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Showing content with the highest reputation since 01/23/2010 in Events

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    Information and updates available here: https://www.palmtalk.org/forum/index.php?/topic/73281-central-florida-palm-cycad-society-summer-meeting-sat-06182022/
    2 points
  2. Promises to be a great sale with some of the top palm growers in south Florida!
    2 points
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    Retirement sale - everything must go https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Gardener/Searle-Brothers-Nursery-Rainforest-Collection-154234364614972/
    2 points
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    All event details and updates available at the following thread: https://www.palmtalk.org/forum/topic/79170-2023-joint-summer-meeting-and-tour-06032023/
    1 point
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    More information available here: https://southfloridapalmsociety.org/palm-sale/
    1 point
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    To get here: Enter the Oak Hill Burial Park at the given address After passing through the stone gate, make a left. At the end of the street, make a left and then a quick right. Park in the designated area Information about the event from the local UF/IFAS Extension:
    1 point
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    Saturday October 1, 2022 MOUNTS BOTANICAL GARDEN West Palm Beach, Florida Free admission to Palm Society and Botanical Garden Members. Charges by Mounts botanical garden $12. adults, $10. seniors. ANNUAL FALL PALM SALE Many Palm Vendors, rare and unusual palms. Excellent prices. We have plants, books, fertilizer, T-shirts and hats for sale.
    1 point
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    See the graphic below and check the link for updates: https://www.leugardens.org/plant-sale-march-12-13-900-a-m-500-p-m/
    1 point
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    The Hawaii Island Palm Society will hold its annual rare palm & cycad auction on Sunday, March 27 at the Leilani Estates Pavilion located at 13-3441 Moku St near the end of Leilani Avenue. The silent auction runs from 1:30 to 2:30. The live auction is from 3:00 to 4:30. The event is free and open to the public. Registration is requested so we have a idea of the attendance so we set up enough chairs. This is an open air event as a covid precaution. See https://www.hawaiiislandpalmsociety.com/event-4628461 for additional details. A list of species offered will be published in our March 2022 HIPS newsletter a few days before the auction.
    1 point
  10. For more information about this meeting, visit: https://www.palmtalk.org/forum/index.php?/topic/71053-central-florida-palm-cycad-society-holiday-meeting-sat-12042021/
    1 point
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    The Holiday Meeting is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, December 5th, 2020 at a private garden in Micco, FL. More details will be made available as they are finalized.
    1 point
  12. Members of the Hawaii Island Palm Society visited the palm garden of William and Paula Merwin when they were both still alive in 2015. In January 2020 the house and garden came under the stewardship of The Merwin Conservancy and is now in the process of transitioning from a private residence to a more public space. For the first time, the public will be invited - virtually for now - into the house and garden. In celebration of Willam Merwin's birthday, special guests Naomi Shihab Nye, Edward Hirsch, Jane Hirshfield, Carrie Fountain, Howard Norman and Kealoha will read his poetry and share remembrances. This is a wonderful time to revel in beautiful words and peek inside the Merwin house and palm forest on Maui. The event is free, but you will need to register: You can register here
    1 point
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    22nd Annual Spring Searle Plant Extravaganza! Pt.2 Follow the link below to the For-Sale topic for more information: Link: https://www.palmtalk.org/forum/index.php?/topic/62646-the-22nd-annual-spring-searle-brothers-plant-extravaganza-●●●-march-6th-7th-8th-–-13th-14th-15th-●●●-s-florida/ Ryan
    1 point
  14. until
    22nd Annual Spring Searle Plant Extravaganza! Pt.1 Follow the link below to the For-Sale topic for more information: Link: https://www.palmtalk.org/forum/index.php?/topic/62646-the-22nd-annual-spring-searle-brothers-plant-extravaganza-●●●-march-6th-7th-8th-–-13th-14th-15th-●●●-s-florida/ Ryan
    1 point
  15. Palm Beach Palm & Cycad Society is having a one day Sale. Vendors with rare palms and Cycads will have plants for sale. Jason Dewees will be on hand to give a talk and sign his book 'Designing with Palms'. The sale is at the Mounts Botanical Garden from 9am to 4pm on April 13th.
    1 point
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    SAVE THE DATE!!! Central & North Florida Palm and Cycad Society Holiday Gathering Saturday, December 8, 2018 11:00am – 3:00pm Private Garden of Ron Hart & Maryann Krisovitch 6701 Lake Kirkland Drive, Clermont, FL 34714 The Society will provide drinks and the main dish. Please bring a side or dessert to share. About the garden: Ron & Maryann have been members of the society for over 10 years and have also served as President and Treasurer. They recently moved about 80 of their 170 palms and cycads from their home in Apopka to their new lake house south of Clermont. While the home is a new place for Maryann, Ron actually built the home 15 years ago. Many of the palms he planted back then are still there and thriving even though he was gone from them for the past 10 years! You’ll see the struggle the plants are facing since removing plucked from a shady oak canopy half-acre yard to a mostly sunny acre on the lake. Please R.S.V.P. by the Monday before the meeting to Maryann at palmsocietytreas@aol.com What you need to bring to the meeting: A plant for the auction (does not have to be a palm, palm-companions are good too! Sides or dessert A chair for your own personal enjoyment!
    1 point
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    1 point
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    18th Annual Spring Searle Plant Extravaganza! Pt.1 Follow the link below to the For Sale topic for more information: Link: http://www.palmtalk.org/forum/index.php?/topic/48644-the-18th-annual-spring-searle-brothers-plant-extravaganza-●●●-march-4th-5th-6th-–-11th-12th-13th-2016-●●-s-florida/
    1 point
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    18th Annual Spring Searle Plant Extravaganza! Pt.2 Follow the link below to the For Sale topic for more information: Link: http://www.palmtalk.org/forum/index.php?/topic/48644-the-18th-annual-spring-searle-brothers-plant-extravaganza-●●●-march-4th-5th-6th-–-11th-12th-13th-2016-●●-s-florida/
    1 point
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    Come to the 2015 Annual PACSOA Show and Sale...open between 9:00am and 3:00pm both days. Mt Coot-tha Auditorium at the Mt Coot-tha Botanical Gardens, Brisbane Admission $3:00 Lots of rare and desirable palms and cycads for sale at reasonable prices!
    1 point
  21. 1 point
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