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whats the most " cork sniffingest" palm you can grow ?..........


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which palm is the biggest status symbol ?

I am guessing a huge trunking Copernica in California would be it or a fruiting coco.

what would it be in your area ???

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Relax yourself girl, preset command...

Matt Bradford

"Manambe Lavaka"

Spring Valley, CA (8.5 miles inland from San Diego Bay)

10B on the hill (635 ft. elevation)

9B in the canyon (520 ft. elevation)

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Boy, boy, crazy boy,

Get cool, boy!

Got a rocket in your pocket,

Keep coolly cool, boy!

Don't get hot,

'Cause man, you got

Some high times ahead.

Take it slow and Daddy-O,

You can live it up and die in bed!

Boy, boy, crazy boy!

Stay loose, boy!

Breeze it, buzz it, easy does it.

Turn off the juice, boy!

Go man, go,

But not like a yo-yo schoolboy.

Just play it cool, boy,

Real cool!


Edited by trioderob
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Lemurophoenix halleuxii

The weight of lies will bring you down / And follow you to every town / Cause nothin happens here

That doesn't happen there / So when you run make sure you run / To something and not away from

Cause lies don't need an aero plane / To chase you anywhere

--Avett Bros

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Watched Sideways yesterday...plenty of exposed cork in that show

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The weight of lies will bring you down / And follow you to every town / Cause nothin happens here

That doesn't happen there / So when you run make sure you run / To something and not away from

Cause lies don't need an aero plane / To chase you anywhere

--Avett Bros

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Full grown Lodoicea!

We have been told in Peradeniya that Lodoicea palms are only in the botanic garden and in the presidential house,

Naturally it makes you wishing being either president or head gardner!

How to get a Lodoicea in our own normal village garden?




Jungle Paradise in Sri Lanka


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Full grown Lodoicea!

We have been told in Peradeniya that Lodoicea palms are only in the botanic garden and in the presidential house,

Naturally it makes you wishing being either president or head gardner!

How to get a Lodoicea in our own normal village garden?

With great difficulty. They're far too large to smuggle or hide easily.

Which is why I also vote for Double Coconut . . .

Lemurophoenix seeds are 1/1000 the size and can be easily shipped if not easily sprouted.

Hmm. Maybe Juania for No. 2?

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People should get over Juania. It is only desirable because it is not available. I have a very favorable microclimate for this palm and I choose to not grow it. I did grow 5 plants from seedlings up to large 5-gallon size on my patio. These were planted at our Lakeside Palmetum in Oakland, California. 3 of the 5 have since died out, doing the typical Juania swoon where they look great until one day they don't, and die.

Any Ceroxylon is much easier to grow, more reliable, and has a more refined appearance.

(smiley face here, but I can't access the icons lately)

San Francisco, California

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The Wine Palm of course Jubaea chiliensis :floor:

Old Beach ,Hobart
Tasmania ,Australia. 42 " south
Cool Maritime climate

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Nice narrated emoticon Darold. Lol

Matt Bradford

"Manambe Lavaka"

Spring Valley, CA (8.5 miles inland from San Diego Bay)

10B on the hill (635 ft. elevation)

9B in the canyon (520 ft. elevation)

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Here, just a nice Royal catch everyone's eye.

In my post I sometimes express "my" opinion. Warning, it may differ from "your" opinion. If so, please do not feel insulted, just state your own if you wish. Any data in this post is provided 'as is' and in no event shall I be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, damages resulting from accuracy or lack thereof, insult, or any other damages

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I love a really nicely grown Archontophoenix....

what was the question again ? :hmm:

Happy Gardening



Queensland, Australia.

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I say let the masses do some cork sniffing. I nominate washies and queen. That way the guys who work two jobs and still can't afford property can also enjoy palms.

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Not into sniffing corks.... guess I have no class :bemused: I do like to "taste wine" and there are many palms that have great "taste". Even the relatively common bizzie is an absolutely stunning palm... I have a little butia yatay that I just drool over :yay: its such a fine blue color and slender leaflets... I'll leave the cork sniffing to someone who needs status, I don't...

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Formerly in Gilbert AZ, zone 9a/9b. Now in Palmetto, Florida Zone 9b/10a??


Tom Blank

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Status from a single palm? I don't think so... Respect is earned by being a successful palm-whisperer, like gtlevine or MattyB. People who can get palms to grow beautifully while the rest of us struggle, that's magical.

Kim Cyr

Between the beach and the bays, Point Loma, San Diego, California USA
and on a 300 year-old lava flow, Pahoa, Hawaii, 1/4 mile from the 2018 flow
All characters  in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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Status from a single palm? I don't think so... Respect is earned by being a successful palm-whisperer, like gtlevine or MattyB. People who can get palms to grow beautifully while the rest of us struggle, that's magical.

The only way that you can get to be a palm whisperer is to kill a few palms first. Ask Gary and Matty, they'll tell you about the fair share of palms they have killed. So all those who are "struggling" are just palm whisperers in the making. Gary and Matty have paid their dues, that deserves respect. Persistence is key unless you really have a hopeless brown thumb. I'm still at the killing stage, but there's hope in the garden. When it comes to house plants, I have a brown thumb.

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I have not killed a palm yet, but Louisiana winters have killed plenty. An all-time record drought killed a few. There was the Chamaerops humilis that the delivery truck ran over, however I was not driving. But, I guess you could blame that Butia on me, although I defy you to find the murder weapon.

In my post I sometimes express "my" opinion. Warning, it may differ from "your" opinion. If so, please do not feel insulted, just state your own if you wish. Any data in this post is provided 'as is' and in no event shall I be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, damages resulting from accuracy or lack thereof, insult, or any other damages

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I have not killed a palm yet, but Louisiana winters have killed plenty. An all-time record drought killed a few. There was the Chamaerops humilis that the delivery truck ran over, however I was not driving. But, I guess you could blame that Butia on me, although I defy you to find the murder weapon.

You planted them, that means you killed them. Even the one you planted in harms way.

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I have not killed a palm yet, but Louisiana winters have killed plenty. An all-time record drought killed a few. There was the Chamaerops humilis that the delivery truck ran over, however I was not driving. But, I guess you could blame that Butia on me, although I defy you to find the murder weapon.

You planted them, that means you killed them. Even the one you planted in harms way.

So, if I drop you off at a bus stop and a car runs off the road and kills you while you are sitting on the bus stop bench, then I killed you? I didn't plant it in the driveway. You'll have to explain your logic on that one.

In my post I sometimes express "my" opinion. Warning, it may differ from "your" opinion. If so, please do not feel insulted, just state your own if you wish. Any data in this post is provided 'as is' and in no event shall I be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, damages resulting from accuracy or lack thereof, insult, or any other damages

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I have not killed a palm yet, but Louisiana winters have killed plenty. An all-time record drought killed a few. There was the Chamaerops humilis that the delivery truck ran over, however I was not driving. But, I guess you could blame that Butia on me, although I defy you to find the murder weapon.

You planted them, that means you killed them. Even the one you planted in harms way.

So, if I drop you off at a bus stop and a car runs off the road and kills you while you are sitting on the bus stop bench, then I killed you? I didn't plant it in the driveway. You'll have to explain your logic on that one.

Killing a plant is a metaphor to begin with. Gardeners generally don't actually kill a plant unless they step on or physically mutilate a plant. The elements, or disease usually are the culprit. If you want to be literal about it then you should not have planted that palm in a place where the delivery truck ran it over.

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I have not killed a palm yet, but Louisiana winters have killed plenty. An all-time record drought killed a few. There was the Chamaerops humilis that the delivery truck ran over, however I was not driving. But, I guess you could blame that Butia on me, although I defy you to find the murder weapon.

You planted them, that means you killed them. Even the one you planted in harms way.

So, if I drop you off at a bus stop and a car runs off the road and kills you while you are sitting on the bus stop bench, then I killed you? I didn't plant it in the driveway. You'll have to explain your logic on that one.

Killing a plant is a metaphor to begin with. Gardeners generally don't actually kill a plant unless they step on or physically mutilate a plant. The elements, or disease usually are the culprit. If you want to be literal about it then you should not have planted that palm in a place where the delivery truck ran it over.

So, next time a delivery truck driver runs off of my cement driveway and into my flower bed because he is not paying attention, I will go apologize to the palm for killing it.

Now if you had gone there on the winter killed palms, I would have had no case.

You do know I am just having fun with this.

In my post I sometimes express "my" opinion. Warning, it may differ from "your" opinion. If so, please do not feel insulted, just state your own if you wish. Any data in this post is provided 'as is' and in no event shall I be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, damages resulting from accuracy or lack thereof, insult, or any other damages

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Wow, palms are status symbols!? :bemused: I HAD NO IDEA! :lol: Who came up with that concept anyway? And I thought we were just having a good time, trying to grow all sorts of stuff! :)

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Leilani Estates, 25 mls/40 km south of Hilo, Big Island of Hawai'i. Elevation 880 ft/270 m. Average rainfall 140 inches/3550 mm


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It's why Lodoicea is special; it's a Presidential palm (in Sri Lanka) !!¨But.... I am sure you have Lodoicea palms in your garden!

kindest regards





Jungle Paradise in Sri Lanka


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It's why Lodoicea is special; it's a Presidential palm (in Sri Lanka) !!¨But.... I am sure you have Lodoicea palms in your garden!

kindest regards


Planted three Lodoicea maldivica seeds in my old garden (in late 1999), and I was very happy to be able to do that. All three germinated and they have done very well over the years! :)

Leilani Estates, 25 mls/40 km south of Hilo, Big Island of Hawai'i. Elevation 880 ft/270 m. Average rainfall 140 inches/3550 mm


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I have not killed a palm yet, but Louisiana winters have killed plenty. An all-time record drought killed a few. There was the Chamaerops humilis that the delivery truck ran over, however I was not driving. But, I guess you could blame that Butia on me, although I defy you to find the murder weapon.

You planted them, that means you killed them. Even the one you planted in harms way.

So, if I drop you off at a bus stop and a car runs off the road and kills you while you are sitting on the bus stop bench, then I killed you? I didn't plant it in the driveway. You'll have to explain your logic on that one.

Killing a plant is a metaphor to begin with. Gardeners generally don't actually kill a plant unless they step on or physically mutilate a plant. The elements, or disease usually are the culprit. If you want to be literal about it then you should not have planted that palm in a place where the delivery truck ran it over.

So, next time a delivery truck driver runs off of my cement driveway and into my flower bed because he is not paying attention, I will go apologize to the palm for killing it.

Now if you had gone there on the winter killed palms, I would have had no case.

You do know I am just having fun with this.

Just sayin you're a palm killer like the rest of us, just admit it. :)

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I think you posted pics earlier which I saw! So the President is not alone, Congratulation!

Do you still visit your old garden?

Best regards





Jungle Paradise in Sri Lanka


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I think you posted pics earlier which I saw! So the President is not alone, Congratulation!

Do you still visit your old garden?

Best regards


Only on very special occasions. Like, when hell freezes over! :lol:

Leilani Estates, 25 mls/40 km south of Hilo, Big Island of Hawai'i. Elevation 880 ft/270 m. Average rainfall 140 inches/3550 mm


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