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chrysophyllum imperiale tree


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I was wondering if anyone here on palm talk is growing  chrysophyllum imperiale ? This is one of the most beautiful trees I have seen in a long time. There is a very nice specimen growing in Sydney Australia and Spain. If you are growing this tree can you post pictures here?




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Carlsbad, California Zone 10 B on the hill (402 ft. elevation)

Sunset zone 24

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If it grows well in Sydney , you should have no trouble in CA.

I have 1 but no pic sorry


Michael in palm paradise,

Tully, wet tropics in Australia, over 4 meters of rain every year.

Home of the Golden Gumboot, its over 8m high , our record annual rainfall.

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1 hour ago, aussiearoids said:

If it grows well in Sydney , you should have no trouble in CA.

I have 1 but no pic sorry


I would agree, but Sydney's yearly rainfall is much higher that could be an issue with the plants overall performance.

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Photos taken in Muricy farm, which belongs to a large collector friend of mine. Tree with about 6 years. Large leaves approximately 50cm long. The prefered tree of the Emperor Dom Pedro I, justifying its nam5707bb8b99866_imperiale003.thumb.JPG.c275707bbea13a87_imperiale006.thumb.JPG.f345707bbad0f9be_imperiale004.thumb.JPG.b5b5707bc2146d5d_imperiale001.thumb.JPG.f955707bc511b956_imperiale002.thumb.JPG.72ee.

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  • 3 years later...
On 4/6/2016 at 10:35 AM, aussiearoids said:

If it grows well in Sydney , you should have no trouble in CA.

I have 1 but no pic sorry


Dear friend,

I have been trying for quite sometime to get a few seeds from this species. If you have a few, i would love to purchase some.

if you ever go to the botanical garden in Sydney, I have been told that the large specimen there has a lot of fruit that just drop onto the ground and people just picked the seeds from there.

hope to hear from you soon.


kind regards,

Hernan Gomez

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On 4/8/2016 at 4:13 PM, caixeta said:

Photos taken in Muricy farm, which belongs to a large collector friend of mine. Tree with about 6 years. Large leaves approximately 50cm long. The prefered tree of the Emperor Dom Pedro I, justifying its nam5707bb8b99866_imperiale003.thumb.JPG.c275707bbea13a87_imperiale006.thumb.JPG.f345707bbad0f9be_imperiale004.thumb.JPG.b5b5707bc2146d5d_imperiale001.thumb.JPG.f955707bc511b956_imperiale002.thumb.JPG.72ee.

Dear friend,

My name is Hernan Gomez and I would like to find out if you have access to chrysophyll imperiale seeds.

In case you do, I would love to purchase a few.

Kind regards,

Hernan Gomez

The Netherlands

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  • 4 months later...
Em 08/04/2016 às 11:13, caixeta disse:

Fotos tiradas na fazenda Muricy, que pertence a um grande amigo meu colecionador. Árvore com cerca de 6 anos. Folhas grandes com aproximadamente 50 cm de comprimento. A árvore preferida do imperador Dom Pedro I, justificando seu nome e.5707bb8b99866_imperiale003.thumb.JPG.c275707bbea13a87_imperiale006.thumb.JPG.f345707bbad0f9be_imperiale004.thumb.JPG.b5b5707bc2146d5d_imperiale001.thumb.JPG.f955707bc511b956_imperiale002.thumb.JPG.72e

Gostaria de entrar em contato com o proprietário dessa fazenda, na esperança de conseguir algumas sementes dessa espécie, como os frutos amadurecem predominantemente em junho e julho.

Jean C. S. Melo - jeancarlossmelo@gmail.com

(31) 99269-9089

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  • 4 months later...
18 minutes ago, VictorBA said:

There are a few specimens in the botanical garden of Buenos Aires, this is the largest:


:greenthumb:Beautiful specimen!   Welcome to the Forum..

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VictorBA,  Welcome to Palmtalk !      Bienvenido !   :)    

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San Francisco, California

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