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Caryota ID


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I have a doubt about the identification of a Caryota. It is a plant that I planted in 1997, the seeds came from Inge Hoffman and determined as Caryota Ochlandra, seeds from China.
But I was surprised last year to see the emergence of a sucker and a priori a second is planned for this year.
I do not think it's a Caryota urens and I know of no other Caryota rejects.
Any idea?
Foot and sucker (at left, the second sucker appears)
Edited by ghostorchid77
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I meant Caryota mitis Caryota urens and not for species that form suckers

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Caryota monostachya is a possibility for a cool tolerant suckering Caryota. There is a sp. known as Caryota "Mystery" which was meant to be suckering but never has here. It would be a similar vintage to your plant.



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I grew two of the "mysteries" caryota, one turned into maxima, the other one flowered and went to seed at 5 feet height, most likely due to heat stress, I keep watering it hoping a sucker will show up but it might be a lost cause at this point.

Someone else I know has a 'mystery' caryota, and it's indeed suckering.

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Thank you very much for the information.
So now I'll call Caryota spp. 'Mystery'.
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Happy Gardening



Queensland, Australia.

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Hello Walter,

For you, it is Caryota mitis! It is very strange that the sucker arrived after so many years. The palm tree was planted seed in 1997.

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