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Butia eriospatha x Syagrus romanzoffiana


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I have few pics of B.eriospatha x S.romanzoffiana. I saw some that were like they had Jubaea ´´blood´´,so big and fat trunks. Unfortunately I don´t have pics of most I saw! :angry: Nigel pointed in another thread that the fronds are more recurved.... Maybe the ´´brazilians´´ (Nigel :winkie: ,Kelen,Gileno) and others can post some pics here to show this hybrid and that the IPS folks with there trained eyes can see some evident differences between the two crosses..... :rolleyes::mrlooney:

This is a palm that grows in tibagi at mny fathers farm near the Iapó river.



Carambeí, 2nd tableland of the State Paraná , south Brazil.

Alt:1030m. Native palms: Queen, B. eriospatha, B. microspadix, Allagoptera leucocalyx , A.campestris, Geonoma schottiana, Trithrinax acanthocoma. Subtr. climate, some frosty nights. No dry season. August: driest month. Rain:1700mm


I am seeking for cold hardy palms!

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Inflorescence and fruits:



Carambeí, 2nd tableland of the State Paraná , south Brazil.

Alt:1030m. Native palms: Queen, B. eriospatha, B. microspadix, Allagoptera leucocalyx , A.campestris, Geonoma schottiana, Trithrinax acanthocoma. Subtr. climate, some frosty nights. No dry season. August: driest month. Rain:1700mm


I am seeking for cold hardy palms!

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Spatha: green with a very thin layer of brown tomentum,like the spatha it is dirty......


Carambeí, 2nd tableland of the State Paraná , south Brazil.

Alt:1030m. Native palms: Queen, B. eriospatha, B. microspadix, Allagoptera leucocalyx , A.campestris, Geonoma schottiana, Trithrinax acanthocoma. Subtr. climate, some frosty nights. No dry season. August: driest month. Rain:1700mm


I am seeking for cold hardy palms!

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Six pics (5 years old) of a Butyagrus in Curitiba: (palm,crown, trunk,seeds: comparation between B. eriospatha and queen)


Edited by Alberto

Carambeí, 2nd tableland of the State Paraná , south Brazil.

Alt:1030m. Native palms: Queen, B. eriospatha, B. microspadix, Allagoptera leucocalyx , A.campestris, Geonoma schottiana, Trithrinax acanthocoma. Subtr. climate, some frosty nights. No dry season. August: driest month. Rain:1700mm


I am seeking for cold hardy palms!

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  • 1 year later...

Two years growth

post-465-099143200 1292098413_thumb.jpg

Carambeí, 2nd tableland of the State Paraná , south Brazil.

Alt:1030m. Native palms: Queen, B. eriospatha, B. microspadix, Allagoptera leucocalyx , A.campestris, Geonoma schottiana, Trithrinax acanthocoma. Subtr. climate, some frosty nights. No dry season. August: driest month. Rain:1700mm


I am seeking for cold hardy palms!

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Thin brown tomentum on the spathes

post-465-091256700 1292098849_thumb.jpg

Carambeí, 2nd tableland of the State Paraná , south Brazil.

Alt:1030m. Native palms: Queen, B. eriospatha, B. microspadix, Allagoptera leucocalyx , A.campestris, Geonoma schottiana, Trithrinax acanthocoma. Subtr. climate, some frosty nights. No dry season. August: driest month. Rain:1700mm


I am seeking for cold hardy palms!

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Wow! I can't wait till my B. eriospatha gets big enough to bloom...then it will be time to cross pollinate. They look nice!

Gig 'Em Ags!


David '88

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