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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/2010 in all areas

  1. This Queen Palm, Syagrus romanzoffiana, is growing near my girlfriends' house. It is one of the greenest and lush specimens I have seen. Finally stopped and got photos of it
    1 point
  2. I took the below photo almost two years after I planted my first bismarkia (second one from the far end), just after I planted my last two (first two on closest end of the photo with sand rings around them) that I bought for $14.95 at Home Depot. They were marked down from $80 and I couldn't pass the value up. The below photo was taken today (July 15, 2010). Note the first two bismarkias.Both were planted at the same time. The second one in is the one that got blown over in a hurricane two years ago and is now noticably smaller than the extreme right one.
    1 point
  3. Your bismarkia palm's three years of growth appears to be about what I got from my first one I planted(I have eight in the ground)and looks good. However, I have other bismarkia palms that grow slower. I have two I bought at the same time, at the same size, yet one has grown 50% larger than the other. But that might be due to the smaller one getting blown over in a hurricane five years ago. That probably snapped roots and set it back. I had to upright the palm and stake if for several months. I've got one more silver bismarkia palm I've been pot growing for about two years because it wasn't doing well. It's only now starting to recover from a fungal problem. I'm now considering where to plant it. After planting this one, that will be enough bismarkia palms for me. I am looking forward to when my largest bismarkia seeds for the first time. Below is the first silver bismarkia palm I ever planted. I bought this palm from the late John Bishock. Below is the same silver bismarkia palm, shot from a different angle due to other bismarkia palm now in the way. I think once they start to trunk the growth rate speeds up some.
    1 point
  4. Here Dave is mine. I wish it was the front of my yard but alas it isn't. This is in Lahaina, Maui Cant get the picture loaded but the one I'm using as my avatar. In the mean time I will try and get it right
    1 point
  5. Now THAT is one GORGEOUS Syagrus Rom! That to me is how they all SHOULD look, but sadly, many of them do not even come close. I see so many S. Roms that are over pruned, sickly, half dead, and have Frizzle top. My friend in St. Pete as one in his front yard, and it is fairly nice looking but no where NEAR that one! There are a few across the street from his place that have frizzle top, and one that is about 20 feet tall but has like 1-2 foot fronds. It literally looks like someone planted a miniature queen on top of an adult trunk. It looks silly. I suspect it will be dead on my next visit down there. Here are a couple photos of the one in my friends front yard. Sept 2009: Late Feb 2010, after the big freeze. It came through unscathed.
    1 point
  6. That palm may be growing next to a septic tank.
    1 point
  7. Acrocomias and the ´´Pão de Açúcar´´ (Sugar Loaf)
    1 point
  8. The huge Coryphas now flowering !
    1 point
  9. Hi Kathryn! It was a pleasure for Nelly and me to meet you and Craig!!! Fantastic memories ´´floats up´´ in my brain with your pics posted above! Here are some more from the ´´Aterro do Flamengo´´
    1 point
  10. We did miss you the last night at Jill's Place. But believe me, I know about anniversaries! We celebrated our 34th on the day we left Rio! Here are two more photos taken at the Welcome Dinner. President, Wife and Son.
    1 point
  11. More shots from the farm.
    1 point
  12. While taking the bus to our afternoon tour, the bus driver stopped to allow us to take some photos of the great view. Here is Michael and Brett with MB Palms and Ray. And Bo and Karolyn
    1 point
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