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i recently made a post on the stuff I have planted in the ground.

These are update shots of plants that I am keeping in pots for one reason or the other--too small, too valuable, no spot in the garden for it yet.

This looks like a Sommeira Elegans but is actually an Areca Subacaulis.

Pits a pretty slow grpwer. I've had it 2 years but its still small. I've been moving it around a bit trying to find a spot where it will flourish. It has thick leathery leaves so I thoight that it could take a bit of sun--boy was I wrong.

It looks happy in this spot though-- its been here for over hald a year.

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



THis is Sommeira Elagans. Its about 2.5 feet tall now . I think I will repot it within the year, Still no place to put it in the ground yet.

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



Licuala Mapu-- this one is getting tight in its pot. The roots are lifting the trunk out of the soil or maybe its the soil thathas eroded away. Either way its time for a repot soon

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



Licuala Mattanensis- About 3 feet tall now but the petioles look stretched. maybe its in too shaded a spot

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



Philodebdron SP. Looks like a climber. Need to find a tree to fasten it on.

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time





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i don't know the species

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



licuala orbicularis doing good

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



Banana sucker with varigation

The mother plant was heavily variegated. The second generation was (2 full grown plants) were sparsely variegated and this is the 3rd generation

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



Spotted dracena. The leaves are getting bigger but the stem is basically naked. i wonder if this will branch off.

I have been wondering about how to propagate this. I was thinking of making a top cut bit I am not sure it will take.

Anyone out there have any experience with this species??

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



looking good gene, that mapu looks very well grown!!!


Corrugated bird's nest fern, I think this is an indiginous mutation. Locally they call it the "cobra" but there still seem to be some variations amongthem. This onehas ling and straight leaves --2.5 feet long. Others are ususally shorter

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



A native Schismatoglottis. not sure how that is spelled.

This one has leathery blue gray leaves. Really unusual yet beautiful leaves.

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seems to be a slow grower though but maybe its just because I haven't discovered its optimal growing conditions.

i seems to slow down or even go dormant in some partys of the year.

Other Schismatoglottis would have filled up this large pot by now.

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



Variegated licuala grandis. This seems to be speeding up in growth. Leaves are progressively getting wider. Still keeping its" variegation" consistent too!

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



Variegated licuala grandis. This seems to be speeding up in growth. Leaves are progressively getting wider. Still keeping its" variegation" consistent too!

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Katy, TX (Zone 9a)


Variegated Copernicia Alba.

I wa afraid that the variegation might disappear but looks like its still here even after the leaves have stared to fan out.


It seems to be growing just as fast as the others

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time




A bouganvilla 'guam' shrub. I'm trying to thicken those scrawny branches. Training it in the windswept style.

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



cycad seedling

E. horridus

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C cairnsiana

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



A couple of rare orchids that eventually have gigantic leaves-- over a meter long if you know what you are doing (which I don't--fingers crossed that I don't kill these)

Can't wait to have these growing on some palm trunks.

Bulbophyllum becarrii

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Bulbophyllum Fletcherianum

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Both of these have stinky flowers though.


Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



Trithrinax Campestris-- definitely not tropical. I am pushing this to the limits of its comfort zone.

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



Variegated licuala grandis. This seems to be speeding up in growth. Leaves are progressively getting wider. Still keeping its" variegation" consistent too!

Really stunning! :drool:



Bombay, India

Sea Level | Average Temperature Range 23 - 32 deg. celsius | Annual rainfall 3400.0 mm

Calcutta, India

Sea Level | Average Temperature Range 19 - 33 deg. celsius | Annual rainfall 1600.0 mm


Impressive Gene! The variegated Lucula looks like it is grown in a greenhouse. The leaves are perfectly grown and exibit amazing color. You definitely have your own slice of tropical paradise.



My Santa Clarita Oasis

"delectare et movere"


Copernicia cowelii- probably needs to grow 5 more years in the pot befor being planted in the ground. These are darn slow

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



A coiple of seedling od Cycas Hybrids. Diannennsis x Deabaoensis.

Each exhibiting different leaf forms

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



Wow! Everything looks great. Very nice young plants, love the mapu.


Hi Gene...

Stunning potted specimen. You definitely know how to grow them in pots.

If it is a draceana, you can just take top cuttings & it should strike easily. Just use a bit of cutting hormone if you want to be sure. But please don't kill me, if it doesn't happen.

Regards, Ari :)

Ari & Scott

Darwin, NT, Australia

-12°32'53" 131°10'20"


Fanpalm,Carver-Thanks! Licuala Mapu is definitely one of my favorites too. The great thing about it is that even non-plant people have an instant appreciation for it. Those mottled leaves really grab people's attention.

Xenon,Kumar,Tin - Sure is! The gradual variegation from the outer edged of the leaves into the inner have a terrific visual effect. I've always said that it looks like it is glowing. It's kept in a shade house so it never really gets the full blast of teh sun. Its actually fast growing for a licuala even if it is variegated. Its definitely faster than L. Mapu or Orbicularis and so far it doen't have any heath problems that usually plague variegated plants.

Ari - I am too chicken to even try.

Here are a few more plants I have that are not quite ready to go into the ground.

Tahina and aloes

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



This tahina is actually my back up plant. I've planted one, sold teh rest and Just kept this one just in case something happens to teh one already planted in my garden.

Ot almost getting too big for its pot. The roots are bursting out. Those leaves are about 2.5 feet across.

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Probably need to look for a spot to plant it or else sell it or trade it. it can't stay in a pot forever.


Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



These are the larger trunking aloes. Dichotoma, Cuprea, exelsa and another variety I am forgetting just now.

Smaller aloes are sold here all the time but I have never seen a large specimen the bigger ones around.

These are really cool looking plants and I am hoping that they somehow survive.

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They seem to ne having a hard time getting a foot hold to start developing a trunk and grow vertically. So far they seem to be top heavy, lean to one side and basically the trunk just crawls on the ground. Is this how they really start out before tehy start growing a trunk???

The leaves look very heathy--or at least I think they do. Any Aloe experts out there care to comment?

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



Copernicia Fallaensis--also a back up plant

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



A Ficus that I "inherited" that I am training to grow "root over rocks" style.

This is a stubborn species that will take a while to take shape.

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



The other rock that I am traing the root to grab hold of.

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



These are the larger trunking aloes. Dichotoma, Cuprea, exelsa and another variety I am forgetting just now.

Smaller aloes are sold here all the time but I have never seen a large specimen the bigger ones around.

These are really cool looking plants and I am hoping that they somehow survive.

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They seem to ne having a hard time getting a foot hold to start developing a trunk and grow vertically. So far they seem to be top heavy, lean to one side and basically the trunk just crawls on the ground. Is this how they really start out before tehy start growing a trunk???

The leaves look very heathy--or at least I think they do. Any Aloe experts out there care to comment?

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The unnamed aloe looks like Ferox, as for your question, no clue, would like to know the answer though, I have the same problem.


A couple of cool palms in pots

Coccothrinax crinita- the hair seems to dry up a lot easier in the pot. Doesn't look as fluffy. THis is about 3 feet tall now and needs to find a spot to grow.

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Corypha Macropoda- care of Kris in India. This was my only sprout from the batch of seeds he sent so I am taking extra special care of ot. I am thinking of taking down a coconut tree and planting this on that spot. The coconut is really tall and the nuts can be dangerous.

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



The Silver and gold agave

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The suckers that I seperated from the mother plant. They've taken root already and I am hardening them off now.

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



Agave Victoria reginei. I am observing these now that they are out of teh shade house before deciding if I should plant them in the ground or not

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



Coccothrinax borhidiana. Slow growers and are only 8 inches tall after 5 years . Some are even dwarfish --about halk the size in every dimension. Weird.

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



Driftwood/cascade bonsai in tyraining. Need to get the roots well established. then thicken those thin branches.

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



I forgot the name of this tree but its an indiginous plant here and grows in coastal areas. The flowers are blue powder puffs cluster all along the branches. Pretty cool!

It hasn't flowered for me yet though.

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Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time



I know it looks familiar... Is it Memecylon? Not sure what species.... I think I have Memecylon edule from Singapore.

Regards, Ari :)

Ari & Scott

Darwin, NT, Australia

-12°32'53" 131°10'20"


That tree with the blue flowers sounds interesting Gene-love to see it flowering, and ifyou can dig up the name let us know.

San Fernando Valley, California

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