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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/2010 in all areas

  1. Don - it would really hurt my feelings if I found some of these seeds in my mail box postmarked from Brazil! Ron.
    1 point
  2. Don - it would really hurt my feelings if I found some of these seeds in my mail box postmarked from Brazil! Whoops, how did that happen? Ron.
    1 point
  3. Ryan - thanks for your efforts!!! I found out that someone in my house hid mine so that I would not spend money on Palms. Hah, like that would stop me!!! Ron.
    1 point
  4. SFPS Spring Sale - Montgomery Botanical Center - Cover of the Newsletter/sales booklet. - Vendor List - Palms: Acoelorrhaphe wrightii - Arenga undulatifolia - Arenga westerhoutii - Chamaedorea neurochlamys - Chamaedorea oblongata - Copernicia sp. Ryan
    1 point
  5. I got my copy in the mail today and I am scanning it in now and will upload and post the pages in a few minutes. Ryan
    1 point
  6. Neither have I! Eric is correct - Not very common at all. Ron.
    1 point
  7. There was an issue with the printer. We mail out the list to the members. I have not received mine as of yet. I will try to post the vendor and species list if I recieve it and time permits.
    1 point
  8. Kris would be crying to see his Canary Island Date Palms on the list!
    1 point
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