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Phil showed some nice Chamaedorea woodsoniana specimens and it spiked my interest. Can a group of three palms thrive within a large container that opens into the ground? The container is approximately 36" x 10" x infinite depth.




Foggy San Francisco

Average Monthly Hi 60.2 F

Average Monthly Lo 49.9 F

Avearge Monthy 55.2F

Average Summer Hi 61.8F

Average Winter Lo 45.8


Don't know.....but I thought that I would bump your thread :winkie: Hate seeing a no response thread :) Somebody's got to know something.....where is Phil?

David Simms zone 9a on Highway 30a

200 steps from the Gulf in NW Florida

30 ft. elevation and sandy soil


Does anyone know if these can tolerate cool environments such as SF Bay area?


Foggy San Francisco

Average Monthly Hi 60.2 F

Average Monthly Lo 49.9 F

Avearge Monthy 55.2F

Average Summer Hi 61.8F

Average Winter Lo 45.8


Dan, I'm not sure about the cool tolerance question but I'm positive that you can have 3 large Chamaedorea species in that planter even if it didn't open up into the ground. They're great container plants. I have a C. alternans (similar to C. tepijilote) that is to the ceiling in my living room that just loves it's little pot and dosen't seem to mind the indoors at all.

Matt Bradford

"Manambe Lavaka"

Spring Valley, CA (8.5 miles inland from San Diego Bay)

10B on the hill (635 ft. elevation)

9B in the canyon (520 ft. elevation)


Dan , I am sure C.tepejilote would do just fine.Here they are grown for food (the inflorescence) and some of the best come from Coban.This area is cool and cloudy most of the year.It can drop to the mid forties in winter and is rarely above 85 in summer.

El Oasis - beach garden, distinct wet/dry season ,year round 20-38c

Las Heliconias - jungle garden ,800m elevation,150+ inches rainfall, year round 15-28c


I've got both in separate containers, where they have been for years and I say no problem.

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Chammys in containers, no probs, and tough, give him water specially the woody.

Happy Gardening



Queensland, Australia.


Thanks for all the advice.

Can the C.tepejilote take full sun when mature?


Foggy San Francisco

Average Monthly Hi 60.2 F

Average Monthly Lo 49.9 F

Avearge Monthy 55.2F

Average Summer Hi 61.8F

Average Winter Lo 45.8


These are Chamaedorea tepejilote growing naturally on my farm.They get filtered sun only.I have never seen them survive in full sun.


El Oasis - beach garden, distinct wet/dry season ,year round 20-38c

Las Heliconias - jungle garden ,800m elevation,150+ inches rainfall, year round 15-28c



Wow what a great pic. My yard is very small and I certainly do not have a canopy to protect the full sensitive palm. I guess I will have to start with seeds or what 10 years until my palms grow.




Foggy San Francisco

Average Monthly Hi 60.2 F

Average Monthly Lo 49.9 F

Avearge Monthy 55.2F

Average Summer Hi 61.8F

Average Winter Lo 45.8


Dan, the Chamaedorea tepijilote cannot take any signifigant amount of sun. They yellow and burn very easily. They're also a large palm for a chamaedorea and grow pretty fast so make sure you don't put it in a spot where it can outgrow it's canopy...ie under a Howea that's not so tall.

Matt Bradford

"Manambe Lavaka"

Spring Valley, CA (8.5 miles inland from San Diego Bay)

10B on the hill (635 ft. elevation)

9B in the canyon (520 ft. elevation)


Guess I need a canopy first.

thanks for the replies.


Foggy San Francisco

Average Monthly Hi 60.2 F

Average Monthly Lo 49.9 F

Avearge Monthy 55.2F

Average Summer Hi 61.8F

Average Winter Lo 45.8

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