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End of summer phots

Bill Austin

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WoW!  Spectacular!!  Great garden.  Where is your slice of paradise?


I was in Maui with the family this past August.  I would love to live over there!!

Dana Point Tropicals - C-27 License #906810

(949) 542-0999

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Incredible collection of palms and beautifully grown. I would like to see more of their companion plants gingers,heliconias,bromeliads etc.

El Oasis - beach garden, distinct wet/dry season ,year round 20-38c

Las Heliconias - jungle garden ,800m elevation,150+ inches rainfall, year round 15-28c

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Awesome, Bill, thank you for taking the time to post photos of your wonderful garden.

It's these kinds of posts I am always looking forward to seeing here in Palmtalk.



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Sweet palms Bill! Thanks for sharing your pics with us.

What is this palm? I really like it. Reminds me of a young beccariophoenix and an attalea at the same time.IMG_20150922_23928.thumb.jpg.29393be5aa1

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Great garden picture tour!!:drool::drool:

I really like the fact you have everything so spaced out so you can really take the whole palm in.

I'm stumped on this one. can you ID it? My guess is "Blue Decipiens"? Hovkona?


Carlsbad, California Zone 10 B on the hill (402 ft. elevation)

Sunset zone 24

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One of these days I'm just going to pack up and move to Hawaii!  Amazing garden. Thanks for taking the time to share pictures with us. 

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The place looks terrific Bill, cant believe the growth with the Pinanga curranii since I was there last, hows your big Lemur going Bill, she trunking mate



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:greenthumb::greenthumb::greenthumb: Awesome as always Bill!!! 


Is that Heterospathe barfordii in one of the pics that is flowering? First time flowering?

Edited by Kennybenjamin
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Just spectacular Bill! Your garden demonstrates tropical splendor to the max!

El Oasis - beach garden, distinct wet/dry season ,year round 20-38c

Las Heliconias - jungle garden ,800m elevation,150+ inches rainfall, year round 15-28c

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Thanks Ben yes thats barfordii.

Paul the next leaf sheath should show wood, starting to show some real color at the base.

User00 that is calyptrocalyx patchystachys.

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Hawaii, is that not the land of eternal summer? Very nice tropical garden there! Something we can only grow under glass at our chilly  52 degrees latitude north! Also a good climate for Nepenthes there I guess on Hawaii! And you get very spectaculair ones!





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Bill- Wonderful post...thanks for sharing.-Peter

The weight of lies will bring you down / And follow you to every town / Cause nothin happens here

That doesn't happen there / So when you run make sure you run / To something and not away from

Cause lies don't need an aero plane / To chase you anywhere

--Avett Bros

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Just a few shots of around the garden….

Bill, with these "just a few shots" you make many of us so enthusiast, It takes time to watch your pictures in details and see them again. 

Palmtalk allows us to see "just a few shots" like yours; Many thanks to you and IPS Palmtalk,  :)

I know now that my garden is nothing. 

and I believe I should be able to identify all your palms and I am not!  :crying::crying::crying:




Jungle Paradise in Sri Lanka


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If I remember well, you also have Clinostigma? 
How are they? still there? I don't see them on the pics :)




Jungle Paradise in Sri Lanka


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Hey Bill,


 Nothing short of breathtaking!! You guys can really grow the best stuff and make it look easy. Love the little Browniopsis tree.

Searle Brothers Nursery Inc.

and The Rainforest Collection.

Southwest Ranches,Fl.

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