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Who's Blue seeds

Pedro 65

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This is the Blue fruits/seeds of an Australian rainforest shrub which is rarely grown in any Australian garden, can you name this rainforest shrub? Winner gets 20 seeds with free postage :)





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Delarbrea michieana

Right on Ante, it has a common name of Blue Nun, heres its top and the added pic shows how "Blue" the seeds will be in a few weeks, I will post pics when the reach their Bluest, pic below is from BlackDiamondImages.

Lots of Rainforest trees/shrubs from Nth Qld have vivid blue fruits which is attractive to not only us but the Cassowary, one tree we are eagerly waiting to see flower and fruit here is Cerbera floribunda or Cassowary Plum.

Pete :)




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Very nice Pedro, I am currently converting a grass drain into a rainforest corridor. It is dry this time of year but during the wet season is quite boggy. Been planting lots of local (and near local) palms including Alexandra, Solitaire, Licuala ramsayi. Was going to put in Livistona decora but in my valley Livistona drudei is found.......... Aside from the palms I am putting in plenty of other tropical rainforest species but only the tough pioneers at the moment to get some cover up.

Airlie Beach, Whitsundays

Tropical Queensland

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