Well thank you everyone !!! It's all over now. The coffin successfully dodged for another year. I got taken to a Patrizio Buane concert tonight. Excellent entertainment and a wonderful voice. Amusing audience too. Mainly 60+ women, either with friends or middle aged gay friends. All swooning and shrieking. Everytime he gave out roses, hips were broken and dentures lost in the rush. I was expecting big pairs of flannellette knickers to start landing on the stage at any minute. Me ??? I know you are wondering. Sorry kids, while I love his voice and find him a great entertainer, 1.5 metre high Neopolitans dont really rock mama's boat. It got me out of the house, frocked up, powdered, perfumed, painted, pearled and pashmina'd !! 3 gin & tonics at the bar and the birthday girl was ready to rock. A slight mix up with our seating, saw me say a harsh word or two at the ticket desk, so we ended up front row, mainly to shut me up. One would think it was me who shelled out for the seats. So that was my day.