Calender of Events
615 topics in this forum
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When more information becomes available, this thread will be updated. For now, a preview of upcoming meetings for the year and an updated listing of our officers is available at:
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This year we are excited to have our annual PSSC Banquet at the San Diego Botanical Garden (fromerly Quail Garden) in Encinitas, San Diego. Today the renamed San Diego Botanic Garden is designated one of the “Top 10 North American Gardens Worth Traveling For” by the American Gardens Association. Four miles of trails wind through its 29 uniquely themed gardens, among them a tropical rain forest, a bamboo garden, and regional desert landscapes. There is plenty of free parking, handicapped access and relatively easy access by pretty much everyone in Southern California. Special Guest speaker, Don Hodel from University of California Cooperative Extension. …
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Schedule of events: 10:00am: Sugar Mill Gardens (950 Old Sugar Mill Rd, Port Orange, FL 32129) - CFPACS is touring + donating and planting some palms and cycads. 11:30am: Lunch at Clancy's Cantina (301 Flagler Ave, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169) 01:00pm: Members Only palm auction and sale (Dave Hall's residence) - Please bring a chair and auction plants.
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Sunday, December 01, 2019 10:00am Heathcote Botanical Gardens 210 Savannah Rd. Fort Pierce, FL 34982 We will have a private tour of the Heathcote Gardens at 10 with an emphasis on the palms and cycads. 12:00 noon Lunch Lunch on your own 1:30pm Anne Michael’s 1 Earring Point Vero Beach, FL 32963 For those of you who have been before, you know what a treat this is. For newbies, it is…
by DoomsDave- 1 reply
The PSSC’s November 16, 2019 meeting will be held at the home and garden of Patti and Ross Newton, at 2535 North Altadena Drive, Altadena, CA 91001. This is the first time we’ve held a meeting at this garden and we all look forward to seeing you there! (Note that this is two weeks before the big Thanksgiving holiday.) Inspired by their near-neighbors John and Greg Cressey-Haines, the Newtons began their half acre garden in 2009 and have created an elegant oasis of rare palms, against a stunning mountain backdrop with a waterfall, koi pond and pavilion. In addition, they have also rehabbed a 19…
cfpacs Central Florida Palm & Cycad Society - Fall Meeting - Sat. 10/19/2019 + Sun. 10/20/2019
by kinzyjr- 18 replies
Please save the dates of October 19th and 20th for the Fall Meeting and plan on it taking place in the Naples/Ft. Myers area. Last I heard, Naples Botanical garden was to be one of the stops. If you are interested in serving on the board or having your garden included at an upcoming event, please feel free to respond to the email you received if you are a current or former member. Further details and updates will be provided as they are finalized on this thread.
Palm Sale October 12, 2019
by Tracy S- 1 follower
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The Palm Beach Palm and Cycad Society is hosting a one day sale. There are 9 vendors with a wide range of palms and cycads. Many are rare and lots are very cool. Join us for the sale if you can. Saturday October 12th 9am to 4pm Mounts Botanical Garden 531 N Military Trail Weat Palm Beach Florida
by Phil- 1 follower
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PSSC SEPTEMBER MEETING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2019 THREE GARDENS CLOSE BY IN ENCINITAS, CA TWO GARDENS ACROSS THE STREET FROM EACH OTHER POTLUCK LUNCH AND PLANT AUCTION - BRING A DISH Our next meeting of the PSSC will be Saturday, 21 September, 2019. All three gardens are in Encinitas, a coastal community about 25 minutes north of San Diego off Freeway 5. All three are fantastic gardens with lots to see. The first two gardens are across the street from each other. The first garden is at the Home of Dorian Ouer. Many of you may know Dean Ouer, Dorian’s father and the present moderator of Palm Talk. Dean started his garden almost three decades ago.…
BPACS Outing for August 2019
by Daryl- 0 replies
Hi Everyone, This month’s Brisbane Palm and Cycad Society outing is to the garden of Ian Cairns in Guanaba. Ian has a great collection of palms and cycads. It has been quite a few years since we last visited, so it will be interesting to see the growth and development of his acreage property. We will meet at the front gate at 10:00am this Sunday 25/8/19. Light refreshments will be provided on the day. Non-Members are very welcome...come along and experience the benefits of membership. Hope to see you all there!
Palm Beach Palm & Cycad Society August Meeting
by virtualpalm- 0 replies
I'm giving a talk on moving big specimen palms at the Palm Beach Palm & Cycad Society meeting at Mounts Botanical Garden next Wednesday (Aug. 7; 7:30 pm). Would love to see some of you there.
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HELLO EVERYONE! SORRY TO BE SO LAST MINUTE, BUT I HOPE YOU MARKED YOUR CALENDARS FOR THIS MEETING The July meeting will be on Saturday the 20th featuring two mature gardens that have not been visited in a long time. 1st Garden, Home of Bill and Shayla Taylor. 309 W. Paseo de Cristobal, San Clemente Ca. 92672. Bill’s garden will be a delight for both Palm and Cycad enthusiasts. Bill has a large collection of Cycads, and still maintains a number of mature Palms including Howeas, Braheas, Livistonas, Chamaerhops, Rhapis, Ptychospermas, Jubeae, Accoeloerraphe, Chamaedoreas, Phoenix, Sabals, Butias, Latania, and some assorted exotics. This garden is no…
Northern California Palm Society Meeting
by ghar41- 0 replies
NCPS Summer Meeting: Sunday, June 30 @ 1-5 pm at Chas and Gordana Pavlovic's garden in Palo Alto 602 Hawthorne Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94301 [Google Map link] Palm Meeting Info …
cfpacs Central Florida Palm & Cycad Society - Spring Field Trip & Meeting - Sat. 04/13/2019 + Sun. 04/14/2019
by kinzyjr- 8 replies
Date: April 13 & 14, 2019 Location: Mounts Botanical Garden on Saturday plus other locations for Sunday Address for Mounts: 531 N Military Trl, West Palm Beach What’s happening: Saturday, April 13 – 9am to 4pm The Palm Beach Palm and Cycad Society is hosting their annual one-day fundraiser sale at Mounts Botanical Garden. Over 500 species of Palms & Cycads in all shapes and sizes, a limited supply of a top-rated fertilizer, palm and cycad reference books, Palm Beach Palm & Cycad Society t-shirts available for purchase. ( CFPACS has made arran…
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SFPS Spring Garden Tour Today, I became aware of the South Florida Palm Society's upcoming Spring Garden Tour. I figured the notification and the related information should be posted here on Palmtalk. It sounds as if there will be a large attendance. In addition to the South Florida Palm Society membership, they are expecting attendees from the Palm Beach Palm & Cycad Society and the Tropical Flowering Tree Society. The following is from the society's homepage: Link: The South Florida Palm Society is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to disseminate information about and encourage int…
PSSC May 18, 2019 meeting in San Diego County
by DoomsDave- 0 replies
PSSC MAY MEETING SATURDAY, MAY 18,2019 TWO GARDENS IN SAN DIEGO Our May Meeting of the PSSC will be in northern San Diego county in the towns of Vista and Encinitas. We will be visiting two gardens of members of our Society. This will be a potluck meeting, so bring a nice dish to share with others. A Board Meeting will proceed the meeting at the first garden at 9:30 AM. An auction and raffle will end the meeting at the second garden. As there will probably be lots of sun, remember to wear appropriate clothing and bring a hat for sun protection. 10:30 AM: ARRIVE EHRLICH GARDEN‚ We will start at the garden of Victor and Angelina Ehrlich at 210 Richar…
For those on the big Island Hawaii.
by Kevin S- 0 replies
This weekend zoo annual plant sale and palm tour.
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PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING DATE CHANGE Please join us at our next Palm Society meeting. We will be at the Casper Curto Garden 7612 Hillmont Drive Oakland, Ca May 19, 2019 1-5pm Persian architect Ali Yazdi built the residence at 7612 Hillmont Drive in 1993. After the owners purchased a neighboring 4000 parcel, the new half-acre site was cleared of dense non-native foliage such as cotoneaster, Scotch broom, and sweet pea. Over 500 linear feet of redwood fencing was constructed along with the installation of primary electrical and water lines. In 1998 the owners, Daryl Du Charmed and Casper Curto addressed the biggest challenge, how…
Northern California Palm Society
by ghar41- 1 reply
Please join us at our next Palm Society meeting. We will be at the Casper Curto Garden 7612 Hillmont Drive Oakland, Ca May 12, 2019 1-5pm Persian architect Ali Yazdi built the residence at 7612 Hillmont Drive in 1993. After the owners purchased a neighboring 4000 parcel, the new half-acre site was cleared of dense non-native foliage such as cotoneaster, Scotch broom, and sweet pea. Over 500 linear feet of redwood fencing was constructed along with the installation of primary electrical and water lines. In 1998 the owners, Daryl Du Charmed and Casper Curto addressed the biggest challenge, how to navigate from the rear of the house to the upper elev…
- 1 follower
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Spring Garden Tour Croton Meeting & Auction Saturday, April 6th, 2019 Cooper City, S. Florida The next Croton 'Group' Meeting and Auction has been combined with the S. Florida-based Spring Garden Tour. It will take place at a popular and well-known garden, consisting of a vast Palm, Croton and tropical plant collection. I believe most of the plants for the Auction will be Croton cultivars, including some extremely rare ones, but I think any plant may show up. The auctioned plants support the donor, as there isn't an actual Croton Society anymore. Trading and personal sales among plant fanatics is popular among the attendees. There is usually…
Palm sale at Mounts on April 13th
by Tracy S- 1 follower
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The palm beach palm and cycad society is having a one day sale at Mounts Botanical Gardens on April 13th. Lots of rare palms and beautiful cycad. Great vendors. Make plans to attend.Jason Dewes will be be present for book signings. Saturday April 13th 9am to 4 pm.
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Jason Deewes is giving a talk at Miami Beach Botanical Garden April 17th at 6pm. I know Jason and this garden and both are something to look forward to! I have his book and it will be available at the garden, for those who don't, yet. Hope you all can make it!
- 1 follower
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SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 2019 TWO GARDENS IN POWAY, CA BOARD MEETING, TOURS AND AUCTION POTLUCK LUNCH, BRING A DISH Our next meeting of the PSSC will be Saturday, 23March, 2019. Both gardens are in Poway, about 20 minutes north of San Diego off Fwy 15. Both have a “wilderness” feel to them as Poway is a rural community. The first garden is at the Home of Mike and Diane Marika. Mike is now retired as the head Superintendent of Balboa Park grounds and has assisted us for meetings on numerous occasions. The Marikas moved to Poway in 1984. At that time, Poway Road was only a 2 lane country road off I-15 freeway. Beeler Creek flows through their proper…
Martin County Garden Tour this weekend
by Tracy S- 1 follower
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The Garden Club of Stuart is hosting its biennial garden tour of beautiful gardens in Martin County on March 23 and 24th. The tickets are $30 in advance or $35 the day of. The proceeds goes to beautifying Martin County with plants and scholarships for aspiring gardeners. There are 6 unique gardens on the tour, including my own garden. Come see my garden and let me know you are there so I can meet my fellow palm-talkers in person. You can learn more about the garden tour at this website:
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March Speaker: Chip Jones “A New Public Garden Exhibition Featuring Palms & Cycads” March Ramble: Saturday March 9th – Flamingo Gardens New Cycad Garden & Chip Jones Nursery This is a very unique opportunity to have a private tour of the New Cycad Grotto at Flamingo Gardens, curated by the designer, Chip Jones, and one week before the official grand opening. And free to Palm Society members who are on the RSVP list at the ticket window (a savings of $19.95 entrance fee). Anyone who is not on the RSVP list may enter at a discounted rate of $10. Chip has arranged for the garden to open 30 minutes early at 9am and has scheduled a tram …
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