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Encephalartos Seed Success ??

Pedro 65

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Around 6 mths ago i posted pics of the huge coning Enchep senticosus ( pic with orange/yellow cone) now months later the cone is opening , Its done this a few times but I never pollinated in time and seeds where all floaters ( infertile) This time , I pollinated with a mix of Arenarus & Gratus, but thought it was too late..maybe not?

Any way, they uncleaned seed this time are sinkers...but..does this bugger all till the seed is cleaned?? Experienced Cycad seeders, I look fwd to yr reply, Thanks Pete :)




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The fact that sink it is good sign,but it does not mean that all those seeds are fertile,clean all the seeds that sink and should be store some months,maintain them always slightly humid.

After this period of maturation can open some of the seeds to see if you find the suspensor,this is a very gratifying experience, when finally after so many months of these cones are pollinated see fertile seeds.

Very interesting what you mentioned about pollination with soda water,I think it could work well,I'm doing some tests

Do not forget to treat the seeds with some fungicide.

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The fact that sink it is good sign,but it does not mean that all those seeds are fertile,clean all the seeds that sink and should be store some months,maintain them always slightly humid.

After this period of maturation can open some of the seeds to see if you find the suspensor,this is a very gratifying experience, when finally after so many months of these cones are pollinated see fertile seeds.

Very interesting what you mentioned about pollination with soda water,I think it could work well,I'm doing some tests

Do not forget to treat the seeds with some fungicide.

Thanks Roberto, I really hope they are fertile, its a real waste seeing 100s of beautiful looking seed infertile and thrown away.

Yes the flat Soda water was mentioned to me by a few good cycad growers in Oz.

Will let you know if seed is fertile.

Happy New Year. Pete :)

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