Free plants, seeds, or plant related items
515 topics in this forum
Pritchardia beccarriana
by quaman58- 2 followers
- 8 replies
My next door neighbor has a healthy specimen palm that's just not super happy with where it's located. It's otherwise healthy, it's just kind of a mis-plant. Anyway, he'd love to ship it off to a good home. Access to it is pretty good, right next to the street. It's got about 4 1/2 feet of trunk, and is about 11 feet tall to the tip top of the leaves. Big, but not ridiculous to be able to dig and move. PM me if you're interested. We're in th UC area of San Diego.
- 1 reply
Peachy is on the move but most of the stuff here is too big to take with me. As the entire place is being bulldozed I can't bear to see the palms destroyed, so anyone with a spade is welcome to come and help themselves. There is a 2 week deadline however.
Free Areca palm seeds fresh off the trees
by HeroLite- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Aloha! I have a ton of areca palm seeds in my neighborhood that are yellow to red on trees if anyone wants them. Happy to ship for the cost of shipping. I can put them in baggies with a little spag moss to ensure moisture or leave them in the fruit if you prefer. Let me know in the next week or so while the picking is good.
Wodyetia bifurcata seeds Orlando area
by palmsOrl- 0 replies
I have what looks like about 50 foxtail palm seeds and would like to offer 5 free seeds for local pickup. I am near Orlando and we can meet somewhere in Orlando or the suburbs. The fruit of the ones in the second photo is starting to rot, but that should be removed before planting regardless.
Seeking Misc Species Palm Seeds Brahea etc.
by Luxliving- 0 replies
Bon Apres-Midi, I'm looking to acquire a handful or so(whatever one may have to spare) of the following species of palm seeds. I'd be much obliged for your generosity. !) misc Brahea Species 2)Cocothrinax dussiana 3)Dypsis plumosa 4 Adonidia merrillii 5)Archontophoenix alexandrae 6) Sabal Species(Not Sabal minor)
Chamaedorea tepejilote Seedlings
by Sherman Library & Gardens- 0 replies
I've got 2 Pacaya palm seedlings (1gal size) to give to a good home. Pickup only. Not willing to ship. Please be local to Orange County, CA. Thanks
Chamaedorea hooperiana Seeds
by Sherman Library & Gardens- 0 replies
I've got a dozen or so Chamaedorea hooperiana seeds I want to give to a good home in Orange County, CA. Not willing to ship. Local pickup only. Germination is reportedly very easy with this species. Ideally have some rare palm seeds of your own to exchange but trade certainly not required. Thanks
by Latinmtl67- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Chamaerops humilis - 2 HUGE plants
by Josue Diaz- 5 replies
My friend is remodeling his garden and despite my begging to keep the palms, he's pretty set on removing them. He'll be replacing everything with boxwood and frilly annuals . He's already removed a Philodendron selloum with about 5 feet of trunk which i was able to salvage. So without much ado, these are FREE to anyone who'd be willing to come to Fresno to dig and take them away. They'll end up getting chain-sawed if there are no takers
pollen Lyto weddellianum
by Pal Meir- 1 follower
- 1 reply
For hybrides with Cocos nucifera or else!
Licuala peltata entire seeds
by sgvcns- 5 replies
I have seed about to drop and a shame to waste it. Don't want to clean seed so free posted to Australian address. If no interest then I'll clean and post OS but will be a small cost. Leaving for Vietnam in 2weeks so the clock is ticking PM me if interested Steve
Free Pots 15ga
by Briank- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hey everyone. I have about 12-15, 15 Ga Pots and 1 that’s prob 20-25 GA. Need to get rid of there been sitting in front of my house for 6 months. Would deliver to anyone in SAn DIEGO. Could take to a Nursey but thought maybe someone on here could use them. Let me know. In good conduction. Brian
Free 10 HP shredder
by DoomsDave- 3 replies
The shredder pictured below I’ve had since 2003. It’s been a while since I’ve needed to use it, and it’s time to rehome her. ”Ellyn” was just the thing when my half acre was full of dicot trees and shrubs that needed removal and disposal. Alas Ellyn isn’t as good with palm parts.. It’s not .running at the moment but if you’re reasonably handy with small engines a good deal, especially if you’re clearing a parcel of dicots to plant palms. shoot me a PM if interested palmy love to you all
NorCal: Bambusa chungii
by Ben in Norcal- 0 replies
Have some 5g and larger plants I just pruned out - PM if you want to pick one up! Not often seen up here, but perfectly cold hardy anywhere in the Bay Area.
by Darold Petty- 9 replies
Sabal palmetto 'filamentous' palms give away
by Matthew92- 2 followers
- 8 replies
I've got quite a few Sabal palmettos I grew from seed off a tree with unusually stringy/filamentous leaves in Pensacola, FL. These sprouted in early 2017 and are now outgrowing their pots. I've run out of places to plant, and was thinking of selling, but I'd like to give them away to fellow palm enthusiasts who will appreciate them and provide updates/photos on their progress as they grow. I am very interested to see if they turn out to have the filamentous characteristics as the parent. Here's the thread where I originally commented on about this tree and the seeds I grew (Note: my comments are further down in the thread and are not pertaining to the tree for which …
Encephalartos Pollen
by 5150cycad- 0 replies
I will have fresh Encephalartos Lehmannii and Encephalartos Longifolius pollen in the near future if anyone is interested. Pm me and I will get back to you. Thanks Bryan
Rhapis laosensis Seeds 1 2
by Pal Meir- 1 follower
- 51 replies
I give away 5 lots of fresh Rhapis laosensis fruits. I don’t know if the seeds are viable. You should remove the pulp from the seeds before sowing. (I am just testing 3 seeds myself.) Please PM me if you are interested in one of the lots. — Lots #2 to #5 are still available.
Bromeliads- Aechmea blanchetiana
by Palm Tree Jim- 1 follower
- 1 reply
In the process of redesigning so of the garden and have a bunch of Aechmea blanchetiana's to give away. Mostly orange/yellow variety. Not in pots. Local pick up only! PM me please!
Dypsis lanceolata seed.
by mwardlow- 9 replies
Free Lanceolata seed. Ripe and ready. Hate to see it go to waste. Local pickup only. PM me if interested. Thanks Mike
Free Encephalartos natalensis pollen
by Phoenikakias- 0 replies
Just in case someone needs it
Arenga Englerii / Copernicia Prunifera / Dypsis Decaryi
by Sabal Steve- 0 replies
I have a few free strap leaf seedlings, for anyone who wants to pick them up. No shipping, unfortunately.
Free Sabal serrulata seeds silver variety
by Phoenikakias- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Harvest time! I have gathered many fruits and more are to come in the next days. So do not hesitate, send in a pm your address and you get an envelope. BTW for those hoping to use fruits as food supplement , they have a strange smell like wax, not tasty at all.
Free Archontophoenix alexandrae seed 1 2
by DoomsDave- 2 followers
- 52 replies
I’ve got a lot from a local palm nut not me Send me PM with Free Alex seeds in the message header and I’ll post you some FREE worldwide
Free urea fertilizer
by DoomsDave- 5 replies
This is about 2/5 of a bag of 46-0-0 urea high HIGH nitrogen fertilizer, that I got at the behest of @BS Man about Palms to kill The Euclalyptus that Refused to Die. It's crystals, it's potent, and it's yours if you come and get it. PM me with UREA in the message.