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Butia sp. gigantea


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This year the first time Butia sp. gigantea is available here in europe. The plants are from the south of Brazil. Some guys sell them as a crossing between Butia eriospatha x Jubaea chilensis. Is this possible?
Who can give me more informations about this spezies? ???

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Who is selling it as a cross with Jubaea ?

This is a tree growing in a part of south brazil near to the border with paraguay which is extremely large , with distinctive red leaf bases and straightish leaves.

I sent a pic to Dr Noblick last year and he told me it was a palm he was familiar with and was botanically close to butia yatay but differed in several respects.

He told me it was in need of further study but could well be a new species of butia.

Resident in Bristol UK.

Webshop for hardy palms and hybrid seeds www.hardy-palms.co.uk

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Nigel, any word on when seed will be available and who might have them? I love the Butia's and this one sounds interesting. Thanks, Jeff.

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Butia x jubaeas here in Cali don't get any bigger than the biggest butia capitatas.  If this one is closer to a Jubaea in size, it could be a Jubaea x Butia, or like you said, a NEW BUTIA!!!  COOL!


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The guy in Germany, who sells them, told me that the informations are from a Englishman. He is engaged with this species since some years. And now he is sure that the gigantea is a hybrid. I`ll try to get his name.


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It´s impossible that this Butias are hybrids, because.....there aren´t Jubaeas in south Brazil. The only Jubaeas I have seen untill now are my seedlings!!

Carambeí, 2nd tableland of the State Paraná , south Brazil.

Alt:1030m. Native palms: Queen, B. eriospatha, B. microspadix, Allagoptera leucocalyx , A.campestris, Geonoma schottiana, Trithrinax acanthocoma. Subtr. climate, some frosty nights. No dry season. August: driest month. Rain:1700mm


I am seeking for cold hardy palms!

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Hi Alberto,

they must be from a small area in south-east of Brazil at the boarder to Uruguay. I can only pass what he told me.

Where is the homeland of Butia gigantea?

Did the plant on the picture look like a Butia x Jubaea?

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I'll go along with Alberto.....if there are no Jubaeas in S. Brazil, then how could it be a hybrid? Sometimes we just have to use common sense and figgure out the odds. The pic of the palm shows very curved fronds.....not a trait of Jubaea.  It looks like a Butia to me.


Richard Douglas

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(bayerntt @ Mar. 22 2007,03:21)

The guy in Germany, who sells them, told me that the informations are from a Englishman. He is engaged with this species since some years. And now he is sure that the gigantea is a hybrid. I`ll try to get his name.

I imported the palm in that picture together with Herbert at Gardenpalms.

It is not a hybrid and the `englishman` he is referring to is most likely me, but I never told anybody it was a hybrid. Only that the trunk is huge like a Jubaea.

The parent palm is pictured, the ones we imported were progeny of this population grown commercially.

Gaston also knows these trees.

Normally at the nursery a standard forklift truck will lift a 2m trunk Butia eriospatha and that is already a bigger tree than capitata or yatay. Last year we received a 1m trunk tree of this species and the forklift would not lift it up.


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Resident in Bristol UK.

Webshop for hardy palms and hybrid seeds www.hardy-palms.co.uk

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Dear Bayerntt & Dear Nigel  :)

hey guys as more & more stills i see in this thread of the Butia

Sp. i have fallen in love with this variety.since its not as slim &

weak looking as seen in RPS seeds catalogue still.

Thanks for those stills folks  :)



love conquers all..



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  • 2 years later...

Does anyone have any updates about this plant or know if it has been imported into the United States yet?


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Kailua, Oahu HI. Near the beach but dry!

Still have a garden in Zone 9a Inland North Central Florida (Ocala)

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  • 3 years later...


Another 3 years from the last BUMP.

Whats the conclusion on this one?

Inquiring minds want2know...... :interesting:

Me too!

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Carambeí, 2nd tableland of the State Paraná , south Brazil.

Alt:1030m. Native palms: Queen, B. eriospatha, B. microspadix, Allagoptera leucocalyx , A.campestris, Geonoma schottiana, Trithrinax acanthocoma. Subtr. climate, some frosty nights. No dry season. August: driest month. Rain:1700mm


I am seeking for cold hardy palms!

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It should be easy to tell if it's a hybrid, because it'll have hooks on the leaflet tips if it has Jubaea in it.

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Matt Bradford

"Manambe Lavaka"

Spring Valley, CA (8.5 miles inland from San Diego Bay)

10B on the hill (635 ft. elevation)

9B in the canyon (520 ft. elevation)

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  • 2 years later...

A new bump. Does anyone know something about this new butia?

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1 hour ago, Kris said:


Here's a still of a Hybrid Butia..(Butia x Jubaea)







I believe that is a Syagrus schizophylla Kris

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Mike Ricigliano

New Smyrna beach

Florida, zone 9 Beachside

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  • 3 months later...

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