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Climate zones


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In many threats and presentations I find references to "zones".

I guess that means climate zones with certain specific caracteristics.

Where can I get a liste or a map of these zones?

And in which zone lies Kinshasa?


Wolfgang Hecht, Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo

4°19'54" S, Tropical, dry season June-September, average temperature 22-26°C,

1378mm average rainfall/year

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mpiodi, The USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) promulgated a series of Zones 1-12 that is meant to characterize climate. These Zones were originally intended for use in the US but have been extrapolated world-wide using the criteria. Specifically, if your lowest minimum annual temperature is between 30F and 40F, you are in Zone 10. If your annual minimum temperature is between 40F and 50F, you are in Zone 11. If your annual minimum is between 50F and 60F, you are in Zone 12. I believe Zone 12 is the highest Zone.

Your location and information tells me that you are well beyond the USDA Zone denominations and your climate is truly Tropical. The USDA Zone Denominations do a poor job in giving a full view of climate and I would argue the Koppen system ,as modified, is a much better indicator of your climate and what grows.

What you look for is what is looking

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Samirbouaq, I know Provence and Coastal French Riviera sites are nearly frost free. In warmest locations, I would guess Zone 10 under USDA(ie 30F-40F) annual minimum. I am more interested in what Palms of Tropical nature you can grow. Can you grow Coconut Palms? What is the effect of the occaisional "Mistral"?

In Florida, we grow Coconut Palms rather easily in Zone 10 even though we sometimes experience freezes.

What you look for is what is looking

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on the french will riviera we haven't any coconut, yes the riviera is in zone 10a to see 10b for the places more protected (I have just discovered it) lol

we have much palm tree on the riviera (phoenix, washingtonia, syagrus, and some archontophoenix)and other

the mistral relates to the western part of the provence.the mistral makes the sky very blue and of an incredible luminosity, and it has tendency has to make the air colder in winter.

some pic of the french riviera and the provence mu city my life lol



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Samirbouaq, You live in an incredibly beautiful place. Thank you for the pictures. Who cares if you cannot grow coconuts! Your English is great!

What you look for is what is looking

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Thanks a lot, Bubba. I have, thus, at least an orientation when I am reading some threads.

Maybe I'll find also in the Internet more details.


Wolfgang Hecht, Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo

4°19'54" S, Tropical, dry season June-September, average temperature 22-26°C,

1378mm average rainfall/year

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  • 3 months later...


Guten Tag!

You live in a truly tropical place, which means that your limitations will be different from those faced by most people on the Board. If my memory serves, most of the Congo is rainforest, so you probably won't be able to grow anytning that has to have a dry climate, like Brahea or Jubaea.

On the other hand, you should be in a perfect spot for, say anything that likes rainforest conditions which is a lot of palms. In your case, see if you can get your hands on some Lemurophoenix, which is legendarily lovely, and which most of us can only dream of.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Samirbouag, those are amazing photos. I wish I could live there, but I'm only 11. What country is that? I gotta go see it sometime!


Milwaukee, WI to Ocala, FL

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Hello Jason -

Almost 12 years old ? I think you are the most young person in palmtalk !

Samir is in France.

Edited by Cristóbal



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WHAOUUUUU 12 years old!!!!! ha ha you're the youngest member of palmtalk. :D

yes i live in the french riviera !!it's a such beautifull place. i love my country but i prefer california! for me it's the better places in the world. :drool:

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This makes me the second youngest member on palmtalk! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by Xenon


Katy, TX (Zone 9a)

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yup 13 years old !! :D

and I thought be the youngest member of palmtalk with my 17 years! ha ha but in july 18!!!freedom,majority :drool:

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