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Phoenix loureiri or hybrid?


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Hi all.

This is the first time for me in this forum.

The palm in the pic is very beautiful, specially in full sun, with trunk size intermediate between reclinata and robeleni and it suckers.

The relatively small size, elegance and shini leaves make it a almost perfect palm for small spaces.

The pics were taken in Lisbon BG, the only place where I saw this palm.

It is labeled as P. loureiri but in the EPS forum I was informed that it might be a Hybrid.

It is much less agressive than P. reclinata, but stronger than robeleni.

Unfortunatly it doesn´t produce seed.

What do you think? Has anyone ever saw this palm before?


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Olá João Tomé, welcome to palmtalk!

I have already questioned that theme, on the link below, and i remain in doubt :D


Até breve!

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Thank you, Rafael.

I´ve seen your topic.

Your palm loks a bit like these, but is it the same?

Could they be P. loureiri manipur (I could not find a clear image of it)?

How can one find a reliable, positive ID?

If it is a hybrid, is it between robeleni and reclinata? If it is, it could be remade.

I find this important because this is a very beautiful palm that deserves to be more widely grown.

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