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Hellacious Hail in Nebraska


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I recall that one of our Palm Talkers is located in Nebraska, and I hope such PTer didn't encounter the hail shown below.




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I wonder if this is Warren Buffet's car?

He's a frugal guy . . .

(Hope it isn't. Not a joke for whoever's car this is.)


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So far my family back there has escaped the worst of it Some of my sister's inlaws had all their skylights, north facing windows blown out and holes punched through the roof by some of the hail.

Quite a magnificent storm.

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I recall that one of our Palm Talkers is located in Nebraska, and I hope such PTer didn't encounter the hail shown below.





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Funkthulhu, you okay?

Type a few syllables . . .

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Ow, my head. . .

"Ph'nglui mglw'napalma Funkthulhu R'Lincolnea wgah'palm fhtagn"
"In his house at Lincoln, dread Funkthulhu plants palm trees."

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Ow, my head. . .

Funkthulhu, had a coworker drive right into it yesterday. And by the way, I will be in your town on June 16th-18th. Land late and leave early, so really only there on 17th. Local university is one game away from College Baseball World Series. UL Lafayette is a real Cindarella story team, too. If they make it and play that night, I may even try to make that game.

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We mostly just got a lot of rain in town, 5.5" at the airport in a few hours.

Northeast of town, my significant other's parents had their farm pelted with baseballs. Lost windows, probably the roof, and all the crop.

"Ph'nglui mglw'napalma Funkthulhu R'Lincolnea wgah'palm fhtagn"
"In his house at Lincoln, dread Funkthulhu plants palm trees."

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We mostly just got a lot of rain in town, 5.5" at the airport in a few hours.

Northeast of town, my significant other's parents had their farm pelted with baseballs. Lost windows, probably the roof, and all the crop.

Yike, that's awful. The damage from large hail can be horrific.

We've had hail here in Cali, but nothing anywhere close to baseballs from heaven(hell). Garbanzo-sized hail was plenty bad enough. Marked up the palms very badly, though they did recover eventually.

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We mostly just got a lot of rain in town, 5.5" at the airport in a few hours.

Northeast of town, my significant other's parents had their farm pelted with baseballs. Lost windows, probably the roof, and all the crop.

Yike, that's awful. The damage from large hail can be horrific.

We've had hail here in Cali, but nothing anywhere close to baseballs from heaven(hell). Garbanzo-sized hail was plenty bad enough. Marked up the palms very badly, though they did recover eventually.

I don't think we broke any size records yesterday, but I did hear reports of Softball-sized hail in North Central Nebraska in the late afternoon before it started rolling toward Omaha.

Generally, we'll get pea to nickel-sized hail couple times each spring/summer and usually at least a few storms where we're looking for overhangs or fighting for garage space. I've been pretty lucky/careful, but I still have some dimples in the car from seasons past.

I did find it a little interesting how our weather likes to celebrate anniversaries. Twenty-Four years since the Night of the Twisters: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1980_Grand_Island_tornado_outbreak, though we didn't see nearly as many funnel-clouds. Mostly just Thunder-rama and some straight line gusts over 80 mph here and there.

"Ph'nglui mglw'napalma Funkthulhu R'Lincolnea wgah'palm fhtagn"
"In his house at Lincoln, dread Funkthulhu plants palm trees."

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Yeah, that stuff about breaking no size records is what's really scary.

Here's one from SD, that's 8" (20 cm) across.


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And, here's a blurb about big hail. Apparently, the guy who collected the big one above wanted to make daiquiris out of it. (I didn't think they drank daiquiris in SD . . . :) )

I HOPE that stays the record.

Here's the link:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, Nebraskans and others, any postscript to this?

Any more hellacious hail raining down?

I hear the worst hail is in India. Cantaloupe size. (I hope a small cantaloupe . . . . :bemused: )

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Had some 86mph straight line winds back at my folks' place on Saturday. Dad spend all day father's day cutting up half a tree that fell across the driveway. I think our spring storms are starting to peter out. Rest of the summer we're likely to just see isolated events from random thunderstorms (and tornados of course).

"Ph'nglui mglw'napalma Funkthulhu R'Lincolnea wgah'palm fhtagn"
"In his house at Lincoln, dread Funkthulhu plants palm trees."

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I flew into twin tornadoes in the area tonight. I guess spring has not worn itself out quite yet.

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I flew into twin tornadoes in the area tonight. I guess spring has not worn itself out quite yet.

Kinda remind me of Michael and Joe Andalucci, aged 3, back in 1966

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