Now THAT is one GORGEOUS Syagrus Rom! That to me is how they all SHOULD look, but sadly, many of them do not even come close. I see so many S. Roms that are over pruned, sickly, half dead, and have Frizzle top. My friend in St. Pete as one in his front yard, and it is fairly nice looking but no where NEAR that one! There are a few across the street from his place that have frizzle top, and one that is about 20 feet tall but has like 1-2 foot fronds. It literally looks like someone planted a miniature queen on top of an adult trunk. It looks silly. I suspect it will be dead on my next visit down there.
Here are a couple photos of the one in my friends front yard.
Sept 2009:
Late Feb 2010, after the big freeze. It came through unscathed.