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Palm Through The Roof


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Looks cool to me. It goes through the overhang, so water won't leak into the house


Palmetto, Florida (10a) and Tampa, Florida (9b/10a)

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weird place.looks like theres a giant antenna coming outta the roof.

the "prince of snarkness."


still "warning-free."


san diego,california,left coast.

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This is very common in south india where most houseowners grow coconuts. It is not uncommon to see alterations done to verandahs and external window shades as a last-ditch effort to avoid chopping any palms down.



Bombay, India

Sea Level | Average Temperature Range 23 - 32 deg. celsius | Annual rainfall 3400.0 mm

Calcutta, India

Sea Level | Average Temperature Range 19 - 33 deg. celsius | Annual rainfall 1600.0 mm

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This is my favourite.

Regards Andy.


Bangor, Norin Iron Zone 9a Min temp normally around -3 Degrees C, rarely -6C. Only 2 x -2.0C so far, verging on 9b this year. No snow or Frost this Winter. Several just subzero's this year, lets hope it stays this way. Normally around 5C to 10C + in winter, with lots of wind & rain. Summers usually better, 20C to 25 C occasionally 25C to 28C, also quite humid being a coastal town

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It looks a little funny, but I think its cool! Props to whoever owns that property for NOT CUTTING IT DOWN!

Now that second photo, well, I just would have all sorts of questions, like how do you keep bugs out? How does the tree get enough water being under a home? And, not the least of which, what happens if the tree dies or gets uprooted? That would seem like some extreme and EXPENSIVE renovation work!

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The Jubaea palm in post # 5 is alongside US highway 101 in King City, California. The roof construction is kept back several inches from the trunk to allow wind flexing of the trunk. This gap is covered with a heavy rubber sheeting attached both to the trunk circumference and the roof edge. The floor within the room is open to the ground around the trunk as well, which allows any rain moisture running down the trunk to percolate into the ground.

The owners of the property are quite proud of their palm, and they have a small brochure explaining the origination of the genus name Jubaea, and a few facts about this species' natural history in Chile.

San Francisco, California

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Yeah I was thinking about the first pic and the wind flexing problem. With a strong wind, that Trachy would be busting

that roof tile to bits or at least dislodging it. As stout as that Jubea is, it wouldn't be moving too much.


Hilo, Hawaii

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Wonder what happens when lots of beer is consumed in the house of that Jube? :blink::blush::innocent::sick:

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