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Materials Need For Germination..


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello KRIS!! I've enjoyed reading your germination thread and techniques are excellent! I am new germinator, only started few months ago and unfortunately am based in the cold, wet UK. But having said that I've had great success with the Phoenix Dactylifera and even managed to germinate a few Medjool dates and Trachy Fortunei (still waiting for the sprouts) :)

I've had zero success with all other varieties such as Chameyrona Macrocarpa, Butia's etc so I will try your method with the coir to see if I have any success with these guys!

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Dear Mr.T :)

Iam glad you visited this thread and for keying in your valuable comments..First of all a warm welcome to you on behalf of our forum members.Hope to see you interact regularly in our discussion board.

And i personally feel that those that did germinate for you were regular or easy germinating varities.those which are still sleeping are a bit complicated ones.especially the butia's need oscillating temperatures and these germinate even after 6 to 8 months time,this is the fate for fresh seeds.And if you had purschased these seeds from online stores,then there could be chances that they might be little bit old to show some results.

And insist that you visit our forum regularly,who knows those varities that you desire to grow would be avaliable fresh from our members listings in


And some times there are members who give away fresh gift seeds gathered from their house garden.. :) So stay alert & visit this site regularly,even if join as a IPS member you get gift seeds from our respected member Mr.Joseph of Ortanique.com

And in future if you have successes in plam seeds germination,kindly take stills of it and post your writings along with the methods you have improvised in this topic header.I will be very pleased to see them. :winkie::)

Thanks & Lots of love to you,

Kris :)

love conquers all..



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  • 3 weeks later...

The visuals seen in this post,the seeds were from Brother M@x




Sabal tamaulipas




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Here are some visuals of Livistona Rotundifolia,you can see that its labelled as Goodyear Livistona..since the seeds were collected from a palm tree outside the goodyear tyre outlet here.So for identification sake i have called it so... :huh:





love conquers all..



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Kris i think i just find this thread. Its great to see! You are a fine Horticulturist! Never tried palms with baggie method,only tried it with paw paw seeds. I usually use pots or trays and keep them in the warm airing cupboard which is between 20 and 30 degrees C but space is low in this house! I like the bottles for transplanting too but am surprised that is suggested. Clearly it works fine though! Good work!

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Larry Shone in wet and sunny north-east England!  Zone9 ish

Tie two fish together and though they have two tails they cannot swim <>< ><>

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Great thread! Although I haven't tried to germinate any of my own seeds yet, this information will serve as a great reference!



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LA | NY | OC

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Dear Larry & Dear Peter :)

Glad you both liked it,and also thanks for the encouragement. :)

Lots of love,

Kris :)

love conquers all..



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From Brother M@x :)




These also from Brother M@x




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Great shots Kris, wonderful to see! Before I came here, if someone had suggested to me that palms could be transplanted into clear bottles I'd have been very skeptical! But you show that it works! I fear the bottles would fall over in the high wind here, would have to make some kind of rack to hold them all-certainly looks good though!

Are some of those seeds showing what is called Remote germination, where the root is sent down first, then a shoot sent upwards?

Larry Shone in wet and sunny north-east England!  Zone9 ish

Tie two fish together and though they have two tails they cannot swim <>< ><>

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Dear Larry :)

In my observation most of the heavy trunking palms like borassus,Coryphas,bismarkias,etc do fine in deep containers.If such containers are not provided then they try to lift up during the growing phase.And for remote germinators the medium should not be too damp at all.if not by the time the palm tries to put the upward grouth.It will get infected with serious fungus problem.. :huh:


Kris :)

love conquers all..



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Perlite Baggie Method ? :hmm:

Does anybody have pointers for Kris' Baggie Method in Perlite? I have a thermostat in one of the bags set at 90 degrees Fahrenheit. The thermostat controls the heat pad and an overhead lamp. My bags have a couple of tablespoons of water with the perlite.

I've had a lot of success using a half perlite/half peat mix.

The water would tend to drain to the bottom of the bag in pure perlite, the peat helps hold it in suspension around the seeds.

I keep the mix about as damp as a wrung out sponge.

Here are a few pics of my set up...

One fishtank inside another, with a 150w aquarium immersion heater inbetween.


End view...


Cement sheet lid on...


Dypsis onilahensis (left) and Pritchardia hillebrandii (right) germinating in 50/50 mix in bags.


The temperature seems to stay at about 30C (86F) which works well for most species - not so good for Butia spp. etc, which probably need higher temps and fluctuating day/night cycles.

I control humidity by proping the lid open during the day...it hasn't been a problem yet.

Hope this is helpful in some way.



Perlite is ideal to create air space. Vermiculite and peat hold water really well.

So the best compromise to keep the roots oxygenated is to use part perlite and part peat or vermiculite.

I have used a 50-50 mix of perlite with either vermiculite or cocoa peat.

I have also germinated palms in bags with nothing except the moist seeds themselves, but dont especially recommend it.

The advantage of vermiculite/perlite is its pretty much guaranteed sterile.


love conquers all..



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Here is a visual of one of my favouriate palm species...Corypha utan,the seeds were from RPS.com Some seeds did germinate in first batch taking only 2 to 3 months time,but few were there just sleeping in my baggie bag.And after aound 2 years recently one more buri palm germinated.And i never through away seeds that pass the sink test.. :hmm: And here are the visuals of that C.Utan Seedling.





Kris :)

love conquers all..



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