Calender of Events
613 topics in this forum
Palm Beach Palm & Cycad Society Zoom with Paul Craft: The Birth of a Palm Garden- Paradise Palms
by Loxahatchee Adam- 0 replies
This is a recording of the Palm Beach Palm & Cycad Society's meeting last night. The speaker was Paul Craft on the development of Paradise Palms- a new botanic garden in Delray Beach, Florida, USA. The Palm Beach Palm & Cycad Society is going to have a grand opening tour of the garden this Saturday, October 9, 2021 @ 9:30 AM. Recorded Zoom presentation: Palm Beach Palm & Cycad Society FB Page: If you would like to join the society, single membership is $20 for the year. Dual is $30. Email
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The Palm Beach Palm & Cycad Society is excited to announce the return of our Fall Palm Sale. Saturday, October 2, 2021 9am-4pm Mounts Botanical Garden 531 N. Military Trail West Palm Beach, FL 33415 10+ vendors offering hundreds species of Palms & Cycads in all shapes and sizes, palm special fertilizer, palm and cycad reference books, Palm Beach Palm & Cycad Society t-shirts available for purchase Mounts and Palm society and garden members free entrance to the garden
by DoomsDave- 0 replies
Everyone, I am pleased to announce an in person PSSC meeting, potluck lunch and plant auction in Westminster and Fountain Valley, Orange County. To allay any confusion, we provide updated Covid guidelines from previous communications. MASKS NOT REQUIRED OUTDOORS. Under the provisions of California's most recent Covid Update, as well as guidelines provided by Orange County, the "mask mandate" in some previous communications (i.e., the recent printed newsletter) regarding the September 18, 2021 PSSC meeting is superseded. We would like to eliminate any confusion as to whether masks will be required for attending our meeting on September 18, 2021…
PSSC - In Person Meeting AUGUST 14, 2021
by DoomsDave- 2 followers
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Everyone, I am pleased to announce an in person PSSC meeting in cool but sunny San Clemente, Orange County. Two long-time PSSC members, Rick Luna and Walt Frey have agreed to host at their homes and gardens on Saturday, August 14, 2021. The first garden will be that of the Luna family, at 114 W. Paseo de Cristobal, San Clemente, CA 92672. Ever wonder what some of those New Caledonians you get from Floribunda look like when mature? Come here and feast your eyes on towering Chambeyronia hookeri and macrocarpa, various Burretiokentias, plus a nice, large Pinanga javana, and a near-monumental Laccospadix australasica, that's now about 8 feet tall, plus a…
Texas Chapter
by JohnAndSancho- 3 replies
Umm do we have a Texas chapter?
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UPDATE: MASKS NO LONGER REQUIRED OUTDOORS FOR FULLY VACCINATED PERSONS. Under the provisions of California's June 15, 2021 Covid Update, new guidelines for mask wearing the "mask mandate" in previous communications is superseded: 1. Fully vaccinated persons not required to wear masks outdoors. 2. Unvaccinated persons still required to wear masks for entire meeting. 3. All attendees to wear masks in hosts' homes to use toilets. 4. VACCINATION STATUS IS ON THE HONOR SYSTEM - PLEASE BE HONORABLE. 5. Lunch will still be off-site. I am pleased to announce that we will be having our first in-person meeting in more than a year, at the homes and gard…
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Our summer meeting is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, June 12th, 2021. Current plans are a visit to Leu Gardens in the morning and a lunch and nursery visit in the afternoon. More details will be made available as they are finalized.
Oakland Palmetum clean up day
by NorCalWill- 3 replies
I just want to put the word out to Bay Area Palm enthusiasts that a small group is meeting on Sunday, May 16th to do some general garden clean up work in the Oakland Palmetum. You can PM me for more detailed info, or just show up at the Palmetum, located in the Lake Merritt gardens anytime between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. All help is greatly appreciated. Thank You!
Northern California Palm Society
by ghar41- 0 replies
Hello Palm Friends! The Northern California Palm Society is planning on resuming activities and garden visits this summer. As COVID restrictions continue to decline, we are so looking forward to seeing our palm tree enthusiast friends. Our long-time Oakland Palmetum volunteers Darold Petty and Richard Quiroz are no longer involved with the palmetum. Richard has also stepped down from his role as the NCPS President. Their contributions to both the NCPS and the palmetum can not be measured. The palm collection itself exists largely due to their contributions. We have recently welcomed Will Abel to our NCPS team as Vice President. He has b…
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The Palm Society of Southern California is inviting you to the May 2021 Zoom Meeting Topic: Donald R. Hodel will present Update on Banana Moth and New Fusarium Wilt Disease on Palms AND A Tour of the Leland Lai Garden in Topanga, California Date and Time: May 15, 2021 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) To Join this PSSC May 2021 Zoom Meeting, simply click on this link at the date and time above: Meeting ID: 968 2915 9811 Passcode: 162293 Meeting ID: 968 2915 9811 Passcode: 162293 Donald R. Hodel Emeritus Environmental and Landsc…
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PBPCS General Meeting: Wednesday May 5, 2021 @ 7 pm Speaker: Dr. Larry Noblick "An Ice Age Relic Palm in Arizona" In the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge of Arizona, there is a relic population of Washingtonia growing in a remote narrow desert canyon surrounded by Sonoran Desert vegetation. Some scientists have dared to recognize it as a new species and others have dismissed the idea. In a recent study it was found to be an outlier from all others in the genus based on morphology. Is it a new species? Zoom Link: Call in: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 85841720590
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The Palm Society of Southern California is inviting you to the March 2021 Zoom meeting. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A MEMBER! Just join us, note that we're three hours behind the east coast. If you have a question, post it here or PM me. Hope you can make it! (Not like air fare will break your bank . . . . ) Topic: “The Advancing Threat of the South American Palm Weevil and a Peek at Some North-County San Diego Palm Gardens” Speaker: Donald R. Hodel, Emeritus Landscape Horticulturist, University of California, Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles Time: Mar 13, 2021 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) To Join Zoom Meeting, Simply Click on this Li…
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The 2021 Spring Meeting is tentatively scheduled for March 6th, 2021 in Oak Hill, FL at a 28 acre palm and citrus nursery. We are inviting all of our vendors for a plant sale. Planning for a BBQ and Oyster Roast along with a potential camp out for those interested is underway. The details will be provided as they are confirmed.
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Hi everyone the SFPS is encouraging members to participate in this weekend's Member Distribution in the Miami area. SATURDAY, FEB 20, 2021 @ Matheson Hammock Park, Coral Gables (Miami) You can bring seeds, plants, seedlings for the various raffles and auctions this weekend. Map, details, etc. via the SFPS Blog post about the event here: More info at the SFPS website / events tab. - Jorge, President, SFPS South Florida Palm Society 2021 Plant Meetup Save the date: SFPS Member Dist…
Port St. Lucie Botanical Show
by Palmfan- 1 follower
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More details will be provided as they become available. For now, a look back at a previous meeting in Micco: Jason's Yard - YouTube Tour: Auction Time at the Meeting: PalmTalk Thread from the Meeting:
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South Florida Palm Society (SFPS) SFPS Guest, Monday NOV. 9th, 2020 - 7:20PM - REGISTRATION REQUIRED (SFPS Members & Non Members Invited) Good evening SFPS members & supporters; As we hope for the best, so we are able to resume our in person meetings, we will need continue to pursue what we enjoy. It is with great pleasure that I announce this upcoming digital meeting, since my family is from Cuba. I found Mr. Craft's most recent book an excellent token of our Caribbean neighbor, which is "so near and yet so foreign". The South Florida Palm Society presents "A Visit Through the Palms of Cuba" by Paul Craft, at our upcom…
cfpacs Central Florida Palm & Cycad Society - Fall Meeting - Fri. 10/02/2020 to Sun. 10/04/2020
by kinzyjr- 4 replies
If you are a CFPACS Member or former member, you should have received an email regarding the itinerary for the fall meeting. If you are not a past or present member, but are interested in joining and/or attending, please PM me at your earliest convenience. CFPACS was able to get a block of rooms reserved at a special group rate in the Miami area for our attendees. The details of how to lock in the group rate are included in the email sent earlier, but you will need to reserve a room by Monday, August 31st, 2020. The tentative itinerary is shared below: Tentative Itinerary Date Time …
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SFPS Guest, Monday OCT. 19, 2020 - 7:20PM - REGISTRATION REQUIRED (SFPS Members & Non Members Invited) Click here to register. - "Defaunation in the Anthropocene" presented by Dr. Mauro Galetti, Director of the Gifford Arboretum (University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida) Dr. Mauro Galetti is a tropical ecologist at the University of Miami and Director of the Gifford Arboretum. His current research centers broadly on the effects of animal extinction on key ecological, evolutionary and ecosystem processes. Current understanding of the effects of animal extinction and the cascading effects in terre…
South Florida Palm Society (SFPS) Miami Palm Sale @ Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden's PLANT CLUB DAY
by MameyDisco- 7 replies
South Florida Palm Society (SFPS), Miami, Florida SEPTEMBER 19th, 2020 - 2 Ticketed Sessions - (10:00 AM - 1:00 PM) & (1:00 PM - 4:00 PM) SFPS Members have made some nice donations... at least 20+ genera will be available in limited quantities as this is a ticketed and time restricted / slotted event. Various other local societies will be there as well such as The Rare Fruit Council International (RFCI), Tropical Flowering Tree Society (TFTS), Tropical Fern & Exotic Plant Society (TFEPS) and various local orchid societies from Miami & Coral Gables. Fairchild Garden will also be selling plants... first event of its kind in a while which is…
South Florida Palm Society SFPS Community LINK
by MameyDisco- 0 replies
The South Florida Palm Society SFPS Community is now linked to the SFPS Facebook page. I invite you to check out the page and drop by.
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SUMMER MEETING At our last meeting, it was announced that we would meet at Leu Gardens on or around June 13, 2020. Unfortunately, due to health and safety concerns and Orlando cancelling all indoor meetings through June, we will not be holding an official meeting. A group of members who have reciprocal memberships to Leu Gardens will go that morning to walk the gardens while respecting the social distancing guidelines. Others are welcome to do the same should they deem it safe to do so. QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER The Palmateer will still be published and those who wish to submit an article, photograph or other content are encouraged to email their content t…
by DoomsDave- 1 follower
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Dear PSSC members: I am greatly pleased to announce that our March 21, 2020 meeting, luncheon and auction will be at the homes and gardens of Carl Hartman and Alex Kutas in Huntington Beach, Orange County. (You know this is California, right?) The first garden will be Carl's garden at 18722 Jockey Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92648. The PSSC Board meeting will be held here, along with garden tours. Lunch will be served, and the auction will be conducted at Alex's garden, at 6761 Corral Circle. Both gardens are in walking distance of each other, so parking between the two is recommended. There is plenty of on-street parking and Saddleback Lane is perfect as it …
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When more information becomes available, this thread will be updated. For now, a preview of upcoming meetings for the year and an updated listing of our officers is available at:
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This year we are excited to have our annual PSSC Banquet at the San Diego Botanical Garden (fromerly Quail Garden) in Encinitas, San Diego. Today the renamed San Diego Botanic Garden is designated one of the “Top 10 North American Gardens Worth Traveling For” by the American Gardens Association. Four miles of trails wind through its 29 uniquely themed gardens, among them a tropical rain forest, a bamboo garden, and regional desert landscapes. There is plenty of free parking, handicapped access and relatively easy access by pretty much everyone in Southern California. Special Guest speaker, Don Hodel from University of California Cooperative Extension. …