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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2010 in Posts

  1. Kris, thanks for the update! Your little baby looks happy in that big barrel on your rooftop! I have good news, You sent me seeds 8/2008 and I had 2 germinate after a couple months but the babies damped off during our summer. I let the rest of the seed incubate with no results for about a year! I saw John in Andalucia's thread on 'de-lidding' technique. I got sand paper and sanded off where the seeds germinates to expose the small white dot. I then placed these seed on heat and like magic they all popped open. they all have 5" long roots now and will repot them as it starts to warm up in our spring. I hope I can get them to start producing leaves soon.
    1 point
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