Calender of Events
614 topics in this forum
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The Palm Society of South Texas will be holding their April meeting at the garden of Dr. Romeo Montalvo on a Saturday (TBD) beginning at 12:00 noon. I will update this thread with more details when they become available. Reservations will need to be made prior to the meeting and a link to a form will be posted. If you have any questions regarding this meeting or PSST membership please contact the PSST secretary Maria Escobedo at 956-465-9085. If there's any interest in starting up a local chapter such as the former Houston chapter please contact the PSST president Chuck Malloy at 850-322-4907.
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Hello Palm Friends! Please save the date for our the Northern California Chapter of the IPS meeting which will be held on: DATE: Saturday, March 29, 2025 from 12:00 - 4:00 pm LOCATION: The Garden of Dale Motiska in Vacaville, California Dale Motiska will open his garden to the society on March 29, from Noon to 4 pm. Dale has been planting and upgrading his Vacaville estate for over 40 years. The nearly 30 acre property contains hundreds of adult palms sprawling across beautifully imagined and creatively managed garden areas that take advantage of Vacaville’s unique microclimate. The garden includes a subtropical poolside oasis with palms, cycads and …
Garden and Croton Party April 26
by waykoolplantz- 0 replies
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CFPACS 2025 Spring Meeting Date: Saturday, March 15th, 2025 Please RSVP to prior to the meeting. First Site: A Private Garden in Merritt Island Time: 10:00AM – 12:00PM Address: will be given to those who RSVP. Information about the garden from the owners: We are on a small 10,000 sf lot located in Merritt Island on a canal that leads to the Banana River, USDA zone 10a. We have lived in this house for about 6 years now. I have always held an interest in gardening but rarely have I been actively engaged in it. After picking some Christmas Palm seeds up off the gr…
PSSC MARCH 2025 MEETING MARCH 15 - The Ides of March
by DoomsDave- 3 replies
Everyone: Mark your calendar for the Ides of March; the PSSC's March 15, 2025 meeting is in northern San Diego County in two outstanding gardens. GARDEN NO. 1: The first garden is that of Michael and Joyce Masterson, 2038 Arborwood Pl. Escondido Ca 92029. Mike is a true plant addict who had worked at the San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park in horticulture for forty years. He and his wife Joyce started started their garden in 1991 and have primarily focused on planting rare and unusual palms and other plants of distinction. Some of the notable palms in this garden are: Allagoptera leucocalyx, Brahea nidita, B. moorei, Butia archeri, Chamandorea fragr…
Leu Gardens Spring Plant sale, this weekend, March 8-9, 2025
by Eric in Orlando- 4 replies
Leu Gardens Spring Plant Sale March 8 & 9, 2025 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (8-9am both days for Leu Garden members) FREE Admission all Weekend! Make sure you bring a wagon or plant cart for your purchases. Rain or shine. No pets. Over 50 vendors will be selling a variety of plants including: annuals, bamboo, bromeliads, butterfly plants, camellias, ferns, flowering shrubs and trees, fruit trees, gingers, heliconias, herbs, native plants, orchids, palms, plumerias, roses, succulents, vines and more! Plus, we will have some great outdoor garden accessories! There will be food and treats to purchase .Make sure you bring a wagon or plant cart for your purchase…
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The Central Florida Palm and Cycad Society is slated to host a booth at the Plantae–palooza Garden Festival. Enjoy the tropical landscaping, buy some plants, and enjoy some good food! Date: Saturday, February 22nd, 2025 Time: 9:00AM -2:30PM Location: Hollis Gardens in Downtown Lakeland, FL 702 E Orange St, Lakeland, FL 33801 CFPACS Events: More information will be posted as it becomes available. We were at the sale in 2023 and nearly sold out of plants! 2023 Sale Thread:–palooza-garden-festival-formerly-plantopia-satur…
March 8 to 9, Annual 2025 Spring Palm Show and Sale, University of Miami, Gifford Arboretum, Coral Gables, FL
by Dave from Miami- 2 replies
Saturday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm WE ARE BACK! And we can't wait for this sale, because it will be bigger and better than last year. The sale will take place adjacent to the Gifford Arboretum. The selection of palm and cycad will knock your socks off. As our eight local vendors complete their species list, we will post them to SFPS website, beginning around March 1. This will give you a good idea of the amazing selection being offered. Growers will be on hand to share their knowledge of planting and maintaining these rare plants at no charge! And parking is free. We will have a walking tour of the Gifford Arb…
cfpacs CFPACS Website Update
by CFPACS- 6 replies
Those who receive our emails were notified of multiple updates to our website. These were shared last evening: The tagline under the title has been changed to Preservation, Education, and Commitment. The itinerary for the 2024 Holiday meeting is now on the Home page. The About Us section has a new look more consistent with what used to be published in The Palmateer. The previous Palmateer section has been set to open without a password and contains links to a plethora of web resources and our previous publications. h…
cfpacs CFPACS - Preservation of Our History
by CFPACS- 1 follower
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Part of our move toward the future must involve preserving our past. As such, preserving and centralizing access to as many of our publications as possible is a priority. We are currently attempting to collect as many of our publications as possible. Primarily, this centers around back issues of The Palmateer, but could also include publications that were not published in our aforementioned quarterly or exist only as paper documents. Many of our former board members, current members, and past meeting attendees are active on the PalmTalk forums or on Facebook. Effectively, this is an all call for assistance. If you have any of the following, please post them her…
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The final details are being hammered out for the Fall meeting and tour. For now, tentatively save the dates for the last weekend in October (Friday 25th, Saturday 26th, Sunday 27th). Stay tuned!
- 1 follower
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Our Summer Meeting is tentatively slated for Saturday, June 15th, 2024 in Lakeland, FL. A few details for the meeting are still being hammered out, so mark your calendars and keep your eyes peeled for the full itinerary in the coming weeks. A link to the Fall 2022 Meeting in Lakeland, FL:
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Please tentatively mark Saturday, December 7th, 2024 on your calendar for the Holiday meeting in Sarasota. More details to come as we approach the end of the year.
Northern California Palm Society Meeting
by ghar41- 3 replies
Please save the date for our next meeting, on Saturday, August 17 from 12:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., with visits to two fabulous gardens in San Jose and Los Gatos. This is a rare treat to be able to be able to visit two mature gardens curated by Dave Sylvia and Diane Wotus. These gardens maintain dozens of rare plants, many of which have been cultivated for 10-20 years. For the interested palm tree enthusiast, this meeting should not be missed.  Stay tuned for more information on the gardens and logistics, but please do save the date in your calendars! If you are interested in getting on our email list, please email Caroline at
South Florida Palm Society Fall Show and Sale at Fairchild
by Dave from Miami- 6 replies
SFPS Sale: Nov 2-3, at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden 10:00 am to 5:00 pm We are very excited to announce our Fall Palm Show and Sale at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, scheduled for November 2-3, 2024. A list of the vendors and the plants for sale will be made available about a week before the show on the SFPS website and this website. A list of growers should be available by October 20. Our last sale in the Spring 2024, we had over 300 species. We expect this sale to also be great, with a wide selection of common, uncommon and rare palms and cycads. Also, you can meet the local growers, who can help in selecting the perfect palm or cycad for …
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We are pleased to announce that CFPACS will have a table at St. Johns Botanical Garden and Nature Preserve for their celebration of their first full year after the grand opening. If you are a CFPACS member and wear your CFPACS shirt, the admission fee is waived. There will be food and live entertainment in similar fashion to last year's event, and hopefully without the heavy rain the night before the event. The garden boasts palms nearly unheard of in Florida such as Chrysalidocarpus decipiens and Rhopalostylis baueri. LOCATION: 8310 County Road 13 South, Hastings, FL, 32145 DATES and TIMES: Saturday, October 19th, 2024 + Sunday, October 20th, 2024 Open…
by DoomsDave- 1 reply
PSSC's October 19, 2024 Banquet in El Cajon A few PSSC members have asked me why no meeting in September; the reason is that we're saving it up for a banquet in October. Our banquet will be held at the home and garden of Gregg and Debbie Hamann, 11123 Valley Lights Drive, El Cajon CA 92020, in San Diego County. (Paragraph break to catch your breath.) Those members who've been to this garden before will be feverishly marking their calendars and trying to attend. Those who haven't, come and see! This is a truly epic garden, on more than an acre, on a high hill with natural rock formatio…
PBPCS 2024 Fall Sale
by rick- 2 replies
You're invited to the Palm Beach Palm & Cycad Society's Fall 2024 Sale Hundreds species of palms & cycads in all shapes and sizes, palm special fertilizer, palm and cycad reference books, Palm Beach Palm & Cycad Society t-shirts and hats will be available for purchase
Fall Tour of the Gulf Coast Palm Society Saturday, October 19, 2024
by apriliarider15- 2 replies
Tour starts at 10 AM prompt at the Ankers Doug & Marilyn Akers - Tour starts at the Akers at 10:00 AM, Sat. Oct 19, 2024 13212 Alabama St., Elberta, AL . Order: 1) Tour, 2) Presentation: Preparing Palms for Winter by Joe Taverniti 3) Palm Auction and Plant Sales The Akers purchased their 4-acre small town property in the Spring of 2014. Doug and Marilyn work as a team but each has their favorite plants. Marilyn enjoys bromeliads, cordylines, vegetable gardening and perennials while Doug’s favorites are palms, citrus, bananas, gingers, and tropical clumping bamboos. They enjoy creating a private space for themselves and habitat for songbirds. The A…
Az Palm & Cycad Open Garden
by mcrawford- 3 replies
Arizona Palm & Cycad Society Open garden, potluck and "swap meet" is firmly set now for May 21st noon until sunset and the home and garden of long time member OB Kingsby at 1901 E. Alta Vista Phoenix, 85042 OB has one of the most complete palm collections in town and last hosted an open house 10 yrs ago. I visited him last fall and has it ever grown! Since we no longer collect dues, we ask everyone to bring food or drink to contribute to the festivities. Also bring any seed, seedlings or potted plants to sell or swap. We hope to have Bob Clasigan and his great Phoenix hybrids there as well. Please pass this invit…
- 1 follower
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You're invited to the Central Florida Palm and Cycad Society's Spring 2024 meeting. Tentative details are provided below: Date: Saturday, April 6th, 2024 Time: 10:00AM - 3:00PM Location: The Langley Garden - Lutz, FL (additional information provided via email) Please plant to bring: A chair An auction plant A side dish to share There will be a board meeting after the garden visit for those who wish to attend. Suggestions will be taken for potential sites to visit at future meetings as well.
by DoomsDave- 0 replies
On July 20, 2024, the PSSC is having its July meeting at two gardens in Orange County: the gardens of Steven Velez in Westminster and Larry and Sue Black, in Fountain Valley. Both gardens are noteworthy for being great palm gardens on 1/6-acre suburban lots, yet each has been done with an opposite approach. And both are spectacular. If you have a small yard and want to see some serious possibilities, or even go wild with a larger yard, do come join us. Garden No. 1, the Steve Velez garden, is located at 15461 Devonshire Circle, Westminster, CA 92683. It’s a couple streets north of Mile Square Park. Steve inherited the house and garden from his father the late …
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Palmeraie-Union is pleased to propose you the brand new issue no. 51 of its associative magazine Latania. On the program: visits to Reunion gardens, a look back at the latest activities of our association, and as always, incredible botanical stories from all over the world. The Latania 51 is available for download at the following address: For memory, all issues of Latania are now available at the following address: Very good reading
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Everyone: I am pleased to announce that our May 18, 2024 PSSC meeting will be at two gardens in northern San Diego County, the adjoining homes and gardens of Dorian Ouer and Scott Leonard, Encinitas, CA. Ouer Garden: On the south side of the street at 455 Naiad, this garden was started decades ago by Dorian Ouer's father, Dean Ouer, who heads up the International Palm Society's "Palm Talk" website. After son Dorian acquired the property in 2005, he picked up the torch and ran with it. It's one of those gardens you run out of superlatives to describe. There's a combination of variety and age that's hard to beat: mature Chrysalidocarpus (Dypsis) decipiens, Prest…
South Florida Spring Palm Sale at University of Miami, Coral Gables, April 27-28, 2024
by Dave from Miami- 1 reply
The South Florida Palm Society will have their first show and sale in eight years. The sale will take place on April 27-28, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on the west side of the University of Miami campus, just steps from the Gifford Arboretum. Hundreds of common, uncommon and extremely rare palms and cycads will be for sale from local growers who are always willing to answer questions about planting and maintaining the species they offer. Two tours of the Gifford Arboretum will also be given each day, all free of charge. Additional information including directions is provided at . Please Note: This program, while located at th…