Calender of Events
615 topics in this forum
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The Palm Society of South Texas will be holding their April meeting at the garden of Dr. Romeo Montalvo on a Saturday (TBD) beginning at 12:00 noon. I will update this thread with more details when they become available. Reservations will need to be made prior to the meeting and a link to a form will be posted. If you have any questions regarding this meeting or PSST membership please contact the PSST secretary Maria Escobedo at 956-465-9085. If there's any interest in starting up a local chapter such as the former Houston chapter please contact the PSST president Chuck Malloy at 850-322-4907.
Garden and Croton Party April 26
by waykoolplantz- 0 replies
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You're invited to the Palm Beach Palm & Cycad Society's annual Spring Sale Saturday, April 12th 9am-3pm No sales before 9am! Mounts Botanical Garden 531 N. Military Trail West Palm Beach, FL 33415 Hundreds species of palms & cycads in all shapes and sizes, palm special fertilizer, palm and cycad reference books, Palm Beach Palm & Cycad Society t-shirts and hats will be available for purchase Mounts and Palm society members free entrance to the garden
South Florida Palm Society Spring Sale 1 2 3
by Tim McKernan- 80 replies
South Florida Palm Society Spring Sale March 15 and March 16 9:30AM to 4:30 PM The Montgomery Botanical Center 12205 SW 57th Avenue Coral Gables, FL Free seedlings to every visitor while supplies last Free Admission There will be a special event on Friday, March 14th from 5:30PM to 8:30PM. Members can see the huge offering of palms prior to the sale and some vendors will offer the chance to tag plants to be purchased the following morning. There will be awards given for several catagories of palms and cycads as well as light refreshments and live entertainment. T…
Palm Society Tour of Gardens 1 2 3 4
by Jeff Searle- 121 replies
The South Florida chapter put together three awsome gardens to tour in Broward County. The weather was beautiful as well as a great turn out of visitors. For many, it was their first time seeing some of these gardens. The first garden we went to was Paul Humann who has 2 1/2 acres and has been there 14 years now. There was at least 8 forum members including myself there as well, so please feel free to add your own pictures if you like. Here's Andrea with Paul Humann as we arrived.
South Florida Palm Society Fall Sale Nov. 3rd, 4th 1 2 3
by Palmarum- 100 replies
South Florida Palm Society's Fall Sale November 3rd & 4th, 2007 Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden A quick notice to get it mentioned on the calendar. If you need information or will be attending the sale, please post away. If you are coming, please come visit all the booths and say hello to everyone. There should be quite a few Forum members there that weekend, both selling and visiting. Ryan
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I just got off the phone with Cherie and she has decided on the date for Mardy's service. On October 24th at 11 AM - 3 PM, Cherie will hold the memorial service for Mardy at the Darian residence. Everyone is invited and the garden will be open to share one last time stories and admire his hard work. She hopes to see everyone there. Please do not bring anything per her request. Drinks and sandwiches will be served. Address: 990 Quail Trail Rd, Vista, CA 92081 <photo of Dypsis mananjarensis was taken almost 20 years ago and shows how slow these big, heeled Dypsis can be here in SoCal.>
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Howdyall: The Palm Society of Southern California will have its September 22, 2012 meeting at a spectacular home and garden in Holmby Hills in Los Angeles – that belonging to Drew Zager. It’s located at 111 South Mapleton, Los Angeles, CA 90024. Mr. Zager is the son of Bud Zager, a PSSC Board Member. In addition to great taste in dads, he also has magnificent taste in home and garden. The garden is on 1 + acre in Holmby Hills, right up the street from Bel Air, UCLA, and a lot of other famous places, including the Playboy Mansion. And, best of all, it’s in one of the finest Sunset Garden ™ Zone 23 climates around, an air-drained slope, with ocean influence, but fa…
South Florida Palm Society Spring Sale 2009 1 2
by Tim McKernan- 65 replies
I have a really good feeling about this year's show at MBC. All of the usual growers are coming as well as a couple of new vendors. It sounds like the vendors have lots and lots of fantastic plants to move. Please join us for this very special event. 12205 Old Cutler Road, Coral Gables, Florida 9:30am-4:30pm March 14 &15 Member's Party 6pm-8pm; March 13 Admission to the sale will be FREE. MBC staff will be offering guided tours of it's collections for $5 Dollars per person and free to children 16 and younger accompanied by an adult. Over 25 different vendors will offer over …
Palmfest 2007 1 2 3
by Tag- 82 replies
I attended a meeting of the First Coast Palm Society this past Saturday and the members agreed to facilitate and host Palmfest 2007. It is my understanding that FCPS Treasurer, Matt Encinosa, has been in contct with John DeMott to advise that we will be hosting the event. We are in the process of determing a venue to host the event in the NE Florida area and setting the date. We are looking at hosting the event some time in the September to early October range. We do want to make sure that the event does not conflict with any large Palm Sales or other events that may detract from interest in the event. Is anyone aware of any other events that we should take into con…
by DoomsDave- 89 replies
Well, smack me upside my head with a frozen durian . . . . I'm stoked and my anticipation is stroked because our March 20, 2010 Palm Society of Southern California meeting is going to be at two marvelous San Diego gardens, not far from the 5 Freeway. GARDEN OF JIM WRIGHT Ever wonder what it would be like to have Rhopalistylus, Hedyscepe, and Howeas for tall canopy, instead of the usual Archontophoenix? Ever cry yourself to sleep believing you will never see such a thing in your life, without paying a fortune in air fare for a trip to the South Pacific? Well, put away your crying towel, bring your portable swooning chaise lounge and come to the meeting at Mr…
lakeland Plantae–palooza Garden Festival (Formerly Plantopia) - Saturday, February 25th, 2023
by kinzyjr- 5 replies
Start spring early by coming to the Plantae–palooza Garden Festival. Enjoy the tropical landscaping, buy some plants, and enjoy some good food! Date: Saturday, February 25th, 2023 Time: 9AM -3PM Location: Hollis Gardens in Downtown Lakeland, FL 702 E Orange St, Lakeland, FL 33801 More information will be posted as it becomes available.
by BobbyinNY- 53 replies
Hey everyone...... It's that time again for our annual summer Kick-off party on Long Island with Tropical Drinks, Steel Drum Music, all the food you can eat, and of course - loads of palms..... Anyone from Palmtalk who will be visiting the New York area is invited...... In the last (4) years since we've been having this party, it has steadily grown to take on a life of it's own..... We estimate over 100 people will be attending this year. Anyone who's interested, PM me for all the info.....
by JEFF from Trabuco Canyon CA- 49 replies
It was 33 years ago, when Palm Society of Southern California (PSSC) president at that time, Ralph Velez, thought it would be a good idea to have an annual banquet, so made arrangements to have it, of all places, at the Palms restaurant in Anaheim. The following year it was held at Sam’s Seafood in Seal Beach. For a number of years, it was held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel and that’s where Ralph has arranged to have it again this January 2009. It’s a very exclusive Hotel with a beautifully landscaped garden featuring a wonderful collection of palms. The special thing about the Hyatt’s garden is that it was planted many years ago, so is one of the better public examples of m…
South Florida Spring Palm Sale at University of Miami, Coral Gables, April 27-28, 2024
by Dave from Miami- 1 reply
The South Florida Palm Society will have their first show and sale in eight years. The sale will take place on April 27-28, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on the west side of the University of Miami campus, just steps from the Gifford Arboretum. Hundreds of common, uncommon and extremely rare palms and cycads will be for sale from local growers who are always willing to answer questions about planting and maintaining the species they offer. Two tours of the Gifford Arboretum will also be given each day, all free of charge. Additional information including directions is provided at . Please Note: This program, while located at th…
cfpacs CFPACS June 13th Meeting 1 2
by Bob Johnson- 48 replies
CFPACS returns to Tampa on June 13th. We will begin at the garden of the late Dr. U. A. Young. Dr. Young’s garden is one of the great private palm and cycad collections in Florida with many specimens dating back to the 1960’s. Dr. Young’s son Brad will serve as our tour guide. Brad has been tending the garden and working with the cycads over the past year, producing good seed from several rare species. The noteworthy palm and cycad specimens in the garden are too numerous to mention. This is an opportunity to see many mature palms and cycads that have survived long term in central Florida. In the afternoon we will visit Dorothy Kellog’s garden. Dorothy’s gard…
Asociación Costarricense de Palmeras
by Jeff in St Pete- 18 replies
We are currently recruiting members for a new Palm Group forming in Costa Rica - Asociación Costarricense de Palmeras. The first meeting is tentatively planned for the end of October/beginning of November. If anyone is interested, please send me a PM. Come join our new group, and discover the palms that Costa Rica has to offer!
Meeting - SW FL Palm & Cycad Society Meeting
by SW_FL_Palms- 32 replies
Palm & Cycad Society of SW Florida Meeting Date: Saturday March 1, 2008 Time: 10:00 am Location: Seabreeze Palms (239-560-1422) 16789 McGregor Blvd, Fort Myers 33908 Corner of John Morris Road & McGregor Blvd heading towards Sanibel Discussion Topic: Fertilization of Landscape Palms – Latest IFAS recommendations. SureGro Slow Release In-Ground Palm Special (8-2-12) will be for sale @$20/ #50 bag (Pre-order reservations required - email ), any remaining bags will be available to attendees) Agenda 9:30am arrive & Seabreeze Palms and browse the nursery. 10:00 am Introductions & Annoucements. 10:20am Palm Fertiliz…
Northern California Palm Society
by ghar41- 18 replies
Please join us for our first meeting of the year on Sunday, May 24th from 1:00 to 5:00 PM. at the Mill Valley garden of the late Don Worth. Mr. Bob Navaros, Don’s partner, has invited us to celebrate Don's extraordinary botanical achievement in this decades old garden. This garden is an unique composition in a splendid and harmonious setting. Don was a long-time member of the Northern California Palm Society, a musician, and a renowned photographer. He had worked with and for Ansel Adams. Many of his photography subjects came from his garden. An avid gardener, he amassed an extraordinary collection of over 40 species of palms, ferns, agaves, succulents, Cacti, Brome…
cfpacs Central Florida Palm and Cycad Society 1 2
by SubTropicRay- 65 replies
The next meeting of the Central Florida Palm and Cycad Society will be on June 23 in Valkaria, Florida (near Melbourne). See the attached link for more details. CFPACS homepage
Costa Rican Palm Society Meeting - Saturday October 31, 2009 10AM 1 2
by Jeff in St Pete- 68 replies
The next meeting of the Asociación Costarricense de Palmeras (Costa Rican Palm Society) will be held at Marco Herrero's palm farm in the Central Valley. The meeting will take place on Saturday October 31, 2009 at 10AM. The Board of Directors will hold their first official meeting at 9AM, followed by the tour of Marco's farm at 10AM. A little bit of history about Marco and the farm: The farm (20 hectares) was started in 1980 when Marco returned to Costa Rica after studying abroad. Those first years he grew Dracaena masangeana and Dracaena marginata. The palm bug bit him in 1984 when he visited the Botanical Garden in Rio de Janeiro. Later, he started importing se…
South Florida Palm Society
by Jeff Searle- 29 replies
For those of you that live down here in South Florida, does anyone know the exact dates for this annual event? It's a large auction of palms and cycads,(and I believe other plts. as well) that runs the entire evening. The spread of food that is offered is also very delicious as well. I plan on going down, but as of yet, I have not seen or heard of anything. Jeff
by JEFF from Trabuco Canyon CA- 40 replies
Annual Banquet at the Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens Saturday January 26, 2008 11:00 A.M. Check-in 1151 Oxford Road San Marino, CA Phone 626-495-2125 Website: We will have our annual banquet at the same location as last year and the menu was so popular that we will have the same menu. It consists of BBQ chicken and tri-tip, organic beans, garden salad, coffee or soft drinks and fresh cherry pie. Tickets will be $39. For those of you who have not been to the Huntington Gardens or the new conservatories you are in for a real treat. It is really top notch.…
cfpacs CFPACS Festival of Palms
by Bob Johnson- 34 replies
Florida Institute of Technology Botanical Garden The Central Florida Palm & Cycad Society is proud to announce the Festival of Palms at the Florida Institute of Technology Botanical Garden in Melbourne on Saturday, November 15th. Free palm seedlings and palm seeds will be available to attendees. A Palm and Cycad Sale will run during the entire event. A wide variety of palms and cycads will be available for sale - rare and common, large and small, tropical and cold tolerant, moisture loving, drought tolerant, salt tolerant, indoor and outdoor palms. Throughout the day there will be talks on various aspects of palm gardening and guided tours of the FIT B…
Palmfest 2007 1 2
by SubTropicRay- 54 replies
Paul C. and John D., Now that the Biennial year has come and gone, are there any plans to have a Palmfest this year? May is approaching and would be an ideal time of year. Perhaps Memorial Day weekend would work as it did back in 2003. Ray