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Butia odorata x Parajubaea sunkha


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Thanks Gary and Steve for the Sunkha pollen. Hopefully we will see some results.

First photo Butia odorata emasculated and receptive. Second photo is after pollination.



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Hey, Erik, ever do any Jube X Syagrus or Syagrus X Jube crosses?

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I have tried the Jubaea once but the pollen was not processed and was fried by the time it got to me.

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I hope you will have more succes then I with my several atempts of hybridization B. eriospatha with P. sunkha pollen!!!

I will now try on my B. catarinensis.

Carambeí, 2nd tableland of the State Paraná , south Brazil.

Alt:1030m. Native palms: Queen, B. eriospatha, B. microspadix, Allagoptera leucocalyx , A.campestris, Geonoma schottiana, Trithrinax acanthocoma. Subtr. climate, some frosty nights. No dry season. August: driest month. Rain:1700mm


I am seeking for cold hardy palms!

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Did they all abort on you Alberto? Or did they hold and the seeds were all woody inside? Succeed or fail. I am just happy I have the opportunity to give it a try.

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All the flowers on several infloresceces of my B.eriospatha aborted. But I´ll try again in future and also try on other Butia species... Some specimen (individual) trees are more receptive then others and maybe some "species" also. Let´s hope it will work on B.odorata, that proved receptive to P. cocoides before!! :hmm:

Carambeí, 2nd tableland of the State Paraná , south Brazil.

Alt:1030m. Native palms: Queen, B. eriospatha, B. microspadix, Allagoptera leucocalyx , A.campestris, Geonoma schottiana, Trithrinax acanthocoma. Subtr. climate, some frosty nights. No dry season. August: driest month. Rain:1700mm


I am seeking for cold hardy palms!

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Patrick hasn't had any luck with P sunkha pollen either


Modesto, California


Sunset Zone 14   USDA 9b


Low Temp. 19F/-7C 12-20-1990         


High Temp. 111F/43C 07-23-2006


Annual Average Precipitation 13.12 inches/yr.



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