Calender of Events
608 topics in this forum
PACSONZ on Facebook
by Caryota_gigas- 0 replies
PACSONZ is now on Facebook! Yes thats right, The New Zealand Palm and Cycad Society has given in to pressure and joined Facebook. It will be a place to find out about Society activities and the latest changes to the PACSONZ website. There will also be photos and video added with time. There is not much there at the moment as I have only just started it, but please feel free to join if you are interested. PACSONZ Facebook page
Northern California Palm Society
by ghar41- 18 replies
Please join us for our first meeting of the year on Sunday, May 24th from 1:00 to 5:00 PM. at the Mill Valley garden of the late Don Worth. Mr. Bob Navaros, Don’s partner, has invited us to celebrate Don's extraordinary botanical achievement in this decades old garden. This garden is an unique composition in a splendid and harmonious setting. Don was a long-time member of the Northern California Palm Society, a musician, and a renowned photographer. He had worked with and for Ansel Adams. Many of his photography subjects came from his garden. An avid gardener, he amassed an extraordinary collection of over 40 species of palms, ferns, agaves, succulents, Cacti, Brome…
Northern California Palm Society
by ghar41- 4 replies
Our next meeting will be Sunday, July 19th at the Oakland Palmetum. The Mediteranean garden has been planted and it is already in full bloom. It makes a wonderful entrance to the palm garden. Mark your calendars. More details will follow.
West Palm Beach, Fl Palm Society?
by dp0728- 1 reply
I was wondering if there's a Palm Beach Palm Society? If so may I have some info on it. IE contact person, where and how often the meetings held, etc. etc. Thanks in advance for the help.
Next meeting of the ACP - Saturday July 11th at 10am
by Jeff in St Pete- 7 replies
The next meeting of the Asociación Costarricense de Palmeras (The Costa Rican Palm Society) will be held at the home of Dewayne Richardson in Santa Ana. The meeting will start at 10am on Saturday July 11, 2009. Please send me a PM if anyone would like to join us. I will send the directions. Dewayne has been living in Costa Rica since 1959 when he arrived to work for the United Fruit Company after receiving his doctorate degree in botany. He retired in 1994 as Director of the Palm Research Group for United Brands Company. He started his current palm collection in 1990 and now has about 250 species of palms in his garden with an emphasis on native Costa Rica…
by Caryota_gigas- 0 replies
The Palm and Cycad Society of New Zealand's Annual General Meeting will now take place on 1st September 2009. Usually it is held in October. Cheers, Michael McCorquindale President and Webmaster PACSONZ
CFPACS June 13th Meeting 1 2
by Bob Johnson- 48 replies
CFPACS returns to Tampa on June 13th. We will begin at the garden of the late Dr. U. A. Young. Dr. Young’s garden is one of the great private palm and cycad collections in Florida with many specimens dating back to the 1960’s. Dr. Young’s son Brad will serve as our tour guide. Brad has been tending the garden and working with the cycads over the past year, producing good seed from several rare species. The noteworthy palm and cycad specimens in the garden are too numerous to mention. This is an opportunity to see many mature palms and cycads that have survived long term in central Florida. In the afternoon we will visit Dorothy Kellog’s garden. Dorothy’s gard…
Plant Sale in Fort Myers, FL Sat June 13th
by SW_FL_Palms- 3 replies
Edison Home Summer Garden Market - Sat June 13th 9-5pm under the shade of the historic trees Local Vendors Palms - Cycads - Bromeliads - Orchids Cactus & Succulents: Sanserverias - Agaves Tropicals Native Plants - Bonsai - Herbs - Roses There will be some great deals on landscape plants, and a variety of different plants - some unusual & rare; but please note that this isn't a rare palm sale.
PSSC May 2009 Kabary (Joyful gathering)
by DoomsDave- 33 replies
Howdyall: It's that time for a kabary in California at the Quail in Encinitas, where there will be a palm sale of various vendors, palms galore, schmoozing up up the wazoo and more . . . . Come and hang with the gang, meet new friends, and if you're not a member, come anyway! So, who's coming? (I'll be, for sure . . . .) CLICK HERE FOR LINK
SFPS Meeting
by Moose- 0 replies
There is a South Florida Palm Society meeting at Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden this Monday at 7:00 pm. Speaker is not known by me. Perhaps Tim McKernan could update this post with the speaker. Hope to see my fellow Plamaholics there! Best regards, Ron.
Brisbane PACSOA meeting
by Walter John- 4 replies
Be there ! I will be.
- 0 replies
Group, This Saturday the Palm Society of Southern California, Quail Botanical Gardens and the Southern California Chapter of the American Bamboo Society will be having a fantastic sale. Below is a copy of the announcement. All are invited to attend. Feel free to call me if you have any questions: 619 291 4605 Phil Bergman Jungle Music Palms and Cycads SATURDAY, MAY 30, 2009 Quail Botanical Gardens 230 Quail Gardens Dr. Encinitas ,CA 92024 Quail Phone Number: (760) 436-3036 Every fourth year the PSSC coordinates a Meeting with the Annual Palm and Cycad Sale at Quail Gardens in Encinitas, CA. This is that year! This event is hosted by the PSSC, th…
Update on the Costa Rican Palm Society
by Jeff in St Pete- 12 replies
The Asociación Costarricense de Palmeras (The Costa Rican Palm Society) had its second meeting on Saturday May 16, 2009. The meeting was hosted by Al Batalla (forum name - palm freak) at his farm and nursery in Orotina. Al has a very large nursery operation with thousands of palms and other tropical plants. A good time was had by all! We accomplished a lot at our second meeting. Our officers and directors were voted in, our member dues were decided upon, our mission statement was discussed, a possible logo for our organization was shown, an attorney was found who is willing to file our "association" papers so that we are a legal entity in Costa Rica, and I gav…
PACSONZ Web Awards entry
by Caryota_gigas- 0 replies
The 2009 Netguide Web Awards are now on! (New Zealand Annual Website Awards) Please help support the PACSONZ website by voting for us in the Best Lifestyle Site, and Best Website Categories. Just type in by clicking here Thanks, Michael McCorquindale President & Webmaster PACSONZ
Southern California Spring Garden Show
by joe_OC- 3 replies
So I have been recruited to man the PSSC booth for this show. Anybody else working? Hope to see fellow members stopping by. Here is a link with the details: SoCal Spring Garden Show I will be working the 25th. Joe
CFPACS April 25th Meeting
by Bob Johnson- 4 replies
CFPACS will meet at Ron's Palm Sanctuary in Valkaria on Saturday, April 25th from 10:30 am through the afternoon. Garden tour, lunch on the grounds, auction and sale. You will enjoy a jungle containing nearly 300 varieties of palms, flowering trees, bamboo, crotons (over 150 varieties), orchids . . . well, just about everything tropical. For more information please see the CFPACS web site: Meeting Details and Directions All are welcome - you don't have to be a member to attend. Hope to see you there!
CFPACS trip to Montgomery Botanical Center, Miami
by Central Floridave- 1 reply
Sorry for the forum redirect, but too much work to copy the photos and text over here. Joint Meeting with the South Florida Palm Society at Montgomery Botanical Center When: Saturday, April 4 at 10 am Where: Montgomery Botanical Center, Miami Photos:;enterthread=y
South Florida Palm Society Spring Sale 2009 1 2
by Tim McKernan- 65 replies
I have a really good feeling about this year's show at MBC. All of the usual growers are coming as well as a couple of new vendors. It sounds like the vendors have lots and lots of fantastic plants to move. Please join us for this very special event. 12205 Old Cutler Road, Coral Gables, Florida 9:30am-4:30pm March 14 &15 Member's Party 6pm-8pm; March 13 Admission to the sale will be FREE. MBC staff will be offering guided tours of it's collections for $5 Dollars per person and free to children 16 and younger accompanied by an adult. Over 25 different vendors will offer over …
Palm Beach Spring Show and Sale
by pdleft- 6 replies
We are looking forward to seeing all of you at our Annual Spring Palm and Cycad Show and Sale on Saturday and Sunday, April 4-5, 9am to 4pm. The sale will be at Caloosa Park in Boynton Beach at the end of 35th Ave. This is on the east side of Congress Ave. between Atlantic Ave and Woolbright Rd. We usually have over 500 species of Palms and Cycads of all shapes and sizes. There is no admission charge and plenty of free parking. Species info will be coming soon. Hope to see you there.
by JEFF from Trabuco Canyon CA- 7 replies
Saturday, Mar. 21, 2009 The Calif. Rainforest Garden of Ralph Velez in Westminster & Palm Island in Mile Square Park, Fountain Valley This meeting is a must for any palm enthusiast. It is our opportunity to visit the home of Ralph Velez, at 15461 Devonshire Circle, Westminster. If you don’t know Ralph, he started his palm collection in 1962. His yard was highlighted on Huell Howser’s television show. Many newspaper articles have been written about his fabulous garden of exotic palms and other unusual plants. His two story greenhouse will also be open for touring. There you will find many palms and plants that are unable to be grown outdoors in California.…
PACSOA 2009 show
by Walter John- 23 replies
Here's Col (palmsforpleasure) at Brisbane airport after flying up from Sydney to help out at the annual Australian Palm and Cycad show and sale. Jet lagged by the looks of him.
PACSOA 2009 show
by Walter John- 15 replies
Palm and Cycad Societies of Australia 2009 Annual Show Weekend 14/15 March 9 am - 4 pm Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens Auditorium Brisbane Features :- Australia's largest selection of common and rare palms and cycads for sale, both plants and seeds. Displays of native and exotic palms and cycads. Bookstore - clearance sale of society books and magazines. Educational displays. Food and refreshments. Membership. Admission: Adults - $3.00 Pensioners - $2.00 Children - Free
CFPACS sponsored event Melbourne, Florida
by Central Floridave- 0 replies
Central Florida Palm and Cycad Society is sponsoring the Florida Tech Botanical Fest. It benefits the Jungle. Dent Smith (one of IPS founder) help start the jungle. More info:
PACSONZ Annual Sale April 4 / 5 2009
by Caryota_gigas- 0 replies
PACSOA Ratpack Planting Day
by Daryl- 9 replies
All welcome to assist with planting Newcal's place and enjoy the barbie and drinks... Should be a fun time! Daryl