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Buy Genera Palmarum II... wholesale!

Carlo Morici

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Some days ago we got to Tenerife many copies of Genera Palmarum II. Kewbooks offered a special price with free shipment. I posted these images in the Spanish subforum, but I think it is good to show them to everybody.

Just enjoy these pictures and buy a copy!





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Funny that you should post this, I just joined IPS and ordered the book.

Martin Farris, San Angelo, TX

San Angelo Cold Hardy Palms and Cycads

Jul - 92F/69F, Jan - 55F/31F


02-03: 18F;

03-04: 19F;

04-05: 17F;

05-06: 11F;

06-07: 13F;

07-08: 14F 147.5 Freezing Degree-Hours http://www.palmtalk.org/forum/index.php?sh...ee+hours\;

08-09: 23F;

09-10: 12F 467.6 Freezing Degree Hours, Average Temperature During Freeze 24.2F;

10-11: 13F 1,059.5 Freezing Degree Hours with Strong Winds/Rain/Snow/Sleet, Average Temperature During Freeze 19.4F;

Record low -4F in 1989 (High of 36F that p.m.) 1,125.2 freezing degree hours, Average Temperature During Freeze 13.6F;

Record Freeze 1983: 2,300.3 Freezing Degree Hours with a low of 5F, Average Temperature During Freeze 13.7F.

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One of my favorite pictures from the book! Ravenea xerophylla. Any guesses on how old it is?


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Jeff Rood

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Gentleman :)

lovely book and nice stills too...And by the way the cats all look great.Hope the publishers even give a cat with a copy of that book :mrlooney::)

Dear Jeff,that palm you have posted looks great ! :drool:

thanks & love,

Kris :)

love conquers all..



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My GP II arrived here in Hawai'i yesterday. I don't know how I will ever get any garden work done now! I made a promise to myself that I will start at the first page, and absorb every page before ever looking ahead even a few pages. I'm hoping this will make each day like yesterday, a thrill a minute! From what I have seen so far this magnificent work is a real stunner, a real treasure!

My heartfelt gratitude goes out to everyone who had a part in this creation.

garrin in hawaii

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Plinio & friend have great taste in literature.


Palms of Victory I shall wear

Cape Coral (It's Just Paradise)
Zone 10A on the Isabelle Canal
Elevation: 15 feet

I'd like to be under the sea in an octopus' garden in the shade.

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Violet guards my copy and has a read every now and then.


Happy Gardening



Queensland, Australia.

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Hope the publishers even give a cat with a copy of that book :mrlooney::)

No, it is just one cat per 10 books. :unsure:

...I made a promise to myself that I will start at the first page, and absorb every page before ever looking ahead even a few pages. I'm hoping this will make each day like yesterday, a thrill a minute!

I wish I could. I can't read it from the start and I just read it bouncing back and forth. I need pills :lol: Not too bad, anyway... after all, GP is the Palm Encyclopedia. It does not need to be started at the 1st page.

It makes me remember the first days of my first Genera Palmarum. I was 17, 17 years ago. This is a bit heavier and the smell a bit different. A slice of life and palm history.


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I have not gotten my copy yet but man it looks like a killer book!! cant wait to see my pictures in it!!

Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.

Abraham Lincoln

The way of the transgressor is hard

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"Many thanks to you, Carlo!!!!!"

That is one "gorgeous" and comprehensive book on our very favourite subject! Thanks for sharing the pix: they "whetted" my appetite to be sure. :rolleyes:

It's on my X-Mas wish list...someone better honour my "request" at home...if they want to avoid a black eye (just kiddin'...a maybe just a bit I think!)


Paul, The Palm Doctor @ http://www.thewisegardener.com

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Bear in mind that the new second edition is primarily a technical publication, a summary of the palm family at the genus level and a guide to the systematic literature. It's a very accessible publication in that you can learn the technical terms fairly easily through the glossaries and illustrations.

The first edition was pioneering--the late Hal Moore had worked long and hard at making sense of a difficult and poorly-understood family.

An impressive number of photos in the new edition were taken at Fairchild. It's a privilege to live close enough that it's possible to drive down for the day.

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Fla. climate center: 100-119 days>85 F
USDA 1990 hardiness zone 9B
Current USDA hardiness zone 10a
4 km inland from Indian River; 27º N (equivalent to Brisbane)

Central Orlando's urban heat island may be warmer than us

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