Listings for various local IPS Affiliates - You can join for Newsletters, Garden Tours, etc.
2 topics in this forum
List Your Local Affiliate
by PALM MOD- 0 replies
Feel free to promote or post news of your Local IPS Affiliate here.
cfpacs Central Florida Palm and Cycad Society
by CFPACS- 1 reply
As the name implies, the Central Florida Palm and Cycad Society (CFPACS) primarily focuses on growing palms and cycads in Central Florida. Definitions of what constitutes Central Florida vary widely, and that is further skewed by a large amount of new membership in what is typically considered Northeast Florida and Southwest Florida. Our membership includes out-of-state and international members. We share members and host meetings with other palm societies as well! Everyone is welcome to join! We meet four times per year and participate in plant sales throughout Florida. As many of our members can attest, it is hard to beat the prices of our vendor sales and au…