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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/2010 in all areas

  1. Hi all, Got a new puppy and had to show her off... Her name is Chloe and she is 9 weeks old. She follows me everywhere!
    1 point
  2. A lady from central Florida contacted me. She is moving and looking for a home for a decades old Sabal palmetto with two heads. She said it was acquired by her grandfather. I thought it would be worth showing a photo as you don't see such things that often. Let me know if you think you might know of a future home for this palm. Phil
    1 point
  3. Containers everywhere......
    1 point
  4. Dean, It probably isn't possible, but it would be interesting to me if each profile had a feature for the member to list the palms they have and the status, such as in ground vs. potted, alive vs. dead, when obtained, etc. This might help any of us who live in close proximity to try some palms that they thought they may not be able to grow. I would volunteer to beta test... Just a thought....
    1 point
  5. Dear Kris, Meg, Steve, Keith and all others who are following this thread; Kris, I saw your post No. 108 but read that the seeds stayed connected up to two years so I thought there was no hope (my seeds have separated after only a couple of months). Well, I just got in from the garden with Willie and was lamenting over my recent losses. I showed him where the perished seeds were and he wanted to see more so we began to dig. WELL, two of the seeds that I thought I lost have leaves!!! The seeds did disconnect and the root is stringy and soft but down below is another story! There are two small leaves stretching for the surface and I have regained two Borassus that I thought had rotted. The new leaves on both of the seeds are about 12 or 15 inches below the surface of the ground so we left a "hole" in the dirt so they won't suffocate. But covered them enough so they won't burn. Not only am I thrilled to have these palms back but what an education in the germination of Borassus flabellifer. I would tell all Palmtalk devotees to be patient with these palms and check below the surface even if the seeds are no longer part of the root system. They may be alive. I was very careful not to disturb the remaining roots and will post photos as soon as the leaves emerge. Peter
    1 point
  6. Could be a problem with people (like me) who have dozens and dozens of potted palms with missing or unreadable labels, and dont have a bloody clue as to what species most of them are. Peachy
    1 point
  7. And she loves to chew on palms! She seems to favor this one - Ravenea sp. Giant. I need to break her of that habit quick!
    1 point
  8. d. leptocheilos initially greenhouse grown and then sun grown .. notice the growth rings C. gigas getting ready for transplanting..
    1 point
  9. L robinsoniana is unarmed while L rotundifolia is armed, at least that's what the books say. Also L robinsoniana reportedly is more cold tolerant than L rotundifolia. Years back I ordered L robinsoniana seed and ended up with seedlings with spines. I just assumed they were L rotundifolia and I got the wrong seeds by mistake. Was I wrong to assume that? Best regards Tyrone
    1 point
  10. This is very interesting! My impression was that L. rotundifolia and L. robinsonia were distinct. Best Wishes, merrill
    1 point
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