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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/2010 in all areas

  1. Estas fotos fueron tomadas en el Parque de San Juan en Telde-Gran Canaria: ¿Que tipo de Latania es?, ¿es posible distinguirlas cuando son adultas? Así de fácil, eso es todo.
    1 point
  2. Kris: I collected small seedlings of this palm in habitat last Spring. They had been mowed over by State of Texas brush tractors. I was only able to salvage a root or two on each. Since that time they have filled a 3 gallon container with roots and are now doing the same to a 7 gallon container. Like you, I find them to be much faster than Sabal minor or Sabal palmetto. This along with Sabal bermudana are the fastest growing Sabals I have. My triplet grouping looks like your June 2009 picture. I'll be putting mine in the ground in April. I'm very impressed with this palm. Note: I think a bit of success can be attributed to the very heavy composted bark and clay soil I potted it in. I tried to duplicate the native growing conditions and apparently I was spot on for all intents and purposes.
    1 point
  3. And, just in case, that didn't satisfy you, a few more Dypsis pilulifera!
    1 point
  4. OK, Bill - Dypsis pilulifera fronds, and fronds, and fronds! Photo #2 is a "standard" pilulifera frond. Very regular leaflet pattern. This is what ALL mine look like. Except ONE. And that one is in photo #3 (a frond) and #4 (almost) a full view.
    1 point
  5. These two (one of them sided by washie, maybe filifera) are located in a palace yard, in Oporto, Portugal! In this town, in the 19th century, rich people used to plant these two specimens, and, nowadays, we can see them all over the city! Later i will show other pictures, of old canarys, too beautiful! They are like monuments!!
    1 point
  6. Whoop Whoop! happy B-day Moose Man! Wishing you many happy returns, palms, and ranch hands!
    1 point
  7. This seems to be one of the faster Sabals. I have been impressed with the overall size of the strap leaves that emerge from the start. Totally different experience compared to Sabal palmetto.
    1 point
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