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    guest Renda04.jpg

Cool palm but what is it?


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I went hiking up Mount Makiling and saw this amazing palm at the entry point to the mountain.

I think it's a native species but I have no idea what it is.

It had seeds but they weren't ready for harvesting yet-- darn it!!!




Edited by Gbarce


Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time


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I was hoping to see more of it up in the mountain but there weren't any or maybe I just didn't spot them

Edited by Gbarce


Manila, Philippines

53 feet above sea level - inland

Hot and dry in summer, humid and sticky monsoon season, perfect weather Christmas time


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I'm gonna guess Marojeyjia insignis, but don't hold me to it.

Matt Bradford

"Manambe Lavaka"

Spring Valley, CA (8.5 miles inland from San Diego Bay)

10B on the hill (635 ft. elevation)

9B in the canyon (520 ft. elevation)

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Or it reminds me of an Asterogyne I saw in the conservatory at the Huntington.

Matt Bradford

"Manambe Lavaka"

Spring Valley, CA (8.5 miles inland from San Diego Bay)

10B on the hill (635 ft. elevation)

9B in the canyon (520 ft. elevation)

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I think Matty's got it. Maybe Asterogyne spicata?

"If you need me, I'll be outside" -Randy Wiesner Palm Beach County, Florida Zone 10Bish

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Matt Bradford

"Manambe Lavaka"

Spring Valley, CA (8.5 miles inland from San Diego Bay)

10B on the hill (635 ft. elevation)

9B in the canyon (520 ft. elevation)

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Oh my. Another palm to dream about. Thanks for the photos


Palms of Victory I shall wear

Cape Coral (It's Just Paradise)
Zone 10A on the Isabelle Canal
Elevation: 15 feet

I'd like to be under the sea in an octopus' garden in the shade.

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Gene thanks for sharing this super beautiful palm :greenthumb:

can you please updating your Copernicia Fallaensis pictures, i love it.

Thank you very much :greenthumb:

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Impressive and very elegant Palm, Gene.

Sirinhaém beach, 80 Km south of Recife - Brazil

Tropical oceanic climate, latitude 8° S

Temperature extremes: 25 to 31°C

2000 mm average rainfall, dry summers

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