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Butia x Parajubaea


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Butia x parajubaea seeds on the left. Butia X Syagrus on the right. I have read in previous post that these smaller seeds are no good however when opened they appear to be fine. Anyone know how long it takes to germinate the Butia X Parajubaea?

post-1930-070630500 1317686811_thumb.jpg

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I've found that most of the smaller seeds are solid wood and very few have a small single seed inside them. I still put them all down for germination, just in case.

Matt in Temecula, CA

Hot and dry in the summer, cold with light frost in the winter. Halfway between the desert and ocean

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Keep trying some of these crosses are long shots --- I went through this about 10 years ago

Thought I had sucess but just blanks -- Patrick in CA had some sucesses so it is very possible

It takes a while to get the technique and then you need the luck factore

Best regards


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Keep trying some of these crosses are long shots --- I went through this about 10 years ago

Thought I had sucess but just blanks -- Patrick in CA had some sucesses so it is very possible

It takes a while to get the technique and then you need the luck factore

Best regards


Well hopefully the larger ones will germinate. The butia x jubaea cross took really well. It seems the easier of the two to do.

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Good job Erik, sow them suckers and we'll keep our fingers crossed!

Orlando, Florida

zone 9b

The Pollen Poacher!!




Palms, Sex, Money and horsepower,,,, you may have more than you can handle,,

but too much is never enough!!

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Good job Erik, sow them suckers and we'll keep our fingers crossed!

Thanks Mark.

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