBay area bamboo guru, Mr. Roy Rogers. This thing was a single caned, one gallon when I planted it. I bought five of 'em, so you can imagine where I'm at with these... Very tight, erect culms. She's right around twenty feet tall right now. ~Ray.
Buddah Belly boo
by Palmə häl′ik- 2 replies
FREE to good home... ~Ray.
L. chinensis x2
by Palmə häl′ik- 0 replies
I've got two L. chinensis's that I'd like to part with... Need to make some room for my L. nitida to thrive... They were planted out in 7gal, two winters ago... I think solitary ones look better than multi-plantings... ~Ray.
cycas aurea o variegata
by nico- 4 replies
Salve a tutti sono alla ricerca disperata di qualche pollone di cycas aurea o variegata grazie.Saluti Nico. visionate questo sito
Sabal: You Name it, You Got It...Free Seeds
by AggiePalms- 4 replies
Hey everybody I think the pictured trees are an unusual Sabal variety; they are growing nearby to my house, and are native I assume? They get large (up to 3-5 m) and costapalmate with very twisted leaves - more like S. maritima and some of the other non-native species. Not so much like typical S. palmetto or S. minor, or have I just been missing this variety all these years? These grow right down to the brackish water line, no more than 30 cm above the water, on a very small island. They are very hardy, having survived temperatures of c. -9C. If you can tell me what variety of S. palmetto/minor these are, I will happily send you some very fresh seeds. If you can…
free palms
by redant- 4 replies
No shipping, local pickup only on all of the following. Archontophoenix cunninghamiana Seedlings Carpentaria acuminata seedlings Phoenix sylvestris seedlings Dypsis decaryi sprouted seeds Ptychosperma elegans seedlings Wodyetia bifurcata seedlings Veitchia. montgomeryana 1 and 3 gal Dwarf Poinciana Caesalpinia pulcherrima seeds Delonix regia seeds PM me if interested, pick up in jupiter only Just doing my part to make the world a palmier place.
Chamaedorea microspadix
by gyuseppe- 8 replies
my friend find seeds of Chamaedorea microspadix,someone has these seeds?give these seeds to my friend? thank
staghorn ferns
by quaman58- 8 replies
Hey all, My folks have a humongus staghorn (8-9 ft across) that finally snapped the 4x4 beam it was started on. (About 45 years ago). Anyway it's too big to move, so I'm happy to let folks remove chunks at least until we get it down to a managable size. They root easily. Let me know if you're interested. Bret
dioon edule var. edule pollen (US only)
by George Sparkman- 1 reply
Free fresh Dioon edule var. edule pollen (only within the US). Please email me for further information at if you have female cones in need of pollen. Happy coning, George Sparkman
jacaranda seedlings
by Stevetoad- 0 replies
I have a bunch of seedling jacarandas popping up all over my yard. If anyone wants some let me know. No shipping.
Free Sabal bermudiana seed
by yachtingone- 10 replies
Hi all, I still have lots of seed left. I am making the tool to clean seed today. So all of you out of the USA be patient I haven't lost your request. I will take request for seed thru friday March 11 Have a good day, Randy