The "crested" (also known as "cristate") phenomenon in cycads arises as a somatic mutation that causes the leaves (and cones) to emerge in a linear rather than circular fashion. It can happen in a single head of a multi-headed plant (which appears to be the case in the last photo above), suggesting that normal-looking offsets will remain normal and crested-looking offsets will remain crested. I have never seen a crested offset, though, so if someone has a photo of that, I would like to see it.
Below is a photo of a crested male plant here in Miami. If you look closely, the single cone on the far right is a normal one on a normal apex. The apex to the left is crested, and that single apex is bearing more than 15 cones, some of which are fused together.
Here is another photo from the opposite angle--which shows the normal cone and apex (now on the left) much more clearly: